T. Gibson's Prophecies on

The Economy

Compiled by Rev. Jack Barr
On the Prophecies from The Start in the 1970's to 2002 09 30.1

The following are the entire quotes from the Prophecies, of what is related to The Economy in each of the following prophecies
** The The Next section tells what each of the Prophecies says about The Economy

I recommend that you read the entire Prophecies at T. Gibson's site http://prophetic-word.org

Key parts of prophecies are in Blue text, My notes (if any) are in Red text.

Economy -

1995 02 25.1

This is the word of the Lord concerning the future of the country of Canada. ---- I have already judged this nation with a debt load it cannot handle. ---- Canada's nation currency will suffer greatly due to this problem on the exchanges of the world. ---- but it will, at the beginning, bounce back for a short period of time. Later however, it will take some serious pounding and remain at some all time lows. ---- In My judgment of this country I will never allow it to have a balanced budget for the remainder of the life of this country. ---- Quebec will suffer serious problems financially till it can no longer cope with the situation. ---- I will bring it all to pass over a period of days, weeks, and years, even to dragging it out over several decades.

1997 04 06.1

The word of God is that you MUST be prepared for a financial crisis in the world. This will not be limited to certain areas of the world, but to the whole earth!

1997 09 22.2

There will be a three fold sign of the end times ----

1. the fall of an American President FULFILLED

2. The collapse of the American economy Started 2001, March

3. The infiltration unto American soil of enemy bands of soldiers to begin World War 3

1997 11 16.1

Coming is the time, near is the time, and soon shall be when the economy shall completely collapse. It will not come totally at once. ---- First there'll be some problems, then there'll be a crash, and so forth.

1998 01 21.1

For thus says the Lord, you shall see, in the next few months, a big crash on the stock market, and then you shall see it again, and then more of the same. For crash after crash shall occur and it shall come down to the level I have declared.

1998 02 07.1

Make no mistake. Few, very few are prepared for the judgment that is to come. Few, very few are prepared for the depression that is to take place in the very near future

1998 04 28.2

Judgment has come to this nation of the United States. It shall not leave till I bring that nation to its very knees, economically, politically, and as a world power I shall bring it to its knees, says the Lord God.

1998 05 17.1

Late in the evening when I had gone to bed, just as I closed my eyes, but was still awake, I saw a bright flash, and the sound of a popping light bulb (as when it bursts) ---- The Lord then said, "That's how quickly the economy will fall.

1998 07 05.1

This is the circumstances to which this world is now heading. It will lose control of its societies as it heads in to the greatest economic collapse that will befall mankind. ---- This collapse shall come fairly quickly, and as it comes people will stop obeying the law, because it is no longer convenient for them. As they become economically deprived they shall turn to illegal activities in greater and greater numbers, till authorities cannot control it in any way.

1998 10 27.1

This morning, shortly after waking up, as I was still lying in bed, I closed my eyes, and seen before me in my spirit with my spiritual eye, myself standing on the edge of a cliff. The front of my shoes were actually poking over the edge. The cliff dropped straight down out of sight. ---- Now this is the word of the Lord. This is a sign unto My people. The world stands on the edge of a cliff. They step off, they will fall. And the world shall step off, and they began to lose all the things that they built up, things of man that they have fallen in love with. ---- The money system is a great love which they have fallen in love with.

This is the first of a series --- see also ---- 2000 05 29.1 ; 2000 11 01.1 ; 2000 11 01.2 ; 2001 02 19.1 ; and 2001 03 17.1)

1998 12 02.1

Beware. Have you listened to My word? Have I not prepared My people? Have I not told them of things to come? Yet you stand on the verge of the greatest destruction of the economy of this earth. ---- This world shall not see an economy like it has now, ever again. I shall bring it down, and I shall keep it there. For they shall try and raise it up, but I shall not allow it. ---- Trust Me, says the Lord. When the great crash occurs, it shall come down. ---- Have I not for years sent prophets, prophesying that you are to pay off your debts and not borrow? ---- You hear the word. You stand on the verge of the greatest economic collapse in the history of mankind.

1999 02 13.2

The Lord gave me the following revelation concerning the upcoming economic crash on the afternoon of February 13, 1999

1. The crash will come soon. It will be a time of great disparity of mankind. From this time on there will be no turning back. Turmoil and trouble will come to all those who will not put their complete faith in God.

2. These will result in much hope and thinking that things will straighter out in a short time. ---- At the beginning there will be an acceptance of the markets coming back. This will lead to a short term rising of the markets in a significant way. But only for a short time. ---- Again it will crash and this time it will stay quite low. No attempts from this time forward will bring markets back to any significant degree.

3. Violence will become so bad that people will seek to leave the larger cities to take up residence in the country at almost any cost. This will mainly be available to those who still have some money left to them.

1999 07 19.1

If you knew how close to the beginning of serious judgment on this world - You would not be interested in the things of money, or the goods of this earth, or the ways of this earth. If you understood how close the time is when the goods of this earth shall fall, and the economy shall no longer be in the ways it was. ---- If you understood this time, your interest in finances would be absolutely low! And you would seek this Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit ----- And the things of this earth would not be important, If you understood how close the end of this earth's economy, as you know it, is.

1999 07 19.4

By the end of this year I shall shake this economy

1999 08 14.1

I saw before me the price of a food at $5.69. This was crossed out and underneath was written the price .21 cents. ---- After I woke up, the Lord said to me: prices are going to drop dramatically, for the people can't afford to buy things - otherwise they won't move their product.

1999 08 20.1

There are days coming, soon to be upon you, when you shall see the crash of the entire economy. When it comes, do not be alarmed. Do not go out in trying to save your goods which you have so hoarded up.

1999 08 20.4

There are days coming, says the Lord, when times that are hard shall seem harder. For the time that the world is going into, shall not be a time of turmoil like any other great depression that has ever been. ---- It shall be a time that is worse, and worse, and worse. Even the rich shall lose all their money. Many shall lose every cent they had, but more so than ever before. ---- For the times that come shall be very hard. When the world tries to get out of it and build its finances again, it shall not have success. ---- Limited success will occur, but it shall be very limited. For I, says the Lord, am putting an end to the god of money.

1999 09 05.1

These coming days that soon shall be when this earth shall reel from the economic deprivation of money ---- They won't understand how it could happen. The economy was so strong. The economy was doing so great. The economy was excellent. The economy was the way it should be. And yet, it shall not be. And the remainder of what's left will be sluggish, slow economy - much unemployment, and much unrest. ----- But that shall be the beginning. ---- For people that are unemployed - they shall seek to live by whatever means they can. ---- Violence shall erupt as it has not erupted in a long, long time. ---- This is what's coming. This is what's coming. Those who put their faith on Me shall walk with Me, says the Lord. Those who put their faith on the things of this earth shall find how fragile the promises of the world can actually be.

2000 05 03.1

NOTE: This prophecy explains the coming economic collapse, including a picture of his vision, which he explains. ---- Those with debt will be stopped early on, with many, or most, ending up in the ditch, but those who have their debt paid off will be able to continue on until the war starts.

See also 2000 04 14.1 for additional explanation of this vision.

2000 05 07.1

For the day is coming when soon you shall realize you're standing at the door of the great crash.

2000 05 12.1

For the United States shall first fall economically - first by economics, second by war - for I shall bring it to its knees. ---- Listen and heed the word of the Lord. I will deliver all the righteous and protect them from this time of wrath. But the nation shall be judged according to My word.

2000 05 17.1

This morning as I was in prayer and had my eyes closed I could see a man standing in knee deep water. Suddenly the water rose quickly to about his chest. As the waters rose I could see his face more clearly, and he appeared either unconscious or dead. ---- Then the Lord spoke and said, It will choke off the man and kill it. ---- Then the Lord also said that the waters are the finances and debts which will choke of the man which is Canada.

2000 05 29.1

While in prayer this evening and with my eyes closed, I could see a person standing with his feet partly hanging over the edge of a cliff. ---- It was close to a straight drop down a short distance. Then what appeared to be a jagged rocky area which angled downward somewhat, also for a short distance. Below this it looked like a hole, for I could not see the bottom. ---- As I watched the person dropped down on this rocky area, bounced down this slope over the edge and into the hole. ---- The first drop seemed quite quick. The bouncing on the rocky area was a bit slower. Then suddenly over the edge and very quickly went out of sight. ---- I got the impression in my spirit that the speed was very important. ---- This is the economy, says the Lord, this is what will happen as they step off into the beginnings of the economic crash. There'll be a short drop, an attempt to catch it which will appear to be working to some extent - that is, you will see a rough bottom, even thought he bottom will still be slowly be going down. There will be an attempt to catch the crash, then without warning, without any need, it shall drop into an unbelievable depths. So says the Lord your God.

Note: The Lord impressed upon me after this that He said the economy here, not specifically the Stock Market.

See also 1998 10 27.1 - 2000 11 01.1 - 2000 11 01.2 - 2001 02 19.1 - 2001 03 17.1

2000 06 25.1

Coming are the days, and soon shall be, when people shall carefully plan their life around what little they can make work. ---- Cars will run on the basis of what parts they can find to make them work. ---- For the economy shall be in devastation and the world shall be in turmoil. ---- They shall plan their lives around necessities such as heat, and food, and water - carefully planning. ---- Transportation will be taken carefully and well planned in advance - as much as they can - for what little that they have. ---- Those who have prepared their hearts before Me, who have sought the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords - they are the ones that I shall deliver. They are the ones that shall walk in miracles. They are the ones that shall walk in healing. They are the ones what shall walk through this time with their needs met.

2000 06 25.2

But I warn you, says the Lord, those who have put their trust in the finances of this world shall be devastated with the world. For coming is a time when the world finances shall fail, and the world's financial system shall collapse. ---- When those days arrive those who have put their time and effort into money will realize they have nothing. Those who have spent their time in prayer and faithfulness: they will have something. They'll have the power of the Lord to deliver and protect them and carry them through this time, says the Lord God.

2000 09 20.1

For thus says the Lord, great is the plans of the Lord God for the coming days. ---- I have directed some of My people to do certain things. Many are reluctant to do them. The planning for the future is the key at this point. ---- To pay off your debts is a key at this point. To prepare for the financial problems that shall come is a key at this point. ---- The days are soon coming when you will see the great financial collapse that has bee so prophesied by so many prophets for so long. When it comes, don't be surprised at the way it comes. Don't be surprised at long it takes to occur. Don't be surprised at how serious it becomes. ---- There is a God, which is Me, saith the Lord, which is above all else, and I control all. If you will humble yourself and obey My Word, I will be with you even to the ends of the earth, I will not bring a disaster upon you, but instead I will guide you through this.

2000 10 21.4

Time draws near for the crash, says the Lord, the economic crash that you have heard so much from so many. ---- Many of My prophets have told you there is a coming crash of the economy. Many of you have sought to know when it is, to know what you can invest in now so you can get out before the getting out is bad. ---- You want to get out when the getting out is good, but I say unto you, says the Lord, that this is the love of money! This is the love of the world! This is sin and stink before Me!! That you want to make money while the money making is good - and get out! ---- Your mind is with the flesh and worldliness of Satan! You have sought the things of the evil because you want to get rich and get out without losing it! ---- If anybody's money will be safe at any time it will be the ones who seek Me.

2000 11 01.1

As I woke up this morning, I could see a man in my spirit standing with his shoes about half way over the edge of a cliff, All I could see was the lower legs and feet, which had shoes on. As I watched the man, he slowly shuffled his feet ahead until they were so far over the edge that only that last half of his heels were still on the ground. ---- As I wondered about this, this word of the Lord: This, Thomas, is the economic collapse that he is about to step into.

See also 1998 10 27.1 - 2000 05 29.1 - 2000 11 01.2 - 2001 02 19.1 - 2001 03 17.1

2000 11 01.2

As I had seen earlier (2000 11 01.1) the man with the legs and feet (with shoes on) standing over the edge of a cliff with only the last half of his heels still on the ground. ---- But this time he had moved ahead and only the very last little bit of his heels were still on the ground. The rest of the shoe was sticking over the edge of the cliff ---- Then this word of the Lord: this is to come, but very soon.

See also 1998 10 27.1 - 2000 05 29.1 - 2000 11 01.1 - 2001 02 19.1 - 2001 03 17.1

2000 11 01.3

In my spirit I could see a line. This line went upward sharply for a short distance. Then it fell downward, also very sharply, but for a very long distance. Much longer than the distance it had gone up. Then, again it went up sharply for a short distance and down again. It did this several times, but I could not recall how many. After this it somewhat leveled off, and took only small up or downward directions. I had the impression in my spirit that this was part of a much larger graph, and I was only seeing a small part of it ---- They this word of the Lord: Thus says the lord, this is the world economy and what shall happen. It is the beginning of My very serious judgments on this earth.

2001 01 04.1

Thus says the Lord. Hear and understand the word of God. For the times and the seasons ahead are close to the economic crash. You see much turmoil in stock markets and in economic forecasts. ---- This is not the crash, but it is the fore-goings before the crash. ---- You shall see much of this. Do not let it alarm you. Know that the time is at hand and soon shall be that the economic crash will come.

2001 01 20.1

For in these days you shall see a lot more financial problems than ever before. And you shall say, "This is the beginning of the crash," and you'd be right. It is the beginning of it, just at the door, just about to take place; for this is the beginning of it. ---- Many things shall happen in this crash. It shall not occur at once. And each event will bring it farther down the road toward the bottom. ---- However, if you will listen to the world's financial institutions - to study what they say when it occurs, and how to get through and how to protect yourself - you will lose. ---- God is greater than anything the financial institutions can come up with. He will meet your needs. ---- So stand and know that at the door is the first beginnings of the real crash. ---- And each step that comes will be another step toward the bottom of the rock, and the rock at the bottom is the bottom of the financial world - till the financial world only produces what is necessary. Things like food, clothing, and heat and shelter. --- Even then many people will be troubled to be able to afford them. At first it will look like a recession, but much more is coming than the recession. ---- So stand by and let the world know that you stand with the Lord Jesus Christ. Let Him guide you , and in each individual case I shall show you how to stand in faith and receive from the Lord, and the needs shall be met.

At the start of 2002 - the company "Enron" a financial institution, came crashing down with it's false book keeping, which shook the financial world --- this was followed by several more financial companies falling for the same false book keeping. Falling like dominos within months.

2001 02 03.1

When the crash comes - and it shall come, and it shall come soon, and it shall come very soon - and when it comes, I will crash many ministries at that time. For you see they will have raised themselves up on a tidal wave of prosperity of the world, and when that prosperity falls, they will fall with it. For their foundation is built on the love of money.

2001 02 19.1

In prayer, this morning, I could see a man standing with his feet so far over the edge of a cliff that only the back of his heels were on the ground. As I watched, he moved his right foot ahead so that he was standing with only the back of his left heel on the ground. ---- (This appears to be a continuing vision of the man; this being the fifth such vision.) --- Then this word of the Lord: thus saith the Lord, the man represents the economy about to step over the cliff and to fall down. But I say unto you, Thomas, learn not how close it is, but speak the word, and know when it comes it shall come by My hand and by My direction.

See also 1998 10 27.1 - 2000 05 29.1 - 2000 11 01.1 - 2000 11 01.2 - 2001 03 17.1


2001 03 17.1

I could see in my spirit the man walking up to the edge of the cliff (This is a continuing series of visions of the economy. This is number six in the series.) ---- I could see him step out with his heels so close to the edge that he was barely on the ground. ---- As I watched, he stepped right off the cliff and began to fall. As he did so the scene before me was frozen, as you would freeze frame from a video machine. ---- The Lord said: this is how far it has gone - it has begun! ---- Thus says the Lord, hear Me My people. Do not look unto the finances of this world, but look unto the spirit of God, and He shall lead you through.

See also 1998 10 27.1 - 2000 05 29.1 - 2000 11 01.1 - 2000 11 01.2 - 2001 02 19.1

2001 03 17.3

For thus says the Lord. The days that come as you see this crash, and as you see things being fulfilled in the prophetic - it is a sign that things are being spoken by God and not by man.

2001 03 28.1

For thus saith the Lord. Watch not the market to seek to determine whether it goes up or down. Heed the word of the God of the universe: it is gong down. ---- Whether it goes up or whether it goes down of a give day, it is going down. ---- This is the time of the crash. And as it comes seek not the world and its finances. For those who seek the world and its finances, they shall be judged, even My people who have sought not after Me but after the world.

2001 08 26.1

But I am going to open up a great time of judgment on this earth for its sins. That time is here now. The first major thing you will see is the crash of the economy (The worldwide crash that will reverberate through every nation in the earth) ----- That is the first thing I will do that is of a major type of judgment.

2002 03 16.1

For thus says the Lord, this is the land of plenty that I have given: as Joseph when he served in Egypt, hand in hand with Pharaoh, during 7 years of good and 7 of bad. What I tell you, now is the time of plenty. These days are the days of plenty. ---- Coming are the days when there shall not be plenty. For the great economic crash, of which many do not believe, is arriving at the door. And when it has fully come many will still deny, saying, "it will return to normal, we will build back up." But every time they try they will fail. ---- For My hand shall be upon it. ---- The love of money has risen up unto Me, and I am destroying it, saith the Lord, I am destroying it. So shall it be.

2002 04 14.1

NOTE: This is an additional explanation of the economic vision that was given in 2000 05 03.1

See 2000 05 03.1 for the original vision that this prophecy explains.

2002 05 06.2

When you see great wrath coming on the United States know that I am bringing down the economy

2002 07 21.2

For thus says the Lord, I am the God that controls all things. Therefore do not be in fear of what you see within the stock markets of the United States. They will suffer a series of setbacks in their reach to be a word power in the years to come. They will fall as a world power as I have stated through many prophets. They shall not regain that position again.

2002 08 11.1

As I was in prayer this afternoon the Lord showed me the following: ---- I could see a chart with one line on it. It went up and down in a jerky fashion. Suddenly it dropped off so low that it was almost off the bottom. Then I continued its jerky up and down motion, but it was now doing so very near the bottom of the chart. ---- Then the Lord said: this is the stock market. You will soon see the sudden drop off to the bottom. Many will not believe that it cannot rise again - but each attempt to resurrect their money god will result in failure.

2002 09 28.2

When the crash comes I will bury Canada in debt. ---- It thinks it is doing good economically, however, I shall soon turn this nation's economy around. ---- So says the Lord.

2002 09 30.1

I am willing, says the Lord, to relent of all My judgments on America as soon as she turns away from her sins. ---- But do they cease from the love of money? ---- I will turn their economy upside down.

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