Compiled by Rev. Jack Barr
On the Prophecies from The Start in July 1990 to Aug. 14, 2002
The following are taken from the Prophecies, of what is related to
Ministers in each of the following prophecies
** The The Next section Compares Raymond Aguilera's Prophecies to Thomas Gibson's Prophecies, and compares both to the Bible.
I recommend that you read the entire Prophecies at Raymond Aguilera's site
My notes (if any) are in Red text.
- The pastors have forked tongues, pride, ego
- They want honor, love money, love status
- Don't fight with your brothers
- Pastors have pride
- Pastors have pride, arrogance
- Humble yourself
- I will show you who is telling the truth
- I will tell you the difference of good pastor from the bad.
- The pastor tried to have My prophet arrested.
- The pastor is influenced by demon forces.
- The pastor has an ego problem, and pride
- There are many pastors like this one
- There are also many good pastors
- God's work is rebuked by pastors
- I will protect My sheep from the Pastors, and theologians
- Pastors will try to crucify the prophet
- I will not let My prophets, apostles be abused
- Pastors, think of the flock, not your ideologies and theologies
- Repent, look for My sheep.
- Pastors have no idea what a demon is.
- Pastors are bad also
- They think they are gods too
- I am going to correct them rapidly
- They will suffer more than the saints
- They didn't help My saints
- They think only of themselves
- They do not have faith
- Your pastor is god
- If you follow other pastors, satan will get you.
- You Pastors, theologians, have your God in a box
- You Have your rules and regulations
- You walk over the blind, step on the deaf
- You Are chasing money, using the Bible to feed your bellies
- You do not reach out to those on the street
- You are being held responsible
- Your judgment is coming.
- You are self righteous
- You are lost, with the Bible in one hand and a foot in hell
- The true pastor goes into the streets, alleys, looks for lost sheep.
- You must justify every cent you collect that does not go to my sheep, you will have to pay back 70 times for every penny you misused.
- Pastors and theologians who lead My sheep astray will be accountable
- Pastors are worse than children, they fight
- Pastors and leaders of the flock do not obey My word.
- Go to the streets, preach My Word, not in Cadillac, but on foot.
- Take care of My sick
- Take care of My hungry
- There is a small portion that has not fallen away, true theologians
- True followers do not have fancy cars, fancy suits, fancy hairdo's, fancy words
- True pastors are living and eating with the people who need help, have given the shirts off of their backs
- walking around hungry, without clothes
- Love Me with their whole heart and soul
- These are My true pastors
- These are True followers of the Word
- You do not have to make an appointment to see them.
- They do not have busy schedule that needs a secretary
- Don't depend on Pastors for they are lost
- The Pastors are puffed up.
- The leadership will fall for they are confused and they are lost
- Don't depend on your Pastors, for you will fall with them
- Pastors, remember Jesus, the way, the path, not your rules, regulations
- The enemy is trying to confuse you with pastors, with ideas contrary to My word.
- You sit in your chair watching TV, the pastors are the same, while people are dying in the street
- The ones running the Church are not doing what My Son told them to do
- They have pride
- They have the mind of the devil, using the named of My Son, and that is a sin.
- Ask God who has the correct word, and the Holy Spirit will show you
- Pastors, the ones who know it all, your lips are fighting, words, ways, you use the name of My Son to fight, I am going to give you to the devil
- correct yourselves this minute
- You are doing the manner of the devil
- Pray and I will tell you who is telling the truth
- Some of your so called great men are working for the enemy
- What sounds right could be wrong
- Man has changed the word of your God
- They believe they are Gods, the pastors
- Your heart is pointed to the pastors but they are not God, they are nothing.
- The pastors love the fighting in the Church
- They like being correct
- They like telling others they are bad.
- I will send them to the Pit
- They changed the word for money
- You have to kill the theology of man, the religion of man, and study the Bible completely
- The leadership will send you in the wrong direction.
- Clean your mind of what the established Churches have said to you.
- If you follow the leadership you will miss the train to heaven, you will miss the ark
- You seek your Churches and the men that believe they know the Bible, all they know is the Pit.
- Those who believe they know it all will fall first.
- Those who have power of pride, power of the devil, will fall second.
- Those who seek the power of man will die third.
- Those who mislead my flock, the vengeance of God will hit you the hardest.
- I tell you, and you close your ears, you cover your eyes and chase satan
- I am washing My hands of you
- I am turning My back on you.
- Because you have Me in a box, you hard headed pastors, you hard headed teachers, you hard headed preachers, you are so blind and dumb.
- You seek the word of man
- You will have to take the trials and tribulations that come with the Church
- Vision - A pastor singing at a service because he is a good singer and likes to sing
- The Lord showed that it was for himself and for his own praise and glory
- He will not receive his reward in heaven because he was doing it for himself
- Stop fighting about religious doctrine
- You will see many who claim to be Christians, leaders, fall away, renounce and denounce their faith, their God Jesus Christ.
- For the ones deceiving you for money, for the power, for glory, will be exposed
- The purification of the leadership will begin as the Churches separate
- People of the world believe they can change My Word
- To place words in My mouth I did not say
- For I am strong against some Church leaders
- You will have to make a decision to follow your Church leadership or to follow Jesus
- The name it and claim it is man made term from the unwise, from people who so not understand the Bible
- There is false teachings in the body of Christ, 95% is wrong
- They twist the Bible to suit their purposes
- Preachers and evangelist like to pump up people, they like to get them excited
- If you are a preacher or evangelist that pretends the word is different, that sugar coats it, that stands on one thumb, or wears fancy hairdo's, drives big cars, wears fancy jewelry, or neon lights to preach the word, you will be visiting satan very soon.
- These mannerisms are ungodly, they are man made, they are of satan
- A lot of you are following satan and you think you are following God
- But even satan trembles at My Words
- A lot of pastors, evangelist are going to get mad, -- I will do to them what I am going to do the devil
- Many of you are trying to be God
- Many of you think highly of yourselves
- They do not eat communion
- They do not repent
- They do not do what My Son told them to do
- They make and write laws, and when they want the people to obey them, they place the name of My Son on them.
- All pastors, ministers know the words, know how to move hands, know how to put on their elegant clothes, but do not have the heart
- They forgot to put on the heart of God
- God said, If I walked into their Churches today they would not recognize me.
- They would try to force Me to their doctrine
- They do not know Jesus Christ
- the leaderships are so blind, dumb
- Many of you are blind
- Many of you are chasing doctrine
- Many of you are doing things that are not Godly
- Even you pastors, you think I do not see or hear what you say about My Prophet
- I gave My Law, My Prophecies, My visions to deliver to this planet and you laughed at My Prophets, and you rejected the Word of God.
- You ridiculed and mocked your God with pride, with your religious words
- 80 pastors from different denominations from all around the U.S. gathered at a Church in Sacramento California to celebrate the union of two women in an unlawful marriage.
- Supporting the lifestyle of Homosexuality
- The nuns, priests, are like all to them that look in the Bible for the reason of the world.
- Most religions figures and people who claim to know the word, speak the word of man.
- Their religion is based on what man thinks religion should be.
- In this large protestant Church of 5000 or more, I sensed a lot of pride in the leadership.
- The Lord left me with the impression that the pride of this Church was a stumbling block to their Church
- Through the years, Popes, priest, clergy, pastors, have done evil things in the name of My Son
- You people who have the mentally of the devil and are running My Churches, I see everything you do
- I know your heart, your motives
- You can make a lot of money on the planet now in the name of Jesus Christ, and your dumb blind sheep will follow you to the Pit
- Your sheep becomes evil because of your training of your attitudes of your ways.
- They do not believe in Prophets
- They do not believe in Prophecies
- They believe in their idols, their theology, the ways of man.
- Pray to your Lord before you give that money that I placed in your hands, knowing that you are managing that money I have placed in your hands correctly
- The problem of the Church today is that most of the money I place into peoples hands goes to lead the blind astray
- Then the blind shepherds and their blind flocks both fall into the Pit.
- The shepherds that are doing My Will are doing without
- For the leaders of today's Church is great.
- Many are chasing pastors who are flamboyant, and charismatic and seem to have the answers to everything
- Beware My children, beware of satan, he is so clever.
- For I am going to round up all these evil preachers
- Beware of the Church leaders for their hearts are not correct with God
- Those who believe in the Bible are going to be frightened for the things that they believe in are not going to happen
- For the pastors have told them lies
- Don't follow prophets, don't follow evangelists, don't follow pastors, don't follow ideologies, seek God.
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