Compiled by Rev. Jack Barr
On the Prophecies from The Start in the 1970's to 2002 09 30.1
The following are the entire quotes from the Prophecies, of what is related to
Abortions in each of the following prophecies
** The section following tells what each of the Prophecies says
about Abortion
I recommend that you read the entire Prophecies at T. Gibson's site
Abortion -
1994 11 01.1
Now after this there must become a way of destruction from the will of Satan, He will first desire that
abortion on demand be law, and it will be so. You will see this come to pass in the next few years.
Jan 1978, U.S. Supreme Court rules in Roe ver. Wade, that abortions are legal.---- Apr. 1996 president vetoes law to stop partial birth abortions.
2000 10 21.5
The United States kills more children than any other, its called choice
2001 10 08.1
They have continued with the murder of the unborn.
Abortion on demand is common in the U. S. A., including by young teenagers.
2001 10 17.1
Less than 6 thousand people died when the towers came down, and you call that evil. But 40 million
children have died because of what you call freedom. --- Yet you allow it to continue.
The Twin Towers in New York City, brought down by terrorist flying airplanes into them on September 11, 2001.
2001 12 06.1
The nation of America continues its evil; for it murders the unborn child ---- They have not only
murdered the unborn child, they have taken My Name out of Schools.
Below is what each Prophecy is saying about Abortion
1994 11 01.1
from the will of Satan, He will first desire that abortion on demand be law, and it will be so. Jan 1978, U.S. Supreme Court rules in Roe ver. Wade, that abortions are legal.---- Apr. 1996 president vetoes law to stop partial birth abortions.
2001 10 08.1
They have continued with the murder of the unborn. Abortion on demand is common in the U. S. A., including young teenagers.
2001 10 17.1
But 40 million children have died because of what you call freedom. --- Yet you allow it to continue.
2001 12 06.1
The nation of America continues its evil; for it murders the unborn child
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