A Table showing the Comparison of Thomas Gibson's Prophecies to Raymond Aguilera's Prophecies and Both to the Bible.

By Rev. Jack Barr

Thomas Gibson http://prophetic-word.org
Raymond Aguilera
Bible verses from The King James 1611 version

Compiled from the Prophecies of Thomas Gibson, Prophecies from 1970's to 2002 09 30.1
Compiled from the Prophecies of Raymond Aguilera, Prophecies from July 1990 to Aug 14, 2002

The Following Table is a comparison of similar prophecies on the subjects listed. These prophecies speak of the same basic matters, and how God speaks on His desire, and Commands, and on how man is rejecting God's Word. It is recommended that you go back to each man's web site and read the prophecies for yourself, as what I am posting here, and in additional files connected to this file, are highly condensed to only the bare subject matter to show the sense of what God is saying through these two men, who are True Prophets of God.

As shown under the Bible heading, the verses listed are only a sample of all the Bible verses which referred to these subjects, and no attempt has been made to list all of them, nor has any attempt been made to count how many verses in the bible cover these particular subjects. Rather, they are only to show that these prophecies of both Thomas Gibson and Raymond Aguilera agree with each other and agree with the Word of God as shown in the KJV Bible.

The prophecies under each subject is listed by prophecy number under each Prophet's name. This is so that you may look up the prophecies and compare prophecy against prophecy, and then see how the Bible speaks about it. God does not change, so what God has done before, He will do again, and for the same reasons.

May God lead you to the understanding that God Does have Prophets today, and that these prophecies are the Word of God through His Prophets.

Rev. Jack Barr


Prophecies By
Thomas Gibson

Prophecies By
Raymond Aguilera

Sample Verses

The Killing of Children
4 Prophecies -
1994 11 01.1, 2001 10 08.1, 2001 10 17.1, 2001 12 06.1

The Killing of Children
6 Prophecies -
# 158, 164, 523, 923, 1233, 1650

Deut 12:31; Lam 4:3;
2 Ki 16:3, 17:31, 23:10
2 Chr 28:3, 33:6
Ezek 16:21


Prophecies By
Thomas Gibson

Prophecies By
Raymond Aguilera

Sample Verses

In Many Wars
2 Prophecies -
1998 12 17.1, 1999 04 24.2

In Many Wars
3 Prophecies -
# 254, 540, 832

Deut 28:48; Mt 24:6;
Mk 13:7, Lu 21:9;
Lev 26:17; Job 19:29, 36:12
Isa 65:12; Jer 25:31;
Ezek 5:12;

3 rd World War
10 Prophecies -
1994 11 01.1, 1995 12 09.1, 1997 09 22.2, 1998 12 23.3, 1999 06 13.1, 2000 05 12.1, 2000 12 13.1, 2001 02 07.2, 2002 04 28.1, 2002 02 17.1

3 rd World War
13 Prophecies -
# 186, 254, 262, 311, 324, 812, 832, 855, 900, 917, 959, 997, 1300

Jer 11:22, 14:16, 16:4, 25:27; Amos 4:2, 6:14; Ezek 5:12; Hab 1:6; Jud 3:8, 12-14, 4:1-3, 6:1-5, 10:6-8, 13:1; 2 Chr 36:17; 1 Sam 22:19; Deut 3:6, 28:49-50; Ezek 9:6; Mt 24:6; Mk 13:7, Lu 21:9;

Nuclear War
1 prophecy
2002 02 17.1

Nuclear War
10 Prophecies -
# 2, 185, 234, 254, 261, 620, 710, 733, 869, 957

Gen 19:14; Jer 46:8; Mt 24:6; Mk 13:7, Lu 21:9

A Sinful Nation
31 Prophecies -
1994 11 01.1, 1995 12 09.1, 1997 12 27.1, 1998 01 05.1, 1998 03 17.2, 1998 04 28.2, 1998 06 25.1, 1998 09 26.1, 1998 11 14.1, 1998 11 14.3, 1998 12 23.2, 1999 01 13.1, 1999 04 08.1, 1999 04 24.2, 1999 05 22.1, 1999 06 25.1, 1999 08 14.2, 2000 06 21.1, 2000 10 21.5, 2000 11 20.1, 2000 12 02.1, 2000 12 13.1, 2001 09 16.1, 2001 10 17.1, 2001 11 04.3, 2001 12 06.1, 2002 02 17.1, 2002 04 28.1, 2002 09 24.1, 2002 09 27.1, 2002 09 28.1

A Sinful Nation
23 Prophecies -
# 162, 187, 231, 322, 330, 375, 445, 508, 547, 873, 738, 814, 815, 821, 868, 938, 944, 999, 1037, 1071, 1191, 1226, 1521

Turned away from God - Amos 1:3, 6, 9, 11, 13; 2 Chr 36:16; Ex 12:12;
Job 19:29; Mal 3:5;
Psa 1:5, 7:6, 76:8; Jer 51:52
Filthy Minded - Ezek 38:10; Psa 14:3; Col 3:8; 2 Pet 2:7; Jude 1:8;
Rev 22:11
Idolitry - False Word, False Prophecies, Of the World
Lev 19:4; Deut 7:10,
2 Ki 17:12, 23:5;
Chr 24:18
People Evil - Gen 8:21; Num 14:27, 32:13;
Deut 4:25; Jer 7:18
Do Abominations -
1 Ki 14:24; Jer 32:34

Mt. Shasta Earthquake
0 Prophecies

Mt. Shasta Earthquake
19 Prophecies -
# 162, 268, 682, 711, 720, 777, 778, 780, 790, 794, 797, 821, 825, 883, 936, 943, 1042, 1113, 1473

Destruction of San Francisco and California -Psa 101:8; Jer 51:42;
Ezek 26:19; Rev 6:12

A Meteor
0 Prophecies

A Meteor
2 Prophecies -
# 2, 900

Rev 6:3, 8:10

The Economy
8 Prophecies -
1997 09 22.2, 1998 04 28.2, 1998 08 12.2, 1998 11 14.3, 1999 02 13.2, 2000 05 03.1, 2000 05 12.1, 2002 05 06.2

The Economy
1 Prophecy

Gen 47:10-18; Rev 6:5-6

0 Prophecies

1 Prophecy
# 900

Jer 11:22, 14:16, 16:4; Ezek 5:10, 12; Amos 4:6-7; Deut 28:53-57;
2 Ki 6:28-29; Isa 9:18-20; Lam 2:20-21, 4:4-10

The White House & President
10 Prophecies -
1997 09 22.2, 1998 01 23.1, 1998 08 12.1, 1998 09 26.1, 1999 01 09.1, 1999 03 20.1, 1999 05 20.1, 2002 08 18.1 2002 08 24.1, 2002 08 31.2

The White House & President
22 Prophecies -
# 122, 187, 254, 293, 311, 322, 347, 357773, 746, 900, 917, 999, 1037, 1071, 1095, 1191, 1192, 1498, 1521, 1561, 1595

Democratic Party -
Psa 5:9, 52:3; Isa 1:4;
1 Sam 12:25; Prv 29:12; Eccl 10:5
Republican Party -
Isa 66:4, Psa 7:16;
Isa 28:15; Dan 5:26-28

1 Prophecy
1997 12 14.1

10 Prophecies -
# 162, 231, 297, 304, 330, 357, 673, 814, 1071, 1521

Rev 2:13;

7 Prophecies -
1994 11 01.1, 1998 04 28.2, 1998 12 23.1, 1998 12 23.2, 1998 12 34.1, 2002 04 28.2, 2002 05 06.1

1 Prophecy
# 900

1 Ki 18:45, 19:11;
Job 1:19; Psa 107:25;
Rev 16:21; Jer 4:12
Drought - Deut 28:24;
1 Ki 8:35; 2 Chr 6:26, 7:13; Hos 13:15

2 Prophecies -
2000 12 25.1, 2001 11 04.2

0 Prophecies -

2 Ki 4:1-7

1 Prophecy
1998 10 24.1

0 Prophecies

Zech 8:20-21; Joel 2:28-29; Jonah 3:4-10


The Bible

Prophecies By
Thomas Gibson

Prophecies By
Raymond Aguilera

Samble Verses

11 Prophecies -
1996 10 21.1, 1997 02 09.1, 1997 03 14.1, 1997 04 21.1, 1998 10 24.2, 2000 03 09.1, 2000 03 09.1, 2000 10 21.1, 2000 12 13.3, 2001 04 28.1 2001 10 17.1

62 Prophecies -
# 13, 15, 33, 39, 65, 69, 70, 92, 96, 103, 145, 167, 173, 194, 198, 221,225, 252, 255, 265, 267, 269, 277, 282, 291, 305, 349, 354, 495, 503, 506, 509, 525, 534, 537, 548, 562, 566, 711, 717, 732, 806, 883, 901, 919, 934, 937, 976, 1021, 1069, 1156, 1175, 1192, 1213, 1332, 1467, 1590, 1608, 1643, 1650, 1661, 1685

2 Tim 2:15; Mk 12:24;
Eph 6:17;
Deut 6:6-7, 31:11;
Josh 8:34; 2 Ki 23:2;
Neh 8:1-8, 18;
Jer 36:6;
Acts 13:15, 27;
Col 4:6;
1 Thes 5:27;
Isa 34:16

13 Prophecies -
1996 05 23.1, 2996 11 03.1 1997 01 10.1, 1997 11 23.1, 1998 01 11.1, 1998 10 25.1, 2000 02 24.1, 2000 05 28.1, 2000 10 05.1, 2000 12 13.3, 2001 03 17.3, 2001 04 28.1, 2002 09 24.3

24 Prophecies -
# 21, 39, 69, 79, 145, 176, 198, 208, 220, 225, 255, 265, 267, 277, 282, 302, 337, 349, 495, 541, 562, 901, 1156, 1661

2 Tim 2:15; Acts 17:11; John 5:39, 7:52; Psa 1:2

13 Prophecies -
1995 11 20.1, 1996 05 09.1, 1996 05 21.1, 1996 11 09.1, 1998 04 10.1, 1998 19 25.1, 1999 09 09.1, 2000 02 24.1, 2000 05 28.1, 2000 12 13.1, 2001 01 13.1, 2001 04 28.1, 2002 09 24.3

3 Prophecies -
# 145, 282, 548

Mk 12:24;
Deut 6:6-7, 31:12-13;
Josh 1:8; Psa 19:11;
2 Chr 17:9; Neh 8:13

Change the Bible
3 Prophecies -
1997 04 27.1, 2000 05 28.1, 2001 02 23.1

Change the Bible
8 Prophecies -
# 93, 95, 218, 220, 887, 901, 903, 906

Only One Word - Lk 4:4;
1 Pet 1:25; Mt 5:18
Warn Against Change -
Deut 4:2, 12:32;
Rev 22:18-19; Gal 1:8

Answers are in Bible
7 Prophecies -
1997 01 04.1, 1997 04 28.1, 1999 05 29.1, 1999 05 30.1, 2001 01 13.1, 2001 02 23.1, 2002 09 24.3

Answers are in Bible
22 Prophecies -
# 12, 34, 65, 69, 73, 92, 96, 104, 118, 144, 173, 221, 277, 354, 510, 562, 711, 901, 903, 1069, 1175, 1685

Secret Things - Dan 10:21; Deut 29:29, 30:11
What will happen in Last Days - Gen 49:1; Dan 2:40-44, 7:24-25, 9:23; Ezek 38; Mic 4:1; Mt 7:21, 10:21-23, 24:5-44; Lk 21:34-36; John 16:2; Acts 2:19-20; 2 Tim 3:1-7, 12-13, 4:3-4; 1 Pet 5:8;
2 Pet 2:1-3; 1 John 2:18;
Jude 1:18; Rev
How to gain Salvation - Mk 16:16; Lk 24:47; John 3:14-15; Acts 4:12; Rom 5:1-2, 10:9-10

10 Prophecies -
1997 03 14.1, 1998 01 30.1, 1998 02 07.1, 1998 04 10.1, 1999 04 30.2, 1999 07 21.1, 2000 10 05.1, 2000 10 21.1, 2001 01 13.1, 2001 02 23.1

5 Prophecies -
# 19, 24, 28, 220, 562

Prv 28:9; Psa 78:1, 85:8; Zech 7:7; Mt 11:13;
Rom 10:17

Read from cover to cover
2 Prophecies -
1997 01 04.1, 1997 03 14.1

Read from cover to cover
7 Prophecies -
# 354, 562, 717, 732, 934, 1175, 1332

Mt 22:29; Rom 15:4;
2 Tim 2:15, 3:16

Read in the Manner of God
4 Prophecies -
1996 05 09.1, 2000 05 28.1, 2000 10 05.1, 2000 10 21.1

Read in the Manner of God
10 Prophecies -
# 15, 96, 277, 291, 337, 503, 534, 562, 883, 976

People read with their eyes closed - Psa 50:17, 119:72; Jer 6:10; Zech 7:12;
Mk 7:13; 2 Cor 3:15;
Deut 17:19;

Read and Study daily
3 Prophecies -
1997 01 10.1, 2000 02 24.1, 2000 12 13.3

Read and study daily
4 Prophecies -
# 13, 79, 208, 506

Deut 17:19; Acts 17:11; Josh 1:8; Psa 119:97



Prophecies By
Thomas Gibson

Prophecies By
Raymond Aguilera

Samble Verses

Total destruction of Canada
5 Prophecies -
1994 10 05.1, 1995 02 25.1, 1995 09 02.1, 1997 07 01.1, 1998 06 25.1

Total destruction of Canada
0 Prophecies

Deut 28:48;
Jer 12:17, 48:42;
Amos 8:9

6 Prophecies -
1994 10 05.1, 1995 02 25.1, 1997 07 01.1, 1998 03 17.1, 2002 09 02.2, 2002 09 28.2

0 Prophecies

Gen 47:15, 18;
Rev 6:5-6

5 Prophecies -
1985.1, 1995 04 02.2, 1999 06 13.1, 1999 06 13.3, 2001 02 07.2

1 Prophecy
# 620

Deut 28:48; Mt 24:6;
Mk 13:7, Lu 21:9;
Lev 26:17; Job 19:29, 36:12
Isa 65:12; Jer 25:31;
Ezek 5:12;

Paganism & Homosexuality
3 Prophecies -
1995 11 04.3, 1997 12 14.1, 2002 05 06.1

Paganism & Homosexuality
0 Prophecies

Lev 18:22, 20:13; Isa 3:9
Rom 1:24, 26, 27;
Deut 22:5
1Cor 6:9; 1Tim 1:10`

6 Prophecies -
1997 03 30.2, 2000 05 01.1, 2000 10 08.2, 2000 10 08.3, 2001 02 07.2, 2001 04 11.2

0 Prophecies -

Mt 5:10, 11-12, 44, 10:17, 21-23, 23:34, 24:9-10;
Mk 8:35, 13:9, 12-13;
Lk 6:22, 21:12, 16-19;
John 15:18-19, 16:2;
Rom 8:17; 1 Cor 4:12

2 Prophecies -
1997 07 01.1, 2001 02 07.2

0 Prophecies

Zech 8:20-21; Joel 2:28-29; Jonah 3:4-10

Spiritual Warfare
0 Prophecies

Spiritual Warfare
6 Prophecies -
# 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 620

An inward Battle - Rom 7:23; The Weapons of - 2 Cor 10:4; Against invisible foes - Eph 6:12; Young soldiers enlisted - 1 Tim 1:18; A fight of faith - 1 Tim 6:12; Demands entire consecration - 2 Tim 2:4; Heb 10:32; Rev 12:17; Victory - Power to tread on serpents - Lk 10:19; Over afflictions Rom - 8:35, 37; Over the World - 1 John 5:4; Over all satanic powers - Rev 15:2

Canada will become stronger
0 Prophecies

Canada will become stronger
1 Prophecy
# 547




Prophecies By
Thomas Gibson

Prophecies By
Raymond Aguilera

Samble Verses

Churches fight against Churches
10 Prophecies -
1996 10 21.2, 1997 03 14.1, 1997 05 02.1, 1999 09 27.1, 2000 06 07.2, 2000 10 21.2, 2001 02 11.1, 2001 04 05.1, 2001 04 05.2, 2002 08 31.3

Churches fight against Churches
10 Prophecies -
# 13, 36, 39, 92, 226, 252, 282, 617, 901, 1405

1 Cor 1:11-13, 3:3-4, 11:18-19; 2 Cor 12:20-21

Churches full of sin
28 Prophecies -
1996 10 21.2, 1996 11 30.1, 1997 01 10.1, 1997 05 16.1, 1997 05 21.2, 1997 11 23.1, 1997 12 03.2, 1998 02 24.1, 1998 04 03.1, 1998 10 17.1, 1998 10 31.1, 1998 12 29.1, 1999 04 30.2, 1999 05 19.1, 2000 03 30.1, 2000 06 07.1, 2000 06 07.2, 2000 06 16.1, 2000 06 25.2, 2000 08 08.1, 2000 08 12.2, 2000 08 12.3, 2888 08 24.1, 2000 08 27.1 2000 09 03.1, 2000 12 02.1, 2001 04 05.1, 2002 05 06.1

Churches full of sin
16 Prophecies -
# 96, 108, 158, 226, 717, 976, 1028, 1141, 1226, 1234, 1330, 1511, 1636, 1643, 1661, 1685

Jer 2:8, 10:21, 12:10, 22:22, 23:1-2; 2 Chr 36:14;
2 Ki 23:5;
Mt 21:33-39, 23:4-7, 13-15

Church Leadership Evil
15 Prophecies -
1996 10 21.2, 1997 01 10.1, 1997 01 19.1, 1998 02 24.1, 1998 04 03.1, 1998 10 17.1, 1998 10 24.1, 1998 19 24.2, 2000 06 16.1, 2000 06 25.2, 2000 08 27.1, 2000 09 03.1, 2001 04 05.1, 2001 04 09.2, 2002 05 06.1

Church Leadership Evil
22 Prophecies -
# 11, 12, 92, 158, 161, 173, 216, 287, 386, 503, 541, 711, 729, 873, 900, 976, 1142, 1226, 1330, 1623, 1624, 1643

Rom 16:17; 1 Cor 1:10;
Jer 10:21; Rev 2:20;
Hos 4:9; Mt 15:9, 14, 23:3-4, 13, 26:59; Lu 11:52; Rom 2:19-24, 16:17-18;
2 Cor 2:17

16 Prophecies -
1997 03 30.2, 1997 12 14.1, 1998 02 07.1, 1998 12 19.1, 2000 06 16.1, 2000 08 12.3, 2000 09 07.2, 2000 10 08.3, 2000 12 02.4, 2001 02 11.1, 2001 04 05.1, 2001 04 05.2, 2001 02 11.1, 2001 04 05.1, 2001 04 11.2, 2002 08 31.3

3 Prophecies -
# 74, 840, 1313

Mt 5:10, 11-12, 44, 10:17, 21-23, 23:34, 24:9-10;
Mk 8:35, 13:9, 12-13;
Lk 6:22, 21:12, 16-19;
John 15:18-19, 16:2;
Rom 8:17;
1 Cor 4:12

6 Prophecies -
1998 10 24.2, 1998 10 31.1, 1999 09 06.1, 2001 04 05.1, 2001 04 05.2, 2001 06 17.1

1 Prophecy
# 809

Zech 8:20-21;
Joel 2:28-29;
Jonah 3:4-10

Denominations not of God
17 Prophecies -
1997 05 02.1, 1998 04 03.1, 1998 10 24.2, 1998 10 31.1, 1999 04 30.2, 1999 09 06.1, 1999 09 27.1, 2000 08 07.2, 2000 06 11.1, 2000 06 16.1, 2000 07 30.1, 2000 08 24.1, 2000 10 21.2, 2000 10 21.6, 2001 04 05.1, 2001 04 05.2, 2001 06 17.1

Denominations not of God
12 Prophecies -
# 39, 92, 96, 226, 252, 282, 617, 809, 839, 901, 1623, 1643

See "Not following God's Word" below

Don't fight Doctrine differences
7 Prophecies -
1997 03 14.1, 1999 09 27.1, 2000 06 07.2, 2000 06 16.1, 2001 03 28.3, 2001 04 05.1, 2002 08 31.3

Don't fight Doctrine differences
12 Prophecies -
# 39, 92, 96, 226, 252, 282, 617, 809, 839, 901, 1623, 1643

1 Tim 6:5

Not following God's Word
22 Prophecies -
1994 10 01.1, 1995 10 23.2, 1995 12 12.1, 1996 10 21.2, 1995 05 16.1, 1997 01 10.1, 1997 01 19.1, 1997 05 21.2, 1998 02 24.1, 1998 04 03.1, 1998 10 17.1, 1998 12 29.1, 1999 04 30.2, 2000 03 30.1, 2000 05 14.1, 2000 06 07.1, 2000 06 16.1, 2000 07 30.1, 2000 08 24.1, 2001 04 05.1, 2001 06 17.1, 2002 05 06.1

Not following God's Word
16 Prophecies -
# 95, 96, 161, 216, 252, 297, 717, 725, 1142, 1226, 1330, 1511, 1556, 1590, 1623, 1543

Many Church teachings False - Not of God -
Isa 43:27; Hab 2:18;
1 Tim 1:7; 2 Tim 4:3;
2 Pet 2:1-3; Mt 15:9

Quenching the Holy Spirit
1 Prophecy
1997 10 11.1

Quenching the Holy Spirit
3 Prophecies -
# 386, 1142, 1556

1 Thes 5:19



Prophecies By
Thomas Gibson

Prophecies By
Raymond Aguilera

Samble Verses

5 Prophecies -
1994 11 01.1, 1995 11 04.1, 1996 05 09.1, 1997 03 29.1, 2000 05 06.1

33 Prophecies -
# 31, 118, 131, 132, 151, 155, 158, 162, 163, 165, 211, 222, 268, 299, 302, 303, 324, 341, 393, 430, 431, 722, 776, 883, 1174, 1325, 1403, 1407, 1511, 1650, 1653, 1682, 1687

Isa 29:5; Mt 27:54, 28:2, Acts 16:26; 1 Ki 19:11;
Rev 6:12, 11:19, 16:18

10 Prophecies -
1996 04 08.1, 1996 11 15.1, 1998 01 10.1, 1998 04 28.2, 1999 05 05.1, 1999 09 06.2, 2000 07 15.1, 2000 07 18.1, 2002 05 06.1, 2002 06 24.1,

10 Prophecies -
# 31, 92 96 211, 361, 900, 1511, 1619, 1650, 1653

Amos 4:7; 1 Ki 18:45

5 Prophecies -
1996 04 08.1, 1999 05 05.1, 1999 09 06.2, 2000 07 15.1, 2000 07 18.1

2 Prophecies -
# 33, 211

1 Ki 19:11; Job 1:19;
Psa 107:25

10 Prophecies -
1994 11 01.1, 1995 09 22.1, 1995 11 04.1, 1996 05 09.1, 1996 10 06.1 1996 11 15.1, 1996 12 24.1, 1997 03 29.1, 1997 10 25.1, 2002 05 06.1

6 Prophecies -
# 31, 33. 133, 220, 651, 1653

Amos 4:6-12; Job 9:6;
Isa 13:13, 24:20; Psa 46:2; Mk 13:24-25; Joel 2:31; Rev 6:12-14, 16:18, 20

Water / Ocean
1 Prophecy
2001 03 17.2

Water / Ocean
14 Prophecies -
# 31, 33, 96, 210, 220, 424, 426, 541, 682, 900, 959, 975, 1043, 1653

Jer 14:3-4, 50:38; Hag 1:11; Amos 4:7-8; 1 Ki 18:45

0 Prophecies

12 Prophecies -
# 42, 70, 541, 899, 900, 1028, 10 48, 1189, 1234, 1355, 1429, 1555

Jer 11:22, 14:16, 16:4; Ezek 5:10, 12; Amos 4:6-7; Deut 28:53-57; 2 Ki 6:28-29; Isa 9:18-20; Lam 2:20-21, 4:4-10

2 Prophecies -
1996 05 09.1, 1996 11 15.1

4 Prophecies -
# 142, 211, 284, 1692

Rev 6:3, 8:10

6 Prophecies -
1994 10 01.1, 1994 11 01.1, 1995 09 22.1, 1996, 05 09.1, 1996 11 15.1, 1996 12 24.1

11 Prophecies -
# 31, 33, 104, 220, 523, 541, 900, 1039, 1174, 1312, 1687

Climate Change due to Earth tilting and moving out or orbit - Job 9:6; Isa 13:13, 24:20; Mk 13:24-25; Psa 46:2; Rev 16:20

0 Prophecies

1 Prophecy
# 77

Ex 9:18; Psa 18:13; Ezek 38:22; Hag 2:17; Rev 8:7, 11:19, 16:21

Natural Disasters
6 Prophecies -
1994 11 01.1, 1995 11 04.1, 1996 05 09.1, 1996 11 15.1, 2000 04 02.1, 2000 05 28.1

Natural Disasters
10 Prophecies -
# 33, 36, 77, 92, 211, 361, 900, 1174, 1650, 1653

Gen 7, 19:24-25; Mt 8:24

3 Prophecies -
1994 11 01.1, 1996 12 24.1, 1999 02 13.2

3 Prophecies -
# 74, 1429, 1619

Gen 46:15, 18; Rev 6:5-6

5 Prophecies -
1999 05 05.1 2000 07 15.1, 2000 07 18.1, 2000 12 02.1, 2002 02 17.1

14 Prophecies -
# 77, 204, 541, 742, 777, 899, 923, 1028, 1174, 1234, 1623, 1653, 1687, 1692

Deut 3:6; Isa 22:19

5 Prophecies -
1994 11 01.1, 1995 04 02.2, 1995 12 07.1, 2002 04 28.2, 2002 05 06.1

6 Prophecies -
# 222, 299, 302, 541, 899, 900

Deut 28:48; Mt 24:6; Mk 13:7, Lu 21:9;
Lev 26:17; Job 19:29, 36:12
Isa 65:12; Jer 25:31; Ezek 5:12;

3 Prophecies -
1995 11 04.1, 1996 05 09.1, 1998 04 28.1

4 Prophecies -
# 742, 899, 1061, 1687

Lev 26:16; Deut 28:22, 35, 29:22

0 Prophecies

2 Prophecies -
# 923, 1234

Psa 10:2, 25:19; Ezek 38:4; Amos 4:2



Prophecies By
Thomas Gibson

Prophecies By
Raymond Aguilera

Samble Verses

World Economic Collapse
33 Prophecies -
1997 04 06.1, 1997 11 16.1, 1998 05 17.1, 1998 07 05.1, 1998 10 27.1, 1998 12 02.1, 1999 02 13.2, 1999 07 19.1, 1999 07 19.4, 1998 08 20.1, 1999 08 20.4, 1999 09 05.1, 2000 05 03.1, 2000 05 07.1, 2000 05 29.1, 2000 06 25.1, 2000 06 25.2, 2000 09 20.1, 2000 10 21.4, 2000 11 01.1, 2000 11 01.2, 2000 11 02.3, 2001 01 04.1, 2001 01 20.1, 2001 02 03.1, 2001 03 17.3, 2001 02 19.1, 2001 03 17.1, 2001 03 28.1, 2001 08 26.1 2002 03 16.1, 2002 04 14.1

World Economic Collapse
3 Prophecies -
# 74, 512, 1619

Gen 47:15, 18; Rev 6:5-6

Canada Economy
3 Prophecies -
1995 02 25.1, 2000 05 17.1, 2002 09 28.2

Canada Economy
0 Prophecies

Gen 47:15, 18; Rev 6:5-6

American Economy
8 Prophecies -
1997 09 22.2, 1998 04 28.2, 1999 08 14.1, 1999 09 05.1, 2000 05 12.1, 2000 06 25.1, 2001 01 20.1, 2002 05 06,2

American Economy
0 Prophecies

Gen 47:15, 18; Rev 6:5-6

Stock Market
9 Prophecies -
1998 01 21.1, 1998 12 02.1, 1999 02 13.2, 1999 08 20.4, 2000 05 07.1, 2001 01 04.1, 2001 03 28.1, 2002 07 21.2, 2002 08 11.1

Stock Market
0 Prophecies



End of the Earth

Prophecies By
Thomas Gibson

Prophecies By
Raymond Aguilera

Samble Verses

3 Prophecies -
1995 09 22.1, 1995 12 16.1, 1996 05 09.1

0 Prophecies

Mt 24:29; 2 Pet 3:10, 12; Rev 8:12, 16:8-9

2 Prophecies -
1995 09 22.1, 1995 12 16.1

0 Prophecies

Rev 8:7, 11:19, 16:21

Earth Destroyed
5 Prophecies -
1995 09 22.1, 1995 12 16.1, 1996 05 09.1, 1996 05 21.1, 2001 07 02.2

Earth Destroyed
26 Prophecies -
# 2, 31, 77, 85, 104, 114, 115, 118, 123, 125, 153, 167, 219, 243, 263, 327, 358, 509, 510, 537, 686, 719, 860, 1497, 1578, 1643

Isa 65:17; 2 Pet 3:7, 10, 12; Rev 20:11, 21:1

New Earth
3 Prophecies -
1995 09 22.1, 1996 05 21.1, 2001 07 02.2

New Earth
9 Prophecies -
# 2, 31, 48, 96, 104, 121, 867, 1333, 1578

Isa 65:17, 66:22; 2 Pet 3:13; Rev 21:1,5

The Future
2 Prophecies -
1995 12 16.1, 1996 05 21.1

The Future
4 Prophecies -
# 33, 118, 219, 282

Rev 21:1, 4, 22:1-5



Prophecies By
Thomas Gibson

Prophecies By
Raymond Aguilera

Samble Verses

God's Command to Fast
5 Prophecies -
1994 10 05.1, 1996 95 09.1, 1996 05 23.1, 1996 10 21.1, 1999 05 30.1

God's Command to Fast
11 Prophecies -
# 242, 243, 252, 282, 290, 291, 302, 303, 305, 324, 326

Zech 7:5, 8:19; Deut 9:9; Ex 34:28; Isa 58:5
Jesus Fasted - Mt 4:2; Lk 4:2

Why Fast
10 Prophecies -
1996 10 21.1, 1997 02 09.1, 1997 03 14.1, 1997 04 12.1, 2000 06 16.1, 2000 09 22.3, 2001 08 12.1, 2002 08 31.1, 2002 09 24.2, 2002 04 13.1

Why Fast
4 Prophecies -
# 242, 243, 290, 303

Lk 2:37; Acts 10:30; Deut 9:18
To defend from strong demonic forces - Mk 9:29; Mt 17:21; 1 Cor 7:5

If you do not Fast
4 Prophecies -
1994 10 05.1, 1996 05 09.1, 1997 04 21.1, 2001 08 12.1

If you do not Fast
0 Prophecies

Isa 58:4



Prophecies By
Thomas Gibson

Prophecies By
Raymond Aguilera

Samble Verses

The Temple
0 Prophecies

The Temple
3 Prophecies -
# 71, 353, 1107

Rev 11:1-2; 2 Thes 2:4

3 Prophecies -
1995 03 11.1, 2002 01 27.1, 2002 05 06.1

4 Prophecies -
# 229, 254, 353, 1171

Deut 28:48; Mt 24:6; Mk 13:7, Lu 21:9;
Lev 26:17; Job 19:29, 36:12
Isa 65:12; Jer 25:31; Ezek 5:12;

3 Prophecies -
1995 03 11.1 1996 09 25.1, 1996 10 29.1

2 Prophecies -
# 196, 1103

Gen 12:3, 22:17, 27:29
Ex 23:25
Num 6:27, 24:9

2 Prophecies -
1995 03 11.1, 1996 09 25.1

1 Prophecy
# 1372

Deut 11:26, Mal 2:2




Prophecies By
Thomas Gibson

Prophecies By
Raymond Aguilera

Samble Verses

121 Prophecies -
1994 10 05.1, 1994 11 01.1, 1995 02 25.1, 1995 03 11.3, 1995 09 10.1, 1995 09 22.1, 1995 10 23.2, 1995 12 07.1, 1995 12 09.1, 1995 12 16.1, 1996 04 08.1, 1996 05 09.1, 1996 05 21.1, 1996 08 24.1, 1996 08 26.1, 1996 09 14.2, 1996 10 06.2, 1996 10 29.1, 1996 11 03.2, 1996 11 15.1, 1996 11 17.1, 1996 12 14.1, 1997 01 10.1, 1997 03 01.1, 1997 03 13.1, 1997 03 28.1, 1997 04 06.2, 1997 04 06.3, 1997 04 12.1, 1997 04 28.1, 1997 05 05.1, 1997 05 07.1, 1007 05 07.2, 1997 05 21.2, 1997 05 31.1, 1997 06 14.1, 1997 07 01.1, 1997 10 02.1, 1997 10 22.1, 1997 10 25.1, 1997 10 26.1, 1997 11 16.1, 1997 11 23.1, 1997 12 03.1, 1998 01 05.1, 1998 01 19.1, 1998 02 07.1, 1998 03 03.1, 1998 03 14.1, 1998 03 17.1, 1998 03 17.2, 1998 03 29.1, 1998 04 03.1, 1998 04 10.2, 1998 04 28.1, 1998 04 28.2, 1998 05 09.1, 1998 05 15.1, 1998 05 24.1, 1998 06 15.1, 1998 08 12.2, 1998 08 20.1, 1998 09 26.1, 1998 10 17.1, 1998 10 18.1, 1998 10 24.2, 1998 11 15.1, 1998 12 23.2, 1998 12 24.1, 1999 01 08.1, 1999 03 09.1, 1999 04 08.1, 1999 04 24.2, 1999 04 30.2, 1999 05 21.1, 1999 05 30.1, 1999 06 25.1, 1999 07 19.1, 1999 07 30.1, 1999 08 15.1, 1999 08 31.1, 1999 09 06.2, 1999 09 12.1, 2000 02 17.1, 2000 03 22.1, 2000 04 22.1, 2000 04 13.1, 2000 04 22.1, 2000 04 22.2, 2000 05 12.1, 2000 08 08.1, 2000 08 27.2, 2000 09 22.2, 2000 11 01.1, 2000 11 20.1, 2000 12 02.1, 2000 12 13.1, 2000 12 23.1, 2000 12 31.1, 2001 01 13.2, 2001 02 07.1, 2001 02 11.2, 2001 03 28.1, 2001 04 24.1, 2001 06 17.1, 2001 08 26.1, 2001 09 15.1, 2001 10 08.1, 2001 10 17.1, 2001 11 04.2, 2001 12 06.1, 2002 01 23.1, 2002 04 28.1, 2002 05 06.1, 2002 05 06.4, 2002 06 22.2, 2002 06 24.1, 2002 09 02.1, 2002 09 24.1, 2002 09 27.1, 2002 09 28.1

46 Prophecies -
# 65, 69, 103, 118, 121, 123, 125, 167, 182, 185, 196, 198, 220, 258, 268, 282, 290, 297, 317, 344, 353, 439, 440, 503, 544, 549, 710, 711, 720, 732, 814-815, 867, 893, 899, 938, 944, 1037, 1069, 1185, 1208, 1549, 1575, 1619, 1650, 1671

Jer 12:17; Amos 4:6-12
God can get angry -
Ex 4:14, Nu 22:22;
1Ki 16:33; Isa 1:4;
Psa 7:11, 90:11
God's Vengence
Ezek 25:17
Witchcraft, Idolitry
Mic 5:10-15
Against His Enemys
Deut 7:10; 32:35, 41, 43
Deut 11:26, 28; 28:1-62
Ex 32:33; Lev 26:14-18

9 Prophecies -
1994 11 01.1, 1995 12 09.1, 1998 12 24.1, 1999 04 24.2, 1999 05 22.1, 2000 10 08.1, 2000 12 13.1, 2002 02 17.1, 2002 04 28.1

5 Prophecies -
# 69, 73, 549, 1325, 1549

Deut 28:48-52; Mt 24:6; Mk 13:7, Lu 21:9;
Lev 26:17; Job 19:29, 36:12
Isa 65:12; Jer 25:31; Ezek 5:12;

7 Prophecies -
1998 01 02.1, 2001 09 15.1, 2001 11 04.2, 2002 01 27.2, 2002 04 28.2, 2002 06 22.2, 2002 08 25.1

0 Prophecies

Job 18:11; Deut 28:49-50

8 Prophecies -
1994 11 01.1, 1995 09 22.1, 1996 04 08.1, 1996 05 09.1, 1998 04 28.2, 1998 12 23.2, 2002 05 06.1, 2002 06 22.1

1 Prophecy
# 211

Jer 8:13; Job 37:6, 9-10; Isa 5:6: Dan 2:21; Rev 8:5, 7, 16:21; Ex 9:22-29; Deut 11:17, 28:24; 1 Ki 8:35; 2 Chr 7:13; Amos 4:7-8

20 Prophecies -
1994 11 01.1, 1995 02 25.1, 1998 03 17.1, 1998 04 28.2, 1998 12 02.1, 1999 07 19.1, 2000 05 12.1, 2000 10 21.4, 2000 11 01.3, 2991 03 28.1, 2001 08 26.1, 2001 09 15.1, 2002 03 16.1, 2002 05 06.2, 2002 07 21.1, 2002 07 21.2, 2002 09 02.2

1 Prophecy
# 512

Job 1:12-19, 36:19; Zeph 1:18

3 Prophecies -
1996 04 08.1, 1996 05 09.1, 1997 03 29.1

9 Prophecies -
# 118, 131, 158, 163, 165, 211, 268, 393, 1325

Psa 18:7; Rev 6:12, 8:5

11 Prophecies -
1996 04 08.1, 1998 01 10.1, 1998 04 28.2, 1999 09 06.2, 2000 07 15.1, 2000 07 18.1, 2000 08 07.1, 2002 01 23.1, 2002 06 24.1, 2002 09 02.1, 1996 05 09.1

1 Prophecy
# 211

Gen 7:12; Ex 9:18; 1 Sam 12:17-18; Ezra 10:9, 13; Psa 105:32; Ezek 38:22; Amos 4:7;

6 Prophecies -
1994 10 01.1, 1998 03 02.1, 1998 04 10.3, 2000 08 12.3, 2001 06 17.1, 2002 09 24.1

2 Prophecies -
# 503, 893

Lam 1:3; Acts 8:1; Mt 5:10, 11-12, 44, 10:17, 21-23, 23:34, 24:9-10; Mk 8:35, 13:9, 12-13; Lk 6:22, 21:12, 16-19; John 15:18-19, 16:2; Rom 8:17; 1 Cor 4:12

False Prophets
10 Prophecies -
1996 08 24.1, 1997 21.2, 1999 08 31.1, 1999 09 12.1, 2000 02 17.1, 2000 08 08.1, 2000 09 22.2, 2001 01 13.2, 2001 06 09.1, 2002 05 06.3

False Prophets
3 Prophecies -
# 92, 211, 218

Jer 14:13-16, 28:15-16, 29:30-32

On America
33 Prophecies -
1994 11 01.1, 1995 12 09.1, 1996 04 08.1, 1996 05 09.1, 1997 05 31.1, 1997 10 22.1, 1997 10 26.1, 1998 01 05.1, 1998 04 28.2, 1998 09 26.1, 1999 01 10.1, 1999 04 08.1, 1999 04 24.2, 1999 06 25.1, 2000 05 12.1, 2000 05 28.1, 2000 11 20.1, 2000 12 02.1, 2000 12 13.1, 2001 09 15.1, 2001 09 16.1, 2001 10 08.1, 2001 10 17.1, 2001 11 04.2, 2001 12 06.1, 2002 02 17.1, 2002 03 27.1, 2002 06 22.2, 2002 07 21.2, 2002 09 24.1, 2002 09 27.1, 2002 09 28.1, 2002 09 30.1

On America
24 Prophecies -
# 131, 158, 163, 165, 185, 268, 297, 393, 440, 512, 711, 720, 778, 814, 815, 867, 923, 934, 938, 944, 1037, 1185, 1233, 1650

Jer 12:17; Amos 4:6-12; Mt 24:6; Mk 13:7, Lu 21:9
Deut 28

On Canada
18 Prophecies -
1994 10 05,1, 1994 11 01.1, 1995 02 25.1, 1997 07 01.1, 1998 03 17.1, 1998 04 28.1, 1999 06 25.1, 1999 09 06.2, 2000 04 23.1, 2000 07 15.1, 2000 07 18.1, 2000 08 07.1, 2002 01 23.1, 2002 05 06.1, 2002 06 22.1, 2002 06 24.1, 2002 09 02.1, 2002 09 02.2

On Canada
0 Prophecies -

Jer 12:17; Amos 6:12; Mt 24:6; Mk 13:7, Lu 21:9; Deut 28

On Earth
102 Prophecies -
1994 11 01.1, 1995 02 25.1, 1995 03 11.3, 1995 09 10.1, 1995 09 22.1, 1995 10 23.1, 1995 10 23.2, 1995 12 07.1, 1995 12 09.1, 1995 12 16.1, 1996 04 08.1, 1006 04 08.2, 1996 05 09.1, 1996 05 21.1, 1996 08 26.1, 1996 09 14.2, 1996 10 06.1, 1996 10 06.2, 1996 10 29.1, 1996 11 03.2, 1996 11 15.1, 1996 11 17.1, 1996 12 14.1, 1997 01 10.1, 1997 03 01.2, 1997 03 13.1, 1997 03 28.1, 1997 03 29.1, 1997 04 06.2, 1997 04 06.3, 1997 04 12.1, 1997 04 28.1, 1997 05 05.1, 1997 05 07.1, 1997 05 07.2, 1997 05 21.2, 1997 06 14.1, 1997 10 02.1, 1997 10 25.1, 1997 11 16.1, 1997 11 23.1, 1997 12 03.1, 1998 01 05.1, 1998 01 10.1, 1998 01 19.1, 1998 02 07.1, 1998 03 03.1, 1998 03 13.1, 1998 03 14.1, 1998 03 17.1, 1998 03 17.2, 1998 03 29.1, 1998 04 03.1, 1998 04 10.1, 1998 04 10.2, 1998 05 09.1, 1998 05 24.1, 1998 06 15.1, 1998 08 12.2, 1998 08 20.1, 1998 10 24.2, 1998 11 15.1, 1998 12 02.1, 1998 12 24.1, 1999 03 09.1, 1999 03 10.1, 1999 04 24.2, 1999 04 30.2, 1999 05 30.1, 1999 07 19.1, 1999 07 30.1, 1999 08 15.1, 1999 08 31.1, 1999 09 12.1, 2000 03 22.1, 2000 04 02.1, 2000 04 13.1, 2000 04 22.1, 2000 04 22.2, 2000 05 12.1, 2000 08 08.1, 2000 09 22.2, 2000 10 08.1, 2000 10 21.4, 2000 11 01.3, 2000 11 20.1, 2000 12 23.1, 2000 12 31.1, 2001 02 07.1, 2001 02 11.2, 2001 03 28.1, 2001 04 24.1, 2001 07 02.1, 2001 08 26.1, 2001 07 02.2, 2001 10 17.1, 2001 11 04.2, 2002 03 16.1, 2002 04 28.1, 2002 05 06.1, 2002 05 06.4, 2002 07 21.1

On Earth
14 Prophecies -
# 65, 69, 103, 118, 125, 167, 196, 198, 220, 317, 344, 544, 710, 899

Amos 6:12; Mt 24:6; Mk 13:7, Lu 21:9

Why Judgment
29 Prophecies -
1995 12 09.1, 1996 08 26.1, 1996 11 03.2, 1997 04 12.1, 1997 04 28.1, 1997 05 05.1, 1997 05 21.2, 1997 05 31.1, 1998 01 05.1, 1998 04 28.1, 1998 08 12.2, 1998 09 26.1, 1998 01 18.1, 1999 01 08.1, 1999 06 25.1, 2000 03 22.1, 2000 04 13.1, 2000 05 12.1, 2000 08 12.3, 2000 10 21.5, 2000 12 02.1, 2001 09 15.1, 2001 10 08.1, 2001 10 17.1, 2001 12 06.1, 2002 04 28.1, 2002 06 22.2, 2002 07 21.1, 2002 09 24.1

Why Judgment
24 Prophecies -
# 70, 83, 103, 118, 121, 125, 158, 185, 198, 220, 297, 353, 732, 867, 899, 923, 934, 938, 944, 1037, 1185, 1208, 1233, 1650

Unheeded Chastening - Amos 4:6-12
Turn right into evil - Gen 44:4; Isa 5:20; Mal 2:17; Rom 3:6; Psa 35:12; Prv 17:3
Evil People - Gen 8:21; Nu 14:27, 32:13; Deut 4:25; Jer 4:22, 13:10; Isa 2:23; Lk 11:29 Do Abominations - 1Ki 14:24; Jer 32:34 Idols Witchcraft - Mic 5:12-14; Nah 1:2; Ezek 25:17 Filthy Minded - Ezk 38:10; Psa 14:3; Col 3:8; 2Pe 2:7; Jude 1:8; Rev 22:11

3 Prophecies -
2000 10 21.5, 2001 10 08.1, 2001 10 17.1

4 Prophecies -
# 158, 923, 1233, 1650

Deut 12:31; Lam 4:3;
2 ki 16:3, 17:31, 23:10
2Chr 28:3, 33:6
Ezek 16:21

0 Prophecies

3 Prophecies -
# 923, 944, 1037

Lev 18:22, 20:13; Isa 3:9
Rom 1:24, 26, 27; Deut 22:5
1Cor 6:9; 1Tim 1:10`



Prophecies By
Thomas Gibson

Prophecies By
Raymond Aguilera

Samble Verses

God's Apostles
Prophecies -
1995 03 11.2, 1995 04 02.1, 2000 06 07.2, 2000 06 07.3, 2000 06 08.1, 2000 07 19.1, 2000 07 27.1, 2001 01 13.1, 2001 02 25.1, 2001 03 28.2

God's Apostles
1 Prophecy
# 57

Eph 4:11; Mt 4:18-22, 9:9
Rom 1:1; 1 Cor 1:1; 1 Tim 2:7

God's Prophets
Prophecies -
1995 03 11.2, 1995 04 02.1, 1997 08 03.1, 2000 06 07.2, 2000 06 07.3, 2000 06 08.1, 2000 06 16.1, 2000 07 19.1, 2000 07 27.1, 2001 01 13.1, 2001 02 25.1, 2001 03 28.2

God's Prophets
3 Prophecies -
# 57, 1208, 1590

Mt 23:34; Eph 4:11

God's Pastors
Prophecies -
1995 03 11.2, 2000 06 07.2, 2000 06 07.3, 2000 06 08.1, 2000 06 16.1, 2000 07 19.1, 2000 07 27.1, 2000 08 12.1, 2001 01 13.1

God's Pastors
2 Prophecies -
# 85, 94

Eph 4:11; Jer 3:15

God's Teachers
Prophecies -
1995 03 11.2, 1995 04 02.1, 2000 06 08.1, 2000 06 16.1, 2001 01 13.1

God's Teachers
0 Prophecies -

Isa 30:20-21; Eph 4:11
Acts 13:1-3; 1 Tim 2:7

God's Evangelist
Prophecies -
1995 03 11.2, 2000 06 08.1, 2000 06 16.1, 2001 01 13.1

God's Evangelist
0 Prophecies -

Eph 4:11; 1 Tim 2:7

God's Ministers
Prophecies -
1997 08 03.1, 1997 08 03.2, 1998 11 14.2, 1999 07 17.1, 1999 09 12.1, 2000 08 08.1, 2000 08 21.1, 2000 09 22.3, 2000 10 02.1, 2000 12 13.3, 2001 02 03.1, 2001 07 24.1

God's Ministers
1 Prophecy
# 94

Isa 6:8; Lk 10:1; Rom 10:14; Eph 3:7; Col 1:25, 28; 1 Tim 2:7; Tit 1:3; Heb 5:4

False Apostles
Prophecies -
2000 06 16.1, 2000 10 21.6, 2001 03 28.2

False Apostles
0 Prophecies -

1 Cor 11:13-15; Rev 2:2

False Prophets
Prophecies -
2000 06 16.1, 2000 10 21.6, 2001 03 28.2

False Prophets
1 Prophecy
# 1690

Jer 14:13-16, 28:15-16, 29:30-32; Mt 7:15

False Pastors
Prophecies -
1998 10 17.1, 2000 08 12.1, 2000 10 21.6, 2002 05 06.1

False Pastors
32 Prophecies -
# 12, 32, 33, 34, 38, 45, 57, 64, 70, 78, 81, 85, 92, 94, 96, 114, 208, 252, 282, 719, 809, 819, 917, 933, 1028, 1048, 1208, 1226, 1575, 1616, 1687, 1690

Jer 2:8, 10:21, 12:10, 22:22, 23:1-2 ; Deut 18:20

False Ministers / Evangelist
30 Prophecies -
1997 04 04.1, 1997 05 04.1, 1997 08 03.1, 1998 03 03.1, 1998 05 15.1, 1998 09 13.1, 1998 11 14.2, 1998 12 29.1, 1999 07 17.1, 1999 09 12.1, 2000 07 27.1, 2000 07 30.1, 2000 08 08.1, 2000 08 21.1, 2000 08 27.1, 2000 09 22.3, 2000 10 01.1, 2000 10 02.2, 2000 10 05.1, 2000 12 13.3, 2001 01 13.1, 2001 01 13.2, 2001 02 03.1, 2001 04 09.1, 2001 04 09.2, 2001 06 09.1, 2001 07 24.1, 2002 04 13.1, 2002 05 06.1, 2002 07 21.1

False Ministers / Evangelist
18 Prophecies -
216, 269, 719, 809, 873, 911, 917, 933, 10 28, 1048, 1142, 1417, 1521, 1575, 1616, 1690, 1624, 1690

Neh 13:29; Isa 8:20, 9:16, 28:7, 44:20; Jer 2:8, 5:31, 6:13, 13:20, 48:10, 50:6;
Ezek 13:19, 22; 22:26;
Hos 4:6, 8-9, 6:9;
Mt 15:9

False Teachers
3 Prophecies -
2000 06 16.1, 2000 10 05.1, 2000 10 21.6

False Teachers
9 Prophecies -
562, 711, 719, 809, 917, 1028, 1417, 1590, 1690

Deut 13:1-3; Mt 5:19, 15:9, 23:2-33; Lk 11:38:52



Prophecies By
Thomas Gibson

Prophecies By
Raymond Aguilera

Samble Verses

Command to Obey
44 Prophecies -
1995 10 23.2, 1996 05 09.1, 1996 10 06.1, 1996 10 29.1, 1996 11 03.1, 1996 11 30.1, 1997 03 16.1, 1997 03 28.1, 1997 04 04.1, 1997 04 21.1, 1997 05 02.1, 1997 05 05.1, 1997 08 29.1, 1997 11 06.1, 1997 11 16.1, 1997 11 23.1, 1997 12 04.1, 1998 01 02.2, 1998 02 07.1, 1998 02 24.1, 1998 03 09.1, 1998 10.17.1, 1998 12 29.1, 1999 03 09.1, 1999 04 30.2, 1999 04 30.2, 1999 05 21.1, 1999 05 22.1, 2000 04 22.1, 2000 06 25.1, 2000 07 11.1, 2000 07 11.1, 2000 07 20.1, 2000 08 12.1, 2000 08 21.1, 2000 09 22.3, 2000 09 22.4, 2000 10 01.1, 2000 10 02.1, 2001 01 24.1, 2001 02 25.1, 2001 04 18.1, 2001 06 17.1, 2002 05 06.3

Command to Obey
7Prophecies -
# 68, 170, 182, 198, 410, 899, 1643

Deut 30:2, 32:43; 1 Sam 15:22, 12:14-15; Jer 7:23, 11:7; Heb 5:9;

The Obedient Protected
11 Prophecies -
1996 11 03.2, 1997 03 23.1, 1998 04 03.1, 1998 10 24.1, 1999 09 12.1, 2000 04 22.1, 2000 08 12.3, 2000 09 20.1, 2000 12 02.1, 2000 12 31.1, 2001 04 24.1

The Obedient Protected
0 Prophecies -

Deut 5:9; Ex 19:5, 20:6; Isa 1:19; Jn 8:51; 1 Jn 3:22; Job 36:11; Jn 15:6

The Disobedient
3 Prophecies -
2000 04 13.1, 2000 04 22.1, 2001 04 24.1

The Disobedient
3 Prophecies -
# 264, 893, 1208

Heb 10:30; Deut 32:35, 41, 43; Isa 35:4; Ezek 25:17; 1Sam 12:15; 2Ki 18:12; Jer 7:23-24

Disobedient Prophets
4 Prophecies -
1996 08 24.1, 1999 09 12.1, 2000 08 21.1, 2002 05 06.3

Disobedient Prophets
0 Prophecies -

Isa 44:20; Jer 5:31, 14:14, 23:14, 21, 31, 48:10

Disobedient Church
4 Prophecies -
1995 10 23.2, 2001 04 05.1, 2001 06 17.1, 2002 07 21.1

Disobedient Church
1 Prophecies -
# 125

Mt 23:2-7, 13-15, 27-28; Deut 17:2-3; Rev 2:4-5, 14-16, 20-23; 3:1, 3, 15-17

Disobedient People
8 Prophecies -
1996 05 09.1, 1996 10 29.1, 1996 11 03.1, 1997 03 13.1, 1997 03 28.1, 1997 05 04.1, 1997 06 14.1, 2000 07 11.1,

Disobedient People
1 Prophecies -
# 1643

Mk 11:26; Jn 15:6



Prophecies By
Thomas Gibson

Prophecies By
Raymond Aguilera

Samble Verses

Only God's People will withstand
6 Prophecies -
1994 19 01.1, 1996 05 09.1, 1998 04 03.1, 2000 03 09.1, 2000 12 02.1, 2002 08 31.1

Only God's People Withstand
1 Prophecies -
# 33

Psa 37:24, 28, 73:24; Jer 32:40; Gal 6:9; 2 Tim 4:18; Dan 3

Church Persecutes True Believers
7 Prophecies -
1994 10 01.1, 1994 19 05.1, 1997 03 30.2, 2000 06 16.1, 2000 07 19.1, 2000 10 08.3, 2002 08 31.3

Church Persecutes True Beliver
1 Prophecies -
# 82

Mt 5:10, 11-12, 44, 10:17, 21-23, 23:34, 24:9-10; Mk 8:35, 13:9, 12-13; Lk 6:22, 21:12, 16-19; John 15:18-19, 16:2; Rom 8:17; 1 Cor 4:12

Prepare for
8 Prophecies -
1994 10 01.1, 1994 10 05.1, 1998 04 10.2, 2000 05 01.1, 2000 07 30.1, 2000 08 24.1, 2000 12 02.4, 2001 03 17.4

Prepare for
1 Prophecies -
# 562

Job 34:28; Psa 3:4, 4:1, 18:6, 21:4, 22:4-5; 2 Cor 12:8-9

Forms of
7 Prophecies -
1997 12 31.1, 1998 04 10.1, 1998 04 10.1, 1998 04 10.3, 1999 03 10.1, 1999 05 31.1, 2000 05 12.2

Forms of
15 Prophecies -
# 82, 100, 103, 104, 145, 510, 541, 578, 619, 663, 995, 1185, 1234, 1246, 1466

Gen 49:23; Psa 37:32, 74:7, 119:69, 161; Mk 13:12; Lk 12:53

At end of War
4 Prophecies -
1995 12 07.1, 1995 12 12.2, 2000 10 08.2, 2000 10 08.3

At end of War
0 Prophecies -


6 Prophecies -
1997 01 10.1, 1998 03 17.2, 1998 04 10.1, 2001 01 04.1, 2001 01 13.1, 2001 04 11.2

7 Prophecies -
# 69, 74, 82, 112, 562, 901, 1039

1 Pet 5:8; Job 2:7, Psa 109:6, Mt 13:19; John 13:2, Acts 13:10

No Compromise
7 Prophecies -
1999 09 27.1, 2000 10 08.3, 2000 12 02.4, 2001 01 04.1, 2001 03 17.4, 2001 04 11.1, 2001 04 11.2

No Compromise
1 Prophecies -
# 100

Prv 29:24; Rom 1:32, 2 John 10-11; Dan 3

Closer to God more Persecution
18 Prophecies -
1996 05 09.1, 1996 12 07.1, 1997 09 22.1, 1998 03 02.1, 1998 04 10.1, 1998 04 10.3, 1998 10 24.2, 1999 07 19.3, 2000 03 26.1, 2000 05 01.1, 2000 06 06.1, 2000 08 24.1, 2000 10 15.1, 2000 12 02.1, 2001 02 07.2, 2001 03 03.1, 2001 11 04.1, 2002 08 31.3

Closer to God more Persecution
5 Prophecies -
# 33, 36, 74, 82, 104

Mt 10:22; John 15:18-19; Acts 5:29-33

Unexpected directions
3 Prophecies -
1998 04 10.2, 1999 07 19.2, 2000 03 26.1

Unexpected directions
1 Prophecies -
# 82

Lk 12:53; Mk 13:12

How it will start
6 Prophecies -
1997 12 14.1, 1998 04 10.1, 1999 09 20.2, 2000 05 01.1, 2001 04 11.2, 2001 11 04.1

How it will start
4 Prophecies -
# 74, 368, 1039, 1185

Psa 2:1-3, 38:20, 74:7-8, 109:25



Prophecies By
Thomas Gibson

Prophecies By
Raymond Aguilera

Samble Verses

Pray continualy
19 Prophecies -
1994 10 05.1, 1996 05 23.1, 1996 10 21.1, 1997 02 09.1, 1997 04 18.1, 1997 11 23.1, 1998 01 02.2, 1998 08 20.1, 1999 05 30.1, 1999 09 23.1, 2000 06 16.1, 2000 09 22.1, 2000 09 22.3, 2000 12 13.3, 2000 12 23.1, 2000 12 31.1, 2001 01 04.1, 2001 02 11.2, 2002 08 31.1

Pray continualy
51 Prophecies -
# 13, 15, 32, 33, 103, 152, 156, 158, 167, 174, 208, 220, 225, 242, 243, 252, 259, 262, 277, 282, 290, 291, 302, 303, 305, 321, 324, 326, 349, 368, 495, 506, 509, 510, 529, 540, 541, 617, 711, 839, 937, 1037, 1156, 1192, 1213, 1332, 1467, 1608, 1643, 1650, 1685

2 Chr 7:14; Psa 55:17;
Mt 6:9, 9:38, 26:41
Mk 13:18, 13:33;
Lk 18:1, 21:36, 22:40, 46
1Thes 5:17; 1Tim 2:8

If you don't Pray
7 Prophecies -
1994 10 05.1, 1996 04 08.2, 1996 0509.1, 1997 04 12.1, 1998 10 17.1, 2001 02 07.1, 2001 08 12.1

If you don't Pray
1 Prophecies -
# 210

Deut 7:4; 1Ki 9:6

Prayer fights Evil
14 Prophecies -
1998 03 01.1, 1998 04 03.1, 1998 12 23.3, 1999 05 18.1, 1999 09 06.1, 2000 03 30.1, 2000 06 25.2, 2000 10 21.1, 2000 10 21.3, 2001 02 11.1, 2001 02 25.1, 2001 06 02.1, 2002 06 21.1, 2002 09 24.2

Prayer fights Evil
0 Prophecies -

Psa 7:4, 34:6-7, 91:1-3

Prayer brings blessings
4 Prophecies -
2001 02 07.1, 2001 08 12.1, 2001 08 27.1, 2002 04 13.1

Prayer brings Blessings
0 Prophecies -

Psa 23, 34



Prophecies By
Thomas Gibson

Prophecies By
Raymond Aguilera

Samble Verses

God's Prophets
42 Prophecies -
1994 11 01.1, 1995 03 11.2, 1995 04 02.1, 1995 12 12.2, 1996 05 09.1, 1996 10 21.1, 1997 08 03.1, 1997 08 03.2, 1998 02 23.2, 1998 03 01.1, 1998 03 13.1, 1998 03 17.2, 1998 04 03.1, 1998 04 10.1, 1998 04 10.2, 1998 05 31.1, 1999 07 19.3, 1999 09 20.1, 1999 09 29.1, 2000 02 17.1, 2000 02 24.1, 2000 05 28.1, 2000 06 07.2, 2000 06 07.3, 2000 06 08.1, 2000 06 16.1, 2000 06 25.1, 2000 07 19.1, 2000 07 20.1, 2000 07 27.1, 2000 09 20.1, 2000 10 21.6, 2000 11 20.1, 2000 12 31.1, 2001 01 04.1, 2001 01 13.1, 2001 02 11.2, 2001 02 25.1, 2001 03 28.2, 2001 04 24.1, 2001 11 04.1, 2002 09 28.1

God's Prophets
11 Prophecies -
# 36, 39, 42, 57, 69, 70, 173, 210, 220, 1021, 1028

Ex 7:1; Num 12:6; Deut 18:15, 18, 34:10; Jud 6:8; 1 Ki 19:15-16; 1 Chr 16:22; Jer 1:5

Disobedient Prophets
12 Prophecies -
1995 03 11.3, 1996 08 24.1, 1998 04 03.1, 1998 04 10.2, 1998 05 31.1, 1998 12 02.1, 1999 05 21.1, 1999 09 29.1, 2000 02 24.1, 2000 07 27.1, 2000 10 21.4, 2001 02 11.2

Disobedient Prophets
1 Prophecies -
# 68

1 Ki 13:11-26; Isa 28:7

False Prophets
15 Prophecies -
1995 11 04.1, 1996 10 21.1, 1998 02 23.2, 1998 03 03.1, 1998 04 03.1, 1998 05 31.1, 1999 01 10.2, 1999 08 31.1, 2000 02 24.1, 2000 06 16.1, 2000 07 27.1, 2000 09 22.2, 2001 01 13.1, 2001 02 11.2, 2001 03 28.2

False Prophets
7 Prophecies -
# 36, 60, 68, 70, 74, 1418, 1690

1 Ki 18:19, 22:6, 12; Isa 9:15; Jer 5:31

Rejection of God's Prophets
3 Prophecies -
1995 11 04.1, 1996 05 09.1, 1999 09 29.1

Rejection of God's Prophets
4 Prophecies -
# 68, 70, 1021, 1208

Persecuted - 1 Ki 18:13, 19:10, 22:13, 24, 26-27; 2 Chr 36:16; Mt 5:12
Didn't like the Message - Isa 30:10; Amos 2:12
Imprisoned - 1 Ki 22:27; Jer 32:2, 37:15-16
Killed - Mt 23:34-37

Revelations that are not in Bible
2 Prophecies -
2000 10 21.4, 2000 12 31.1

Revelations that are not in Bible
6 Prophecies -
# 34, 36, 69, 70, 245, 259




Prophecies By
Thomas Gibson

Prophecies By
Raymond Aguilera

Samble Verses

Command to Repent
39 Prophecies -
1994 11 01.1, 1995 03 11.1, 1995 03 11.3, 1995 09 10.1, 1995 09 22.1, 1995 11 04.1, 1995 11 20.1, 1995 12 07.1, 1995 12 09.1, 1995 12 12.1, 1996 04 08.2, 1996 08 24.2, 1996 10 29.1, 1996 11 09.1, 1996 11 16.1, 1997 04 06.3, 1997 08 29.1, 1997, 12 03.1, 1998 01 05.1, 1998 03 03.1, 1998 04 10.1, 1998 04 10.2, 1998 09 26.1, 1998 10 17.1, 1998 10 18.1, 1998 10 25.2, 1998 11 14.3, 1998 12 24.1, 1999 04 08.1, 1999 07 30.1, 1999 09 06.2, 2000 08 08.1, 2000 12 02.4, 2000 12 31.1, 2001 01 24.2, 2001 03 17.3, 2001 04 11.1, 2001 06 02.1, 2001 08 26.1

Command to Repent
34 Prophecies -
# 39, 45, 64, 68, 79, 94, 96, 104, 178, 185, 215, 220, 252, 255, 291, 311, 321, 324, 349, 354, 439, 506, 509, 510, 566, 617, 711, 725, 873, 1069, 1157, 1597, 1650, 1671

Lk 13:3; 2 Ki 17:13; Ezek 14:6, 18:21, 27-28

Must have True Repentance
24 Prophecies -
1994 10 01.1, 1994 11 01.1, 1995 03 11.3, 1995 09 10.1, 1995 09 22.1, 1995 11 20.1, 1995 12 07.1, 1996 05 09.1, 1996 08 26.1, 1996 10 21.2, 1997 03 28.1, 1998 04, 03.1, 1998 11 14.2, 1999 05 09.1, 2000 02 17.1, 2000 08 08.1, 2000 08 27.2, 2001 07 02.1, 2001 09 15.1, 2001 10 17.1, 2001 11 04.2, 2001 11 04.3, 2002 04 28.1, 2002 07 21.1

Must have True Repentance
5 Prophecies -
# 178, 566, 711, 725, 1597

2 Chr 7:14; Deut 4:29-31; Psa 51:17

17 Prophecies -
1995 12 07.1, 1997 12 27.1, 1999 06 25.1, 2000 11 20.1, 2000 12 02.1, 2000 12 13.1, 2001 09 15.1, 2001 10 08.1, 2001 10 17.1, 2001 11 04.2, 2001 12 06.1, 2002 03 27.1, 2002 04 28.2, 2002 05 06.1, 2002, 06 24.1, 2002 07 21.2, 2002 08 11.2

2 Prophecies -
# 185, 1671

Jer 4:1, 13:15, 18:18, 26:3

3 Prophecies -
1995 02 25.1, 2001 06 29.1, 2002 09 02.1

0 Prophecies -

Jer 4:1, 13:15, 18:18, 26:3



Prophecies By
Thomas Gibson

Prophecies By
Raymond Aguilera

Samble Verses

Judgment and Wrath brings Revival
14 Prophecies -
1998 10 18.1, 1998 10 24.2, 1998 10 31.1, 1999 03 09.1, 1999 09 06.2, 2000 05 14.2, 2000 07 11.1, 2001 01 04.1, 2001 01 20.1, 2001 02 07.1, 2001 02 07.2, 2001 04 05.2, 2001 05 05.1, 2001 06 17.1

Judgment Wrath brings Revival
0 Prophecies -

Jonah 3:4-10; Gen 33:1-4; Num 11:1-2; Josh 23:16 - 24:1-17

Many will fight True Revival
3 Prophecies -
1998 10 24.2, 1997 11 13.1, 1998 10 24.2

Many will fight True Revival
0 Prophecies -

Acts 17:17-18, 18:5-6, 12-13

False Revival coming
3 Prophecies -
1997 07 04.1, 1998 10 24.2, 2001 06 17.1

False Revival coming
0 Prophecies -

Acts 19:23-29, 34

No Revival for San Francisco
0 Prophecies -

No Revival for San Francisco
2 Prophecies -
# 440, 1425

Deut 32:28-39



Prophecies By
Thomas Gibson

Prophecies By
Raymond Aguilera

Samble Verses

A tool used by God
4 Prophecies -
1995 12 07.1, 2000 12 13.1, 2001 02 07.2, 2001 11 04.2

A tool used by God
0 Prophecies -

Mt 24:6; Mk 13:7, Lu 21:9

Will reorganize
1 Prophecies -
2000 12 13.1

Will reorganize
2 Prophecies -
# 70, 592

Ezek 38:9, 15

Will become Satan's
3 Prophecies -
1994 11 01.1, 1995 12 07.1, 2000 12 13.1

Will become Satan's
2 Prophecies -
# 53, 592

Psa 36:1; Isa 30:1, 9; Dan 5:23; Rom 1:21-22, 28



Prophecies By
Thomas Gibson

Prophecies By
Raymond Aguilera

Samble Verses

Follow God to defeat Satan
22 Prophecies -
1996 05 09.1, 1996 05 23.1, 1996 0914.1, 1996 10 21.1, 1997 09 15.1, 1997 11 23.1, 1998 02 08.1, 1998 03 02.1, 1998 03 03.1, 1998 04 03.1, 1998 10 24.2, 1999 03 09.1, 1999 07 19.2, 1999 09 20.2, 2000 05 14.2, 2000 06 16.1, 2000 09 10.1, 2000 11 14.1, 2000 11 20.1, 2001 04 09.1, 2001 04 11.2, 2001 12 06.1

Follow God to defeat Satan
4 Prophecies -
# 160, 198, 893, 906

Mt 16:18; John 12:26, 31-32

1 Prophecies -
1994 11 01.1

0 Prophecies -

Deut 12:31; Lam 4:3;
2 ki 16:3, 17:31, 23:10
2Chr 28:3, 33:6
Ezek 16:21

Satan's Prophets
6 Prophecies -
1998 05 31.1, 1998 11 14.2, 1999 07 17.1, 2001 01 13.1, 2001 01 13.2, 2001 03 28.1

Satan's Prophets
6 Prophecies -
# 12, 64, 70, 321, 544, 1190

Eph 2:2; 2 Cor 4:4; Psa 109:6; John 13:2

The lies of Satan
7 Prophecies -
1996 05 09.1, 1997 02 09.1, 1997 09 15.1, 1997 11 23.1, 2000 10 21.3, 2001 01 24.2, 2001 02 25.1

The lies of Satan
4 Prophecies -
# 242, 269, 617, 1686

John 8:44; 1 Ki 22:22

Controling the world
6 Prophecies -
1995 12 07.1, 1996 05 21.1, 1997 01 10.1, 1997 11 23.1, 2000 08 24.1, 2001 04 11.2

Controling the world
8 Prophecies -
# 150, 162, 229, 262, 269, 592, 617, 742

John 14:30, 16:11; Eph 2:2, 6:12; Job 1:7

In Churches
6 Prophecies -
1995 12 07.1, 1996 05 09.1, 1998 03 17.2, 1999 03 09.1, 1999 03 20.1, 2000 09 07.2

In Churches
12 Prophecies -
# 12, 17, 20, 30, 53, 64, 68, 81, 103, 125, 226, 1190

2 Cor 4:4; Rev 2:9, 3:9



Prophecies By
Thomas Gibson

Prophecies By
Raymond Aguilera

Samble Verses

God's Protection
1 Prophecies -
2001 05 18.1

God's Protection
37 Prophecies -
# 45, 50, 64, 69, 73, 77, 82, 99, 101, 110 112, 121, 123, 127, 157, 167, 178, 210, 220, 225, 243, 255, 262, 264, 265, 268, 354, 368, 390, 509, 636, 719, 768, 809, 899, 928, 937

John 10:7-9, 11, 14-16

Seperating Sheep from Goats
7 Prophecies -
1999 02 13.1, 2000 06 07.1, 2000 06 07.2, 2000 06 07.3, 2000 06 16.1, 2000 12 02.4, 2001 05 18.1

Seperating Sheep[ from Goats
53 Prophecies -
# 90, 94, 104, 121, 161, 171, 173, 185, 194, 198, 210, 211, 213, 252, 258, 264, 267, 282, 354, 368, 390, 440, 510, 514, 604, 617, 637, 721, 732, 768, 806, 839, 873, 883, 899, 901, 934, 937, 1028, 1037, 1039, 1156, 1157, 1174, 1187, 1192, 1414, 1427, 1590, 1623, 1685, 1686, 1687

Jude 1:19; Mt 25:32-33; Rev 3:5, 20:11-15
Will be tested - Rom 12:2; 1 Cor 3:13; 1 Thes 5:21; James 1:2-3, 12; 1 Pet 1:6-7, 4:12; 2 Cor 8:2, 13:5; Heb 11:36-37; Gen 22:1; Ex 13:4, 20:20

Restoring the Sheep
1 Prophecies -
2000 06 11.1

Restoring the Sheep
0 Prophecies -

Jer 50:17-19; Ezek 34:11-16

False Sheep - the Wolves
3 Prophecies -
2000 08 12.1, 2001 01 13.1, 2001 01 13.2

False Sheep - the Wolves
28 Prophecies -
# 90, 94, 210, 252, 264, 282, 510, 514, 604, 637, 768, 806, 973, 883, 899, 901, 934, 937, 1037, 1039, 1157, 1187, 1427, 15 90, 1619, 1685, 1686, 1687

Not everyone who says Lord - Mt 7:21:23
Many not ready - Mt 25:1-13
Produce no fruit - Mt 25:14-30; Lk 19:11-27
Will not forgive - Mt 18:23-35
Refuse invitation - Lk 14:15-24
Not watching for return - Li 12:36-38
Sheep and Goats mixed - Mt 13:24
Pride - God not in thoughts Psa 10:4
Hard hearts, will not help poor - Deut 15:7
Hard hearts, belive not truth
Mk 16:14
Must be Humble - 2 Chr 7:14

0 Prophecies -

15 Prophecies -
# 69, 104, 121, 145, 164, 171, 173, 264, 269, 390, 543, 562, 1299, 1643, 1686

Mt 5:10, 11-12, 44, 10:17, 21-23, 23:34, 24:9-10; Mk 8:35, 13:9, 12-13; Lk 6:22, 21:12, 16-19; John 15:18-19, 16:2; Rom 8:17; 1 Cor 4:12



Prophecies By
Thomas Gibson

Prophecies By
Raymond Aguilera

Samble Verses

Signs - Miracles
16 Prophecies -
1995 04 02.2, 1998 04 03.1, 1995 04 02.2, 1996 07 02.1, 1997 10 25.1, 1998 04 03.1, 1998 06 25.1, 1998 10 24.2, 1998 12 23.1, 1999 09 06.1, 2000 06 25.1, 2000 10 08.3, 2000 10 15.1, 2000 12 13.3, 2000 12 31.1, 2001 02 07.1

Signs - Miracles
7 Prophecies -
# 215, 222, 269, 302, 390, 919, 1494

John 2:11, 11:1-46; Mt 8:1-4, 14-17, 9:27:31; Mk 2:1-12l Luke 7:11-16, 8:43-48

Signs in the Sky
0 Prophecies -

Signs in the Sky
7 Prophecies -
# 19, 24, 39, 58, 79, 269, 390

Mt 2:1-9; Dan 6:27; Luke 21:11

Why no signs now
6 Prophecies -
1994 07 16.1, 1997 06 01.1, 1997 09 22.2, 1998 09 13.1, 2000 07 27.1, 2000 10 05.1

Why no signs now
0 Prophecies -

Psa 78:22, 32; Mt 13:58, 17:17, 19-20



Prophecies By
Thomas Gibson

Prophecies By
Raymond Aguilera

Samble Verses

Against evil world system
2 Prophecies -
1995 03 11.3, 2001 04 05.1

Against evil world system
0 Prophecies -

John 15:19; 1 Cor 5:10

7 Prophecies -
1994 11 01.1, 1995 12 07.1, 1997 09 22.2, 2000 12 13.1, 2001 02 07.2, 2000 05 03.1, 2001 11 04.2

1 Prophecies -
# 72

Deut 28:49; Mt 24:6; Mk 13:7, Lu 21:9

Judgment on America
13 Prophecies -
1994 11 01.1, 1995 03 11.3, 1995 12 07.1, 1995 12 09.1, 1998 12 17.1, 1999 02 13.2, 1999 04 24.2, 1999 06 13.1, 1999 06 13.3, 2000 05 12.1, 2002 04 28.1, 2002 04 28.2, 2002 08 18.1

Judgment on America
5 Prophecies -
# 832, 899, 957, 965, 1158

Mt 24:6; Mk 13:7, Lu 21:9

3 rd World War
12 Prophecies -
1994 11 01.1, 1995 12 07.1, 1995 12 09.1, 1997 09 22.2, 1998 23 03.3, 1999 06 13.1, 2000 05 12.1, 2000 12 13.1, 2000 10 08.1, 2001 02 07.2, 2002 04 28.1, 2002 02 17.1

3 rd World War
36 Prophecies -
# 69, 72, 85, 90, 104, 121, 167, 185, 261, 262, 282, 299, 302, 311, 346, 426, 495, 525, 541, 620, 747, 832, 855, 899, 900, 957, 965, 1028, 12 32, 1243, 1289, 1325, 1329, 1424, 1619, 1650

2 Chr 36:17; 1 Sam 22:19; Deut 3:6, 28:49-50; Ezek 9:6; Mt 24:6; Mk 13:7, Lu 21:9; Invasion Jer 11:22, 14:16, 16:4, 25:27; Amos 4:2, 6:14; Ezek 5:12; Hab 1:6; Jud 3:8, 12-14, 4:1-3, 6:1-5, 10:6-8, 13:1

Persecution during
2 Prophecies -
1995 12 07.1, 1995 12 12.2

Persecutilon during
2 Prophecies -
# 541, 1289

Ezek 9:6; Isa 22:19; Deut 28:49-50; 2 Chr 36:17; Mt 5:10, 11-12, 44, 10:17, 21-23, 23:34, 24:9-10; Mk 8:35, 13:9, 12-13; Lk 6:22, 21:12, 16-19; John 15:18-19, 16:2; Rom 8:17; 1 Cor 4:12

Brings True Repentance
4 Prophecies -
1995 03 11.3, 1995 12 07.1, 1995 12 09.1, 2001 02 11.1

Brings True Repentance
0 Prophecies -

2 Cor 7:10; 1 Ki 8:47

Nuclear War
1 Prophecies -
2000 10 08.1

Nuclear War
8 Prophecies -
# 44, 85, 121, 167, 185, 261, 346, 426

Gen 19:14; Jer 46:8; Mt 24:6; Mk 13:7, Lu 21:9

Spiritual War
11 Prophecies -
1995 12 07.1, 1995 12 09.1, 1995, 12 12.2, 1997 04 12.1, 1998 02 08.1, 1999 03 09.1, 1999 05 18.1, 1999 05 21.1, 1999 05 30.1, 1999 07 19.2, 2001 02 11.1

Spiritual War
15 Prophecies -
# 12, 14, 19, 33, 89, 154, 160, 267, 350, 374, 390, 525, 620, 867, 1151

An inward Battle - Rom 7:23; The Weapons of - 2 Cor 10:4; Against invisible foes - Eph 6:12; Young soldiers enlisted - 1 Tim 1:18; A fight of faith - 1 Tim 6:12; Demands entire consecration - 2 Tim 2:4; Heb 10:32; Rev 12:17; Victory - Power to tread on serpents - Lk 10:19; Over afflictions Rom - 8:35, 37; Over the World - 1 John 5:4; Over all satanic powers - Rev 15:2

Conventual Wars
2 Prophecies -
1998 12 17.1, 1999 04 24.2

Conventual Wars
8 Prophecies -
# 56, 206, 540, 791, 900, 1127, 1158, 1210

Deut 28:48; Mt 24:6; Mk 13:7, Lu 21:9;
Lev 26:17; Job 19:29, 36:12
Isa 65:12; Jer 25:31; Ezek 5:12;



Prophecies By
Thomas Gibson

Prophecies By
Raymond Aguilera

Samble Verses

Only the Almighty God
11 Prophecies -
1995 11 04.3, 1995 11 20.1, 1996 05 21.1, 1996 07 20.1, 1996 09 14.2, 1997 11 23.1, 1999 04 29.1, 1999 09 06.1, 2000 04 22.1, 2000 06 25.1, 2001 02 25.1

Only the Almighty God
10 Prophecies -
# 36, 68, 173, 220, 636, 676, 869, 1281, 1364, 1418

1 Cor 14:25; Philip 3:3; Rev 19:10, 22:9

False Worship
3 Prophecies -
1997 03 01.1, 2000 07 27.1, 2001 04 11.1

False Worship
6 Prophecies -
# 118, 688, 921, 978, 1281, 1372

Isa 29:13; Ezek 33:31; Mt 15:8

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