Raymond Aguilera's Prophecies on

the Sheep

Compiled by Rev. Jack Barr
On the Prophecies from The Start in July 1990 to Aug. 14, 2002

The following are taken from the Prophecies, of what is related to the Sheep in each of the following prophecies
** The The Next section Compares Raymond Aguilera's Prophecies to Thomas Gibson's Prophecies, and compares both to the Bible.

I recommend that you read the entire Prophecies at Raymond Aguilera's site http://prophecy.org

My notes (if any) are in Red text.


- I will take My sheep to heaven BEFORE the tribulation

- Before the slaughter, before the full wrath.


- I am going to collect the remnant at the end


- I love My sheep


- The ones saved are those who listen to the prophets

- If good sheep, I might speak directly to you

- A child of Christ has no pride, no ego, is humble

- Will be persecuted


- My sheep will be brought to heaven


- In a twinkling of an eye, a new beginning


- The coming of Christ on the clouds is near at hand


- Because you call yourself Christian means nothing


- You are worried about doctrine

- Worried about being accepted in Church

- I want you to be in the group with the homeless, the hungry, the sick


- I told them in the bible I would warn and protect them


- I promised My saints I would warn them before the end.


- Trials and tribulations will separate the good from the bad.


- The saints that preserve and stay clean and righteous will meet My Son in the cloud.


- My Son is going to come on a cloud and pick up all that is clean


- Tells sheep to be strong, courageous

- Jesus is coming for them

- Your suffering is almost at an end.


- My sheep will be gathered and protected and placed on the ark.


- I promised the saints I would warn them when the end approached them.


- Satan will try to destroy you by gas, fire, starvation, by gun, by chamber, whip, rope

- The hangman will chase you


- I told you in the bible I would warn you when I was going to close this world.


- Feed, clothe the ones on the street, the hungry, the sick, the old


- They kill my sheep, my babies


- My Son coming on the clouds will pick up the saints that are clean

- Spread the Word in the streets


- Your faith will be tested


- Be strong, be brave

- The times of trials and tribulations is upon you

- Listen to the prophecies


- I am going to gather My sheep

- All the ones who love Me and Jesus


- My saints, leave the city of San Francisco today


- The day of Thomas will be here


- Prepare, be strong

- My sheep, the time, the place is before you


- Only the good and clean will meet My Son in the cloud

- The rest with empty prayers, with hard hearts will be left behind

- If you don't do as I ask, you will be left behind with trials and tribulations of the earth


- Look for your brothers and sisters in the streets

- Feed them the Word of God Jehovah

- Clothe them with what's righteous.


- A day coming when Jesus will look at your heart

- He will ask "who owns your heart"


- The remnant will be saved


- Look for me with everything you have

- I will hug you, kiss you, protect you

- You're My sheep

- I will protect you from the devil


- I will protect you from the great war, the blood bath


- The sheep do what I tell them

- Look for your brothers and sisters

- If you have something to fight about in your heart toward your brothers in other Churches, you are not mine.


- Look for Jesus, We will protect you through trials and tribulations.


- A purifying fire will divide the lambs from the goats, the good from evil, the light from darkness, we will start new.


- All that is mine I protect


- My Son is ready to pick up all that is clean, is good

- The rest are going to suffer in the war for they didn't do what My Son told them to do.




- My Son will arrive in the clouds like I told you before


- If you don't open the book, read, study, you won't have a chance

- Arm yourself everyday with the Word of God


- Only the ones which believe in God, the Son, and Holy Spirit, I am going to save

- The ones who have a pure, clean and clear heart


-What you hear, what you read, what you see in the communications of this world will become corrupted.


- Stand on the Rock and wait for the trials and tribulations that will hit earth

- It doesn't matter calling yourself Christian

- Goats and lambs are mixed together


- I am going to gather My sheep


- I and My Son will gather all the sheep

- We will gather the ones that love Me with all their hearts

- We will take them to heaven


- The ones that love My Son, with all their hearts are going to save themselves

- The ones who are clean and pure are going to the cloud with My Son

- There are some who will die for My Son

- And there are some that are going to save themselves for My Son.

- Don't worry about, storms, police, soldiers


- My people, leave the city and save yourselves.


- I will only save those who love Me with their heart, spirit, all they have


- Many Christians have a hard heart and head

- Nothing you say, or show them will change them

- They placed themselves in a box

- They believe what they believe

- Their God is in the box and can't leave the box

- Others have demons inside them


- For you believe if you just throw the name of My Son, you will save yourself. All the devils are laughing at you for you are dumb.


- They looked for Me, those are the sheep of My Son


- The Beast will scatter My sheep


- For the times ahead are the trials and tribulations of the anti-christ

- He will slaughter you, butcher you, and torture you, for you are not equipped.


- For if you have a clean heart you are going to need the bible in your heart.

- Here comes the day when you are going to seek God and He is not going to hear you for you didn't have the time to go and read the bible.


- Seek those who are on the streets and don't know God.


- You must have faith, and trust in God to deliver you under all circumstances

- Listen to the prophecies

- Listen to My Words

- The wisdom of heaven will save you.


- The body of My Son is not hearing the word correctly.

- They are deaf, and blind

- They just want to hear what suits them in the manner of man.


- Those who seek My Son Jesus with their whole Heart, mind, soul, will be saved.


You have to go to the jails, prisons, give the word of God to save.


- I placed My Spirit on everyone

- There is nothing that can take that seed from you except yourself.


- Remember communion everyday

- It has arrived, the Pass Over

- All Christians that have the hunger for God, seek God, with all their mind, all their heart, all their Spirit, you are the ones that are going to pass the Pass Over.

- If you do not eat communion, you are not going to pass the Pass Over

- If you do what I tell you, you will live, if not, I will kill you

- If you eat the communion, I will save you.


- You had better get into the bible, have communion, help your brothers and sisters in the street, spread the word that Jesus is coming.

- If you do not sense Me this instant, you might not make it.


- I am going to protect My flock and only My flock


- Pray at least two hours a day

- Take daily communion

- Seek your brothers and sisters in the streets.


- You have been warned, stay strong for your world will change suddenly

- Keep focused on Jesus

- You will see many who claim to be Christians, leaders of congregations, people of parishes fall away, renounce and denounce their faith, their God Jesus Christ.


- They don't know how to seek Me like a child.

- They want to tell Me how to speak

- What I can show, what I cannot show

- What I can do, what I cannot do

- Like they are God and I have to do what they say

- That is the manner of satan.

- When people open their hearts and seek Me and do what I tell them, I like it. These I will save.


- Some not yet born will be saved.

- Some who claim to be born again who are not, who speak with pride, speak with deception will not be saved


- Many have demons in them, won't listen, satan already won them including many who claim to be Christian, the ones who jump and take bible in hand and wave it, shouting word of God, with demons, with lips of demons.

- People like to turn and twist the Word of the bible until it fits the word of man.


- The body of Christ will be fully protected, but they will see much blood.


- There are more Christians who will not believe Me, than are going to believe, and they don't seek God

- That's why I tell you there are many Christians that are not going to pass the things of God. For they do not know Me.

- They seek Me in the manner of the devil

- Many Christians are on the wide road


- All the Christians believe that all of God is easy, I am going to awaken you, the cross you have to carry is going to become heavy.

- I protect what is mine, but if you don't read the bible, how can you belong to Me?

- There comes a time when many will leave the body of My Son, for they are not strong.


- Something bad has to happen before they will seek Me.


- My sheep and My lambs, you had better wake up, you better do more than you have been doing.

- You better pray

- you better evangelize, for your leaders are not doing their jobs.

- I want you to go door to door, anywhere, where you work, tell anybody and everybody


- The time has arrived for you to choose, all that is good, or all that is evil

- I know that Christians are seeking Me, but they seek Me with the eyes and ears of man.


- Be meek, be humble, take communion


- If you want to save yourselves, choose good over evil, no maybes

- Some of you are chasing you pastors.


- Make yourself strong, make yourself bold

- Be radical for Jesus, be firm, be righteous, be clean


- Most people will not carry their cross, but they do want those blessings and are the first in line to ask for them.


- If you know the Word of God, you will be able to endure the things you see, what you hear.


- You will see death and blood all around you, so be strong, brave.


- Do a word study in the bible on "Fire", "Baptize you with the Holy Spirit and Fire"

- Once you have learned, tell others.


- I will send to the Pit the people who believe they are Christians, and ARE NOT.

- The Christians have their hands over their eyes and ears

- They believe that if they read the bible, that they are saved, but they walk and run over the ones who needs help.


- I forgive anybody for anything, but you are either for Me or you are against Me.

- There is no middle ground

- You are sheep being prepared for the slaughter and you are playing Church

- You are not going to the streets, helping the sick, reading the bible

- A lot of Church people are on the wide road


- Many pretend to be Christians

- They know the words

- They know the manners

- They know how to stimulate others

- They do not belong to the flock

- They are wolves in sheep's clothing


- My sheep know My voice and My sheep do what I tell them.

- The rest I am going to send to the Pit


- Some of you will die a violent death, a swift death

- Some of you will die very slowly

- So be it























- Many people are truly seeking Jehovah, Jesus Christ , and Holy Spirit but they are trapped.

- Trapped in their doctrine

- Trapped in their Church

- Locked into a manner of thinking that will never find God

- Some of you have one foot in the Church, the Church of man, and the other foot seeking Me. You are confused.


- Sheep are being led into the pen for slaughter by satan

- They will go willingly

- Being led by wolves in sheep's clothing

- They follow satan using the Word of God

- My prophets, My saints tell them they are on the path of destruction, but they have much pride, ego, they follow satan to the pit.


- Those who believe in the bible are going to be frightened for the things that they believed in are not going to happen, for the pastors have told them lies.

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