T. Gibson's Prophecies on

Signs and Wonders

Compiled by Rev. Jack Barr
On the Prophecies from The Start in the 1970's to 2002 09 30.1

The following are the entire quotes from the Prophecies, of what is related to Signs and Wonders in each of the following prophecies
** The The Next section tells what each of the Prophecies says about Signs and Wonders

I recommend that you read the entire Prophecies at T. Gibson's site http://prophetic-word.org

Key parts of prophecies are in Blue text, My notes (if any) are in Red text.

Signs & Wonders -

1994 07 16.1

It's not that I do not do miracles, healing, or for that matter signs and wonders, but that I can only find a few that are dedicated to Me enough that I can move through them to the end of miracles, signs and wonders.

1995 04 02.2

You will start to see, as this progresses, the people, those who have been born again for a few days or years, says the Lord, they will do the miracles; such as lifting up of Spiritual power for the world to see. ----- They will raise the dead. They will stand and lay hands on the sick, and arms will be renewed, eyes will see - strength of the power of God. This will be seen by all, and some will believe and walk in the newness of the Spirit of God. ---- This is My will for all time. But it will take a war, a disaster, for My people to walk with Me in the Spirit of God the way they should.

1996 07 02.1

We are going to go in, as the body of Christ, to a time when we shall be following the 14th chapter of the Gospel of John. That means we will come to a place when we will perform together, (you, as My people; and I, as the Lord), in greater miracles than I did on this earth. In much greater miracles. And so it shall always be until the end.

1997 06 01.1

For those of My Spirit, they seek the ways of God. Those who follow after My Spirit, seek the ways of God. ---- But there are many who do not seek My Spirit, rather they seek the manifestations of the Spirit and they get led away into the things of signs and wonders, some from Me and some not. ---- Beware of those who do not seek truly the Spirit of God, but rather seek the signs, the wonders, the miracles. In a selfish way they seek them and they are not truly seeking after My Word and My Will.

1997 09 22.2

This word of the Lord is for all those who have desired to know the times and seasons. There will come a three fold sign of the end times. This will be, no matter what else may happen. I, the Lord have spoken.

1. The Fall of an American President. FULFILLED - Bill Clinton impeached in fall of 1998; see also 1998 01 30.1; 1998 08 12.1

2. The collapse of the American economy. Started in March 2001

3. The infiltration onto American soil of enemy bands of soldiers to begin World War III.

1997 10 25.1

And I shall go forth, says the Lord, and My people shall be strengthened by My hand. And miracle upon miracle, which you have never even heard in your lifetime, shall occur as a regular thing in this time and in this age. ---- for this is the time of the power of the living God, and you are to [unfortunately some words were lost here]

1998 04 03.1

Let the judgment of God come. Let it happen. ---- For it is at this time you shall see miracles. As persecution raises itself up against My people, I shall raise up in great power. You shall see the dead raised. You shall see the dead come back to life in front of your eyes if you'll walk with me. This time is coming ---- And it is being held back, for the test of the earth. ---- When the world comes apart, and things are not going right, and people are having a horrible time, they shall walk through this time, blessed and prosperous, because I will meet their every need no matter what! Any miracle it takes, I will do it, because they have a heart toward Me, so I shall have a heart toward them.

1998 06 25.1

So harken and heed the word of God. I will protect you and heed you. I will not be dismayed at those who turn around and say, "I give up everything in this earth that God has given me, to go further and serve the Lord in the most hard places to reach." ---- Those people will be blessed, and I will meet their needs like you have never seen before. ----- As this comes, great miracles, like never before, will come. As they step out in faith, I will move with them.

1998 09 13.1

So many of My people preach the gospel without signs following, because they seek a worldly gospel.

1998 10 24.2

For this revival that comes shall be a strong revival. There will be more miracles and more moves of God, more of the hand of god than you have ever seen in your life before. This shall come in the very near future.

1998 12 23.1

There'll never be a time, never will be a time, never will be a time that God is not in control. In the coming months, days, years, you'll see much disaster in the United States. ---- Do not fear it, as most will greatly fear it. For My hand of protection is upon My people. And I shall protect them with My power. The day of miracles is not over, it's just about to begin! And I shall protect them above all things, for they are My children, and I am their God.

1999 09 06.1

For great revivals has always come by one method. By the method of dedication, fear, and service to the Most High God - hours on their knees, hours in the prayer, hours, hours, hours seeking God. ---- This will always bring revival. No, not a false revival that is so common in this earth, but one of power and strength, where healings, miracles, and great signs and wonders are not only the norm, but are the expected thing every single day.

2000 06 25.1

Those who have prepared their hearts before Me, who have sought the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords - they are the ones that I shall deliver. They are the ones that shall walk in miracles. They are the ones that shall walk in healing. They are the ones that shall walk through this time with their needs met! For I shall be with them come what may!

2000 07 27.1

For so many places: there are no mighty works, there are no mighty deeds, there are no mighty miracles, and no mighty healings; because My work has been stifled by the heart that is against the will of God. It is against the anointing of the apostle. It is against the anointing of the prophet. It is against the anointing of the pastor.

2000 10 05.1

For thus says the Lord, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Heed Me and My Word. Study the truth of the Word of God. Don't listen to the designs, signs, and words of men who run the religious organizations, but listen to the Word of God.

2000 10 08.3

And when I have My people faithful to Me, not believing the world and the love of the world, then I will have strength in the church again. And miracles shall return. And powers shall come again, like it was in the days of old!

2000 10 15.1

But the days are coming in which My people, called by My Name shall be persecuted in great numbers. --- Do not fear this day. This day is of My will. For in that day I will show forth My power in My people. I'll show forth My strength. For when that day comes, and by the time that day comes, I will have purged My people so that they have rebelled against the world that they live in, and will stand up for Jesus. Without blemish they shall stand, and I shall bless them, and bless them mightily. Signs and wonders will be done like never before. But it will be because of the purging of the world out of them, that they will be able to show forth these signs. ---- Make no mistake. The signs are held back because of the worldliness of My people.

2000 12 13.3

But you see, this is good. As I burn the flesh out I'll be left with a ministry that stands on the healing and holy and mighty power of the Living God. ---- These ministries are the ones that shall lead My church in the coming years!

2000 12 31.1

Now hear this, says the Lord, hear this will. That as you step into the year to come, not many, but a few signs shall follow. A few judgments, a few increases of them, but not much. But watch the years after this for they shall increase in their intensity and increase in the speed in which they come. So says the Lord.

2001 02 07.1

Make no mistake! I do not reward those of My people who spend no time with Me, or very little time. Those who spend time with Me in prayer, and in fasting, and in studying the Word - they are the ones that will stand up and receive great miracles and great glory in the last days. And these are the last days. ---- You will see the miracles of God come forth upon His people as He delivers them, protects them, and guides them through this time.

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