Shirl Barr's Family History
by Shirley Barr

Last Update -


Brown Documents For Sale

Jack and Shirl before Marriage - Photoes 6/19/2002

Stephen and William A Barr Families - Photos 2/3/2002

Cormier Family Photos - Many Pictures, be patient

The history of the Allen Family

The history of the Bielec Family in Michigan - (Photos added 4/16/2001)

The history of the Lyzska-Lyska Family

The Testimony of Carl Barr who died and God brought him back to life when 26 years old

The history of Richard Barr Family of Ohio and Michigan. 1776 to present.

Crazy Stunts But Also Happy Moments - Stories told by Elnora Watters about her life.

The history of Samuel Brown Family - Updated 3/25/2002, now has pictures.

How I get My Information

The history of Robert Cormier Family - Updated 2/25/2001

The history of Lawrence Conley Family - Updated 3/9/2001

The history of Glen Watters Family

Poems written by Elnora Watters

The history of Jean Lavergne Family

Story about a dream of a dinosaur

The history of the Rhodes Family

The history of John Neal Family

The history of John Owens Family

The history of James Phelps Family

The history of William Wardell Family

The life story of Lillian Cormier Barr

The life story of Ray Richard Barr

Testimony of Jack Barr's heart attack

Memories by Lillian Cormier Barr when she was 87 years of age

Allen Family Photos

Unknown Family Photos - Can you Identify??

Brown Family Photos

Joseph and Elnor Brown Family Photos

Fred and Marrianne Brown Family Photos

Photos of My Brothers and Familes

Photos of Aunts, Uncles, and their Families on my father's side

Links to other web pages

Elnora's home Page - Stories, Poems, Pictures, and Family Information.

God's Word Bible Studies - The answers to questions about the Bible, by Rev. Jack Barr

Shirley Brown Barr
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