Compiled by Rev. Jack Barr
The following are the quotes from the Prophecies, arranged according to specific subjects of what is related to Worship in each of the following prophecies listed
I recommend that you read the entire Prophecies at T. Gibson's site
Only the Almight God
1995 11 04.3 I am the Lord God. I am the One to worship, not nature,
1995 11 20.1 I am first! You shall have no other gods before Me: no gods of satan, no gods of earth, no gods of the ways of men, no gods of the ways of this planet which no longer walks after the ways of God but after the flesh! I am the only God of Heaven, the only God which is in power
1996 05 21.1 In the age to come, the one thousand year age, there will come a time of deep devotion to Me, says the Lord
1996 07 20.1 I desire a people who will serve the Lord God of Israel with their whole heart, with their whole mind, and with their whole desire. Their whole heart must be turned to Me, and no to the things of this earth
1996 09 14.2 If you will walk in My ways, and seek Me, and follow My commandments, and seek My ways, these times will be a prosperity and a blessing to you
1997 03 01.1 This is My word. I will take the gods and goddesses of this world, who the world loves and worships, the things, the objects that they take hold of instead of Me, and I shall turn them against them so that their gods and goddesses that they worship, is now, soon to be, turning against them to destroy them, and they shall have no other god but the God of heaven and the god of earth
1997 11 23.1 For I am a King, says the Lord, and I seek for a servant to follow Me --- No I seek for a people willing to worship Me, willing to serve Me. Willing to set aside their earthly cares, and seek, and bow the knee to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords
1999 04 29.1 One thing! That is this. That you completely dedicated yourself to My call.
1999 09 06.1 This renewal shall come in only a single way. It shall come by the reverence, fear, dedication to the Father from My people, says the Lord. ---- when this comes, it comes one way: by the reverence, fear, dedication of my people to My word and My will
2000 04 22.1 But I tell you, says the Lord, I am in control of everything! Those that put their hands up in worship to Me are paying tribute to Me. But those who humble themselves and obey every last word of the living God - those people I reward, I protect; and I reward
2000 06 25.1 I am the God of every single person who will bow the knee to serve Me
2000 07 27.1 in many churches, in many places of worship, there are not mighty deeds going forth, these do not go forth because they have not met the standard of the Word of God for a church in this age
2001 02 25.1 Thus saith the Lord, these are those who are truly saved, who seek My will (and not My ways to get themselves saved, as in fire insurance), but who seek My will and seek My ways to be saved to serve the Lord Jesus Christ, who seek to worship Me, who seek to bow down to the great God of the universe, the God of everything that has ever been made. These people know the truth, humble themselves, and obey the word of God.
2001 04 11.1 But so many have gone into their churches and into their homes and been quiet about their worship with Me
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