T. Gibson's Prophecies on

By Subject

Compiled by Rev. Jack Barr

The following are the quotes from the Prophecies, arranged according to specific subjects of what is related to Revival in each of the following prophecies listed

I recommend that you read the entire Prophecies at T. Gibson's site http://prophetic-word.org


Judgment and Wrath brings Revival

1998 10 18.1 That this judgment and wrath that comes will bring about a great revival -- I'll bring these revivals up, here and there,

1998 10 18.1 And as they seek more of a repentance among God's people and among the world, I will bring it to pass. for it is this that brings true revival: a prayer from the heart to do anything that is necessary to serve the Lord, and to bring a revival to the nations. ---- That's how revival begins. It begins from the heart of My people who will serve Me above all things.

1998 10 24.2 For I am bringing a new revival to this land, this land of North America

1998 10 24.2 I am bringing a revival, says the Lord. There will be a strong revival, but not like revivals that you have known in the past. This revival shall occur NOT in the hierarchy of the churches, but rather it shall occur in the streets, it shall occur in the lowly places, and it shall occur wherever people gather

1998 10 24.2 For I will bring you a revival that will affect the young people. I will bring you a revival that will affect all of the things that go on on the street. You will not be able to walk down the streets of some cities without knowing that there is revival in the land, it will be so obvious

1998 10 24.2 For this revival that comes shall be a strong revival. There will be more miracles and ore moves of God, more of the hand of God than you have ever seen in your life before. This shall come in the very near future.

1998 10 24.2 Revival is coming! And it shall not be like anything you have ever known before. It shall be like something that is right out of the book of Acts. ---- Understand that revivals in those days were not some calm little thing occurring inn some little corner of the city that people hardly ever heard of!

1998 10 24.2 This revival shall touch all! But people will know about it! This will not occur in a corner! This will occur openly! It will shake the entire nations, and it will shake cities, and it will shake towns.

1998 10 24.2 you shall see revival like you have never seen revival before. This is a time of revival.

1998 10 24.2 BUT THIS SHALL BE THE POWER OF THE LIVING GOD!! And it will shake many. It will shake many. And a few in the church shall begin to turn, but most will not turn to Me in this revival.

1998 10 24.2 But read the Book of Acts, and know that this is the revival that shall come. Thousands shall come at a single day to the knowledge of the Lord. And it shall shake cities. It shall create uproars

1998 10 24.2 But beware in these days of revival. Beware in these days of revival. There is a coming revival that shall never, never be foreseen by man. This day of revival is almost at hand. This day of revival shall soon be. ---- Now I am laying the foundations of that revival even in this hour. The judgments of God must come first

1998 10 24.2 So note the judgments that shall come. It shall pave the way for a great revival that shall usher in millions of souls into the Kingdom of God.

1998 10 24.2 And churches that shall lean to the understanding of the Lord, shall be shook and revived!

1998 10 24.2 You want to know who is going to be true in this revival, and who isn't? Look to those who do not fight against their own brothers

1998 10 31.1 But what I shall bring about, says the Lord, shall be a strong revival, but through a new move of God to destroy the works of man among My people

1999 03 09.1 those who follow My will, will be responsible and participating in the greatest revival, and soul gathering that has existed since the beginning of time.

1999 09 06.2 (on the city of Red Deer, Canada) It shall seek to humble and bring down those lofty in this earth. ---- And when it does, some, just some, will come to repentance. Because of that, I will bring revival upon this place. I will bring a revival.

2000 05 14.2 Stand for the Word of God and you shall have a part in the end time revivals that are coming very soon.

2000 07 11.1 This is the time of great revival, just at the beginning of this revival, just at the beginning of the laying down of the foundation of this revival!

2000 12 17.1 As the prophecies of judgment and revival go out, realize that their prophesying is a reality that is to bring about the revival

2001 01 04.1 Take note of the book of Acts. For in there great revivals occurred, but also great persecution! The two must go together. ---- Stand and beware, this is the time of great revival, of true revival, and of true persecution.

2001 01 20.1 just now we are beginning to reach into the beginning of the great revival of the end times when My people shall stand up and be glorious, shall stand up in power; they shall stand up in strength --- When this relying on the glory comes, then revival comes, saith the Lord

2001 02 07.1 You'll see a revival come forth from this. You'll see a revival like never before, saith the Lord!

2001 02 07.2 Thus says the Lord, coming is the Russian invasion throughout Canada and most of the U.S --- But it is also after this time you shall see the greatest revival ever to come, rise up. Before that time you shall see revival But the revival to come after will be much stronger, and much strengthened., says the Lord.

2001 04 05.2 But it is nevertheless going to bring about a great revival. This revival will come in the unity as the people of the church come into the street and start witnessing like never before, saith the Lord.

2001 05 05.1 I am God. I am the One who will, and is now, bringing revival to those who have served Me in their heart. Those who have made a pretense of service will not walk, at this time, in this revival

2001 05 05.1 This is my will: that all those who will willing serve Me walk in all of the revival that is to come. It will be a time of renewal of My people, a time of revival of their souls, a time of renewal of their health, a time of revival for all those around.

2001 06 17.1 for as I raise up this church, which I am doing in this day, there shall come a great revival, there shall come a great revival.

2001 06 17.1 But a church that is not named by man, but is simply The Church, it can bring revival, and a great revival it shall bring. Throughout the land wherever you are this revival shall come.

Many will fight the True Revival

1998 10 24.2 It shall not sit well with many people. But it shall sit well with Me, for great is the coming revival

1997 11 13.1 Thus says the Lord, beware and know that there are people in the midst of revival that seek to pervert it --- They seek to pervert My revivals. --- I will turn not aside from putting My hand against those who have sought to pervert My revivals

1998 10 24.2 And many of the church shall fight against this revival. For they shall see it not as a revival, but as a turning against the ordinances of the church.

1998 10 24.2 For the churches are not the major of this revival - not the churches as you know them. The churches as you know them are the hierarchy of man

False Revival coming

1997 07 04.1 Thus says the Lord God, there is coming a world wide revival; much greater than you have seen. ---- And for many purposes it shall look like a revival sent from the word of the Holy Ghost. ---- HOWEVER, thus says the Lord, it will be NOT of Me. --- People will change and seek after this new revival.

1998 10 24.2 Some of the so-called revivals of the land; you would go out into the churches, and you ask them and they'll know; but you go out into the streets, and THEY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT IT!!

1998 10 24.2 The many that preach: revival, revival, revival, and oh, things will be different--but I tell you judgment must come first. For until people are brought down from the lusts of the world by the judgments of God revival cannot be!

2001 06 17.1 the fractured church of Jesus Christ, which seeks its own divisions cannot bring revival

2001 06 17.1 But until I burn out divisions, bring unity, and a humble obedience to the spirit of God, the church cannot lead this revival. For the church itself is in need of reviving. And when I revival it, it shall go forth and a great return to the Lord Jesus Christ shall come. But it will take judgment, chastening, burning sin out, to get the church back where it ought to be

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