Compiled by Rev. Jack Barr
On the Prophecies from The Start in the 1970's to 2002 09 30.1
The following are the entire quotes from the Prophecies, of what is related to
Repenting in each of the following prophecies
** The The Next section tells what each of the Prophecies says
about Repenting
I recommend that you read the entire Prophecies at T. Gibson's site
Key parts of prophecies are in Blue text, My notes (if any) are in Red text.
Repent -
1994 10 01.1
I will no longer support those who will not repent. Therefore, repent and turn to the Lord in a complete way
so that I can bless you and turn your troubles to blessings and prosperity!1994 11 01.1
Indeed, they have gone out of their way to avoid My ways, lest they have to repent and follow a God which will tell them what to do. ---- So therefore do not wait, staying on the path of destruction that the flesh will bring to you, but stay on the path of holiness that My Spirit will bless you with, if you will simply look to Jesus, the One who died for your sins, that you may be justified before Me without any wrong on your book of actions. ---- It is simply a matter of repenting of your sins and turning around to follow the will of the Lord God of Israel!
1995 02 25.1
Now all this will be done to relay the message that I will not tolerate My world being torn apart with sin. Those nations who choose to walk in sin will suffer the judgment of it. I will no longer be as tolerant of sin as I was in the past nations have risen against nations in the past but now I choose to rise against nations such as Canada, who will not repent! ---- It will not occur over night, and I will bring lesser judgment to areas that have some repentance, says the Lord God Almighty.
1995 03 11.1
I am the blesser. I bless! I bless. I will bless them according to their faith and their commitment to Me, but I would have loved to have blessed them far beyond anything that is humanly possible! ----- there fore I am justifying My blessing upon them by saying, "I am blessing them because of their forefathers and My promise to them," but I am also blessing them because they have partially turned toward Me. Until they make a more complete dedication toward Me this blessing will be minimal as I need to make to fulfill My previous promises. ---- But I tell you they will repent. They will repent. They will repent! I have spoken it. They will come back to me, saith the Lord.
1995 03 11.3
Those who quickly repent of this evil will be brought back into the fold and will start to serve Me.
Those who do not this, will be judged by the Spirit of power of the Lord God of heaven. ---- This judgment will be swift and just, but severe. So it will be, to those who will repent, and to those who will not repent, says the Lord!1995 09 10.1
Thus says the Lord of Hosts, I have set forth a time of repenting for the world
. This they will do if they have a heart toward the things of the Lord. But if they have a heart toward the things of this earth, they will not repent and will go after their own way and I will be a wrathful judge toward them and their ways. ---- Oh, to repent and serve the one and true Lord of heaven and all the earth!! I have set forth this time to serve the Lord God of heaven and earth, and to serve him you must! ---- Those who will not do so will be judged a great judging. ---- So I will do to those who will not repent on this earth for their own evil, says the Lord of Hosts. So I will be toward this people, to those that will repent and to those that will not repent! ---- So I will be to those that will repent: that I will turn their lives toward the kingdom of God and his holy ways. And I will bring to them prosperity, repentance, and joy of the Holy Spirit, and they will serve me, a true holy servant of the Most High!1995 09 22.1
For although I say unto you, I would that none be lost, that none be forgiven and then repent to turn back to their sin: I would that all repent and stay with Me forever to serve Me in a holy manner and in a way that is right in My sight ---- There is only one way to the cross of repentance, that is by the blood of My Son, Jesus, My only begotten Son, Lamb of the Most High! --- Now is the time of repentance, now is the time to turn away from mockery of holiness unto true holiness, by the acceptance of the Blood poured out by Jesus on the cross for your total forgiveness of sin for all time!!
1995 11 04.1
The Word of God given to this World to repent and serve the Lord.
1995 11 20.1
Those who will repent and serve Me, the Lord God, will be with Me in My kingdom forever
. Those who will not repent and serve Me will never walk in My kingdom, but be banished to everlasting punishment in the lake of fire. ---- Repent! Know and believe, that the Lord Jesus came and willingly sent himself to the cross so that His blood would wash all sin away, and give you life eternal with Me.1995 12 07.1
I, the Lord your God, do require of you a repentance for your sins
. It has not been forth coming, but rather I have been led down the garden path of repentance of a fake nature. I, the Lord your god, require a repentance of a true nature. One that does not mean you return to the things of evil that have plagued you in the past. I require of you a change in the heart: to not go after the evil, to not change your ways on the surface and claim that I am being served when you won't even spend an hour a day with Me, you wont spend an hour in prayer, an hour in repentance, an hour in service to Me, an hour in praise. You are too caught up in the earth, and this earth's things, that you will not spend any time with Me, you Creator! ---- You must repent a repentance that is true, is just, is real!!!---- You cannot stand before the judgment throne and claim that you have served Me, because deep in your own heart you know you have saved yourself from hell in only a form of godliness, that is, unrighteous in its evil way. You who claim to repent, stand and show yourself approved unto God, unto holiness, unto prayer, unto righteousness, unto the ways of God, unto the only right way of the Lord. ---- So it will be, that this war will come to an end in this way. That by a new invention, that I will see comes to the USA, they will win this war. But this will Not occur until they have repented for their sins! They must repent before I will turn the tide of the war to them. ---- I will bring them to the brink of disaster, to the brink of destruction, to the brink of all out loss, before they will turn with their whole heart to Me, says the Lord.1995 12 09.1
This war will, with all its total cruelty from the earth's point of view, finally bring about a true repentance and a true love for the things of God in those few who will turn to Me at the beginning of the war!
1995 12 12.1
I am the Lord God. Therefore repent and turn to Me. Say to yourself, I will do the will of the Lord!
1996 04 08.2
So now turn and repent for your time not spent with M
e. I know that as you begin this journey toward the Lord your God, that you will turn and see yourself as never before, for I will change the very hearts desire within you!!1996 05 09.1
The Lord will turn his heart toward his people, NOT TOWARD THE AILINGS OF THE EARTH! - they have repented -not. ---- Let them have their rewards!!
1996 08 24.2
I warn them, Repent and do the will of God, for this is My work, that they shall serve Me righteously and forever, and I will reward them, and I will give them strength to give up everything of this world. ---- But they MUST, MUST turn away from the lusts of the flesh and serve the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords.
1996 08 26.1
But I surely am a God of wrath to those who will not repent, to those who reject Me, to those who reject My Jesus who shed His Blood for your sins.
1996 10 21.2
You can do it in love. And that's the way you must walk. For those of you who rise up in this coming fight within the churches; they are My evil servants. That is, they are not a servant at all, but they call themselves servants: they are in pride, they are in sin. They must either repent or be removed.
1996 10 29.1
It is now so late in the hour. So much has yet to be done. I have called you to do a work. Repent and do it NOW!!!
1996 11 09.1
Salvation is so very simple. Confess that you are a sinner and that I, Jesus Christ, died for your sins. Then repent before Me, and you are so very saved that this world could never understand. ---- No, they will make fun, they will fuss and fume, that you would become "one of those." Yet I have called you, and you have repented if you have done this. Then simply serve Me as I show you personally, and from My Word, the Bible, what I want you to do in this kingdom that I have on this earth.
1996 11 16.1
The Lord does not remember things the way you do. ---- I forget all of your sins. They are removed as far as the east is from the west. Get a hold of a globe and see how far that is. It's infinite. There is no end of east and west direction. ---- So is your sin removed from you that far, if you have repented and turned to follow after your God.
1997 03 28.1
I cannot give you rewards for refusing to do what I called you to do. You must repent turn to the Lord of heaven and earth, and do what Jesus has commanded you to do.
1997 04 06.3
Now is the time to repent and listen to the word of God
. He desires you to listen. Know this: that you cannot go your own way without knowing of the sin that is to befall you.1997 08 29.1
This Jesus: His blood shed to the redemption of sin to all who would listen, obey, repent, confess, that He is Lord of All,
and then they would be delivered from this sinful, earthly ways.1997 12 03.1
When you come under judgment, when you come under condemnation, do not, do not, do not get upset. Rather receive and seek humbly the Lord. Seek His ways. Seek His might. He is not against you, He is for you! He is very much for you! ---- He seeks you not always in a pleasant way. When He seeks to rebuke you, when He seeks to judge you; He does so, so you will repent. ---- Turn from the sin, and walk holy before Him. For then He can openly bless you and turn you into a servant of the most High God.
1997 12 27.1
Here the word and know that God is seeking to shake up the people to a great repentance
. For nothing to this say has brought a true repentance in the United States. But I will bring it, says the Lord, by judgment: for so is the way they have chosen. They will not receive it in another way, therefore they will have to receive it by judgments, and I will judge them until their repentance, says the Lord God.1998 01 05.1
Do not be dismayed at this. For it is this judgment, and these coming judgments, that shall bring about a repentance, in many peoples hearts, a humility to humble themselves - serve their creator.
1998 03 03.1
Hear not the word of those who walk to tickle your ears. For when you come to the Spirit of God, He will be honest, If you need to repent, you will know, for He will convict you of your sin. --- And as you repent and turn away from your sin, a great joy and a great power shall be upon you to protect you, to guide you, to lead you, to bless you.
1998 04 03.1
Hear this word, it is a warning to repent
. It is a warning to seek carefully, in prayer before God, whether you stand correct; or are being pulled by the lusts of this earth into sin, and you're calling it "the will of God." Be careful what you call My will.1998 04 10.1
Let those who have trusted in My Name, have looked upon Me, have been true to the word of God - they have nothing to fear. Those who repent and turn to Me have nothing to fear. For I am with you even unto the end of the world.
1998 04 10.2
And oh, the richest people in the world shall persecute you, and the judgment shall come upon the world. But there are those that will quietly listen to everything you say - they may be the one that laughed the loudest at you, call you the greatest names of all blasphemes - but they'll remember what you said, So hear them and know that they have been won to salvation, not at the time that they repented, but years before when you would stand for the word of God, no matter what. ---- Some of you are afraid of persecution, afraid to stand up and say, "Here am I, a Christian. I believe the word, I believe the prophets, I believe God." Stand up, let them laugh, and there'll be a reward unto you when those people repent later on, says the Lord God.
1998 09 26.1
If they would now repent and change their ways, and stand up against a sinful, unrepentant president, they would then be spared much of the coming judgment.
1998 10 17.1
There is a word that has gone forth from the very mouth of the Lord, and it is this: ---- That My people who are called by My Name, they must repent, they must seek their hears and see if there is any wicked thing. And then they must allow Me to seek their hearts to see if there is any wicked thing.
1998 10 18.1
This is the word of the Lord. That there be a remnant of My people in this hour that will stand and know the will of God. That this judgment and wrath that comes will bring about a great revival, will bring about a great repentance among My people that will turn them from the fleshly desires unto that of the Spirit, that they will seek the things of the living God, not the things of this earth, And its that that I intend to bring about. ---- I'll bring these revivals up, here and there, as people with a heart cry for repentance go to prayer for this nation and this world which has sought the things of the earth and not the things of God. ---- And as they seek more of a repentance among God/s people and among the world, I will bring it to pass. For it is this that brings true revival: a prayer from the heart to do anything that is necessary to serve the Lord, and to bring a revival to the nations.
1998 10 25.2
For there is a time in which I will show mercy. There is a time in which I will show grace. There is a time in which I will show my longstanding, as I await those who I have called to repent.
1998 11 14.2
Beware of those who push ministries into the limelight. Sometimes it is of Me, saith the Lord, sometimes it is not! ---- You see, many times satan pushes a ministry into the limelight because he knows he can bring pride about in the leadership of that ministry. BEWARE OF THIS TACTIC!! For if satan pushes you into the limelight, you are soon going to fall, unless you repent, AND REPENT QUICK!
1998 11 14.3
A nation that repents before Me, says the Lord, is a nation I will rebuild!
1998 12 24.1
It is time for many to repent and go back and listen, follow, obey the Lord in His commands to specific people and specific things.
1999 04 08.1
Oh, would I love them to repent! For I would stay judgment easily, quickly, lovingly, car'ingly.
1999 05 09.1
That's why My word says, fear the Lord you God. Fear Him! Fear what He will think if you do not repent and serve the Messiah who came to this earth, shed His Blood, so that you could have your sin completely removed, and then be turned from your life of sin unto a life of holiness, serving the God of creation. ---- That is the fear of God. Fear what God may think, if you do not repent!
1999 06 25.1
For this word is given that you understand that the United States has filled up its sins which I will allow. And I am preparing now, at this time, I am preparing now to bring the judgment that I have prophesied upon it. --- If they will repent, even in this late stage, I will stay, and repair all that I have done to that point. If they will repent I will stay the wrath. I will repair and I'll build back up. ---- But, oh, if they do not repent, if they do not repent, if they do not repent, the judgments will become more and more severe and everything that I have ever prophesied shall come to pass.
1999 07 30.1
For all who will serve Me, all those who will serve Me, turn to Me, I will with open arms accept, I will with open arms accept, for I will turn no one away. For its My hearts desire to bring people to repentance. ---- Turn you heart to Me, your desires to Me, and I , with open arms, will accept you! For I desire a repentance, not a judgment, says the Lord God of Heaven!
1999 09 06.2
For they have sought this earth and its ways, and not Me, says God. You must understand. Judgment comes from the hand of the Lord. It shall not seek the things of the earth. It shall seek to humble and bring down those lofty in this earth. ---- And when it does, some, just some, will come to repentance. Because of that , I will bring revival upon this place. I will bring a revival.
2000 02 17.1
At about that time I came under judgment from the Lord for the sin of pride. --- Over the years the Lord has spoken to me about this several times, and I have repented, only to return slowly to this sin again and again. ---- But this time was different. The Lord would not allow me to continue with the prophetic work that He called me to do until it was completely burned out of my life.
2000 08 08.1
Those who seek to build their ministry have already stepped, in their hearts, into the world of pride. And God in His mercy will seek their repentance, and seek to bring them into a place of repentance. ---- God's mercy is longsuffering. It'll go on, and on, and on, and on. ---- But there will come a time when God's mercy shall come to an end, and God's judgment shall begin! For those who step into the world of pride and seek to build a big ministry so they can have a name for themselves, they shall be brought down, and they shall be destroyed to the very last person on their ministry, unless there is repentance!
2000 08 27.2
Make no mistake about it. These people shall not be destroyed. I am not out to destroy them, but to turn them to repentance, and bring them into the fold. ---- If they will not repent there will come a time of serious wrath upon them. But there is time for them to repent, for I am a longsuffering loving God; and I seek repentance before I seek judgment. So says the Lord God.
2000 11 20.1
Some shall wonder how things could get so bad? How could turmoil come to the great United States of America? ---- But I say unto you, when America repents it can be blessed. Until then its cup is full: full of sin, and full of the wrath of God; and judgments must begin.
2000 12 02.1
Doubts the stability of the U.S. This stability doubt shall not heed logic, but shall grow over time to many events. And during this time it shall have been started by My hand, it shall continue by My hand, and it shall continue until the day the United States repents; and repent it will. --- But what I will do against the United States to cause it to repent will be severe. It will not repent at the beginning. It will not repent later on. It will be like My nation Israel in the days of old when it was stubborn, and stubborn, and stubborn, and would not repent, and I brought judgment upon judgment against it. So shall the United States be. ---- Now hear this. So says the Lord God. Do not despise this judgment. It is not designed to bring great wrath upon the United States. It is designed to bring great repentance. But great wrath shall come because they will not repent for long, long time. ---- Therefore many will die. There shall be much pain and much sorrow, but I will deliver that nation and bring it back to Me, says the Lord.
2000 12 02.4
Thus says the Lord, repent and listen to the word of God.
Note that there shall be persecutions arising in all places, throughout the United States and Canada, and through Europe these nations shall rise up.2000 12 13.1
So is the United States. The great nation shall be weakened,
It shall be weakened because of the sins of its people. It shall not be strengthened. It shall never be strengthened until it repents.2000 12 31.1
Do not fear the great wrath that is to come; but do fear it if you have not repented before the Lord, and have turned from your wicked ways to serve Him who is above all.
---- But if you have done this you need not fear, for you fear the Lord and His ways, and He will move heaven and earth to protect you.2001 01 24.2
For thus saith the Lord. I call My people to the road, back to the straight and narrow, for I love them and I care for them. I seek their repentance, and I am willing to forgive. ---- But, oh, I seek the opportunity to forgive them. I seek their repentance, for they are mine, and I wish them to stand with Me, saith the lord Jesus Christ.
2001 03 17.3
Thus says God. Repent and turn fully to the ways of the Bible. Study it and look at it.
2001 04 11.1
And I am directing them that where they are they stand for the Lord Jesus Christ, for salvation, for the Blood of the Lamb which wipes out sin of all those who will repent. They will stand forth and be counted among the anointed of God.
2001 06 02.1
I shall purge the sin out, but My people, called by My Name, must repent and burn from the fleshly ways and remember that God's Word, My Word, must be followed. When they turn away from this Word they are en error.
2001 06 29.1
The wrath of God came down and held rain for a long time in western Canada; and much of the areas had sparse moisture to the point where they begged for rain - and then I gave it. ---- This was a warning! Times will come, if they do not repent, that the drought shall be severe and shall be strong upon the land. So says the Lord.
2001 07 02.1
Those who get ahead in this world - scrounging and getting ahead, doing anything they have to, to gain popularity, to gain power, to gain money - they shall get ahead in this world for a time, but I shall bring them down. And they are not part of My Kingdom, not shall they ever be part of My Kingdom unless they seriously get on their knees and repent for their sins.
2001 08 26.1
But those of the earth, who seek the things of the earth, they will fall hard because My hand will be against them. If they will repent I will turn and bless them
2001 09 15.1
My call to My people is to send out the message: repent for the time of judgment is at hand. As in all judgments, saith the Lord, I will stay it, I will hold it back, it is not My will to bring forth judgment, it is My will to bring forth repentance. For it is repentance that is needed in the land. --- And if repentance truly came in a significant way I would raise My protection again and protect these United States against all harm. But until it comes, I will not protect it, saith the Lord. ---- Repent, turn from the love of money, turn from the love of self, turn truly back to the Bible days in the first century church that I showed you in both the gospels and the book of Acts.
2001 09 16.1
The United States will be attacked over and over. ---- A few minutes later the Lord began to emphasis to me in my heart that these things will only happen if there is no repentance.
Then this word from the Lord: If the United States does not return as a nation from its wicked ways and back to God, this will happen.2001 10 08.1
I have pleaded with My people in America. They have sought Me in superficial ways. ---- So there fore, I am going to continue with My judgments. I am pleading with them to repent and turn from their sin. And so, when they do so, I will turn from My judgments, says the Lord God of all.
2001 10 17.1
Search the Bible. Read it . carefully examine it. Do you not understand? When a nation goes into sin and rebels against the God of heaven there comes a time of judgment. You cannot get away from it. You cannot escape it; except that you repent and that the people turn from their sin and stop it. ---- Less than 6 thousand people died when the towers came down, and you call that evil. But 40 million children have died because of what you call freedom. And yet you do not stop this. Yet you allow it to continue. Do you not understand when you say, "I repent, I am so sorry, God please forgive me, God bless this nation," and you continue in sin you are the worst of all hypocrites? Do you not understand this is evil? Do you not understand America has not repented? It has only used God's Name excessively, yet it has meant none of it.
2001 11 04.2
For thus saith the Lord. Under no conditions will I allow Canada and the U.S. to be a relaxed and safe nation again until it completely and totally repents of its sinful ways and its rebellion against God.
---- Thus saith the Lord. This will come to pass, although many will say this cannot be, yet you shall see it in the very near future. For thus saith the Lord, nothing, but nothing that I say can fail except the people repent and I will turn from My judgment and begin to bless the nation again. So says the Lord God.2001 11 04.3
They have now, again, followed those repercussions to the place where they cannot escape save I intervene to allow them to escape. This would only happen upon their repentance
. The nation has not repented and so it shall be forth. ---- They have stepped into a sin in which repentance is the only way out, and things will get steadily worse. My hand will see that it happens. Save that they repent, they are in serious trouble and heading for worse. So says the Lord.2001 12 06.1
Stand and beware America shall be judged. Had they repented, truly I would turn and deliver them. But less than one in a thousand of those who use the name Christian are truly serving Me, saith the Lord, less than one in a thousand. ---- Listen, saith the Lord, I will bring America to its knees. It will take several years, but it will happen; save they repent and turn I will bring it to its knees.
2002 03 27.1
When the nation of America fully comes to its knees My hand of oppression shall lift. Either it will come to its knees in repentance, or I shall bring it to its knees in wrath and judgment. So says the Lord.
2002 04 28.1
Thus says the Lord, My hands are tied concerning judgment. For if the people will not repent, and the sins are so many that they have come up before Me for judgment: then judgment shall occur! There is only the repentance of the people which can stop it.
2002 04 28.2
I plead with America to repent
. I plead with her to turn from her sins, to turn back to the God she once served. For if she would turn back to Me with a full heart I will end all judgment and bring blessing upon her. For this is My will, says the Lord.2002 05 06.1
This will of God to bring America to its knees. ---- America's only way out is to have a majority of the nation fall to their knees to bring themselves to a place where they will turn and truly serve the Lord!
---- There is to come much wrath of God on these two nations; but there must come a forgiving Spirit of God. For those who will fall on their knees I will forgive and even turn to bless them - even at the last minute during My wrath.2002 06 24.1
Storms of wind and storms of rain, they shall be severe in order to bring those who will listen to the ways of God to repentance.
2002 07 21.1
For the church must walk righteously before Me and I must burn out all sin which is found there in, and bring it to a place of purity, and to a place of holiness, and to a place of true repentance and obedience to the Spirit of God. So says the Lord God.
2002 07 21.2
For thus says the Lord. I am the God that controls all things. Therefore do not be in fear of what you see within the stock markets of the United States. They will suffer a series of setbacks in their reach to be a world power in the years to come. They will fall as a world power as I have stated through many prophets. They shall not regain that position again. Without repentance they cannot escape this prophecy.
2002 08 11.2
The year 2003 is marked for great destruction in America. Only repentance can save it.
2002 09 02.1
Red Deer, Alberta, Canada. --- It is My will that this city will come under judgment until there is a substantial repentance.
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