Thomas Gibson's Prophecies From God
From The 1970's to September 30, 2002
Compared To
Raymond Aguilera's Prophecies From God
From July 1990 to Aug. 14, 2002
Compiled by Rev. Jack Barr - Dec. 2002
For Comparison of Thomas Gibson's Prophecies from God to Raymond Aguilera's
Prophecies from God, and both with the KJV Bible on selected subjects
All files on this web site are condensed to show what God is saying through His True Prophets on the
subjects listed below. It is Highly Recommended that you read the entire prophecies on both sites for a
better understanding of what God is saying to us.
Thomas Gibson
Raymond Aguilera
A Comparison Table of Thomas Gibson's Prophecies to
Raymond Aguilera's Prophecies and to the Bible.
The Number of Prophecies for each subject,
and Percentage of the Total number of Prophecies from Thomas Gibson.
What the Prophecies of Thomas Gibson says about each
What the Prophecies of Raymond Aguilera says about each subject.
The Subjects, Taken from Thomas Gibson's Prophecies.
Quotes from the Prophecies
What the Prophecies are saying by subject
Quotes from the Prophecies
What the Prophecies are saying by subject
The Bible
Quotes from the Prophecies
What the Prophecies are saying by subject
Quotes from the Prophecies
What the Prophecies are saying by subject
The Churches
Quotes from the Prophecies
What the Prophecies are saying by subject
The coming Disasters
Quotes from the Prophecies
What the Prophecies are saying by subject
The Economy
Quotes from the Prophecies
What the Prophecies are saying by subject
The End of the Earth
Quotes from the Prophecies
What the Prophecies are saying by
Quotes from the Prophecies
What the Prophecies are saying by subject
Quotes from the Prophecies
What the Prophecies are saying by subject
Quotes from the Prophecies
What the Prophecies are saying by subject
Against America
Against Canada
Against the entire Earth
Against all Nations and Peoples
Against False Prophets
Quotes from the Prophecies
What the Prophecies are saying by subject
Obedience to God
Quotes from the Prophecies
What the Prophecies are saying by subject
Persecution of Christians
Quotes from the Prophecies
What the Prophecies are saying by
Quotes from the Prophecies
What the Prophecies are saying by subject
The Prophets
Quotes from the Prophecies
What the Prophecies are saying by subject
Quotes from the Prophecies
What the Prophecies are saying by subject
Quotes from the Prophecies
What the Prophecies are saying by subject
Quotes from the Prophecies
What the Prophecies are saying by subject
Quotes from the Prophecies
What the Prophecies are saying by subject
The Sheep and Goats
Quotes from the Prophecies
What the Prophecies are saying by subject
Signs from God
Quotes from the Prophecies
What the Prophecies are saying by subject
The Wars
Quotes from the Prophecies
What the Prophecies are saying by subject
Quotes from the Prophecies
What the Prophecies are saying by subject
The Subjects, Taken from Raymond Aguilera's Prophecies
Abortion, -- America, -- The Bible, -- Canada, -- Churches, -- Disasters, -- The End of the Earth, -- Fasting, -- Israel, --
Judgment, -- Ministers -- Obeying, -- Persecution, -- Praying, -- Prophets, -- Repenting, -- Revival, -- Russia, -- Satan, -- Sheep, -- Signs and
Wonders, -- War, -- Worship - There are no prophecies directly on
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