Compiled by Rev. Jack Barr
On the Prophecies from The Start in July 1990 to Aug. 14, 2002
The following are taken from the Prophecies, of what is related to
Churches in each of the following prophecies
** The The Next section Compares Raymond Aguilera's Prophecies to Thomas Gibson's Prophecies, and compares both to the Bible.
I recommend that you read the entire Prophecies at Raymond Aguilera's site
My notes (if any) are in Red text.
- There are devils in the church, in the higherups of the church
- Satan is in the Church
- The elders are demons.
- Do not fight among yourselves.
- There is bickering in the Churches.
- Bring the Churches together
- The Church totally ignore My Sheep
- The persecution of the Church is coming
- The hierarchy of the Church is an obsticale
- They have an infinite number of religions going by My name.
- The Denominations fight each other
- You have prejudices.
- The problem is not with the flock, it is a problem with the leadership.
- The hierarchy of the Church is wrapped and lost in terms and meanings
- They lost the true focus of Christ
- Not all have, but many have
- Jesus is the way, not the rules and regulations of the Churches
- Some of the Churches are way off in their teachings
- The Churches place all the rules, and regulations, and burdons on you.
- The Churches mean well but they have lost the focus.
- Beware of the crooked cross (the Pope carries a crooked cross)
- The Churches have a lot of stubbornness
- The Churches have a lot of Pride
- The Churches have a lot of hardened hearts.
- The act of being humble is hard.
- The Churches of California are doing nothing to sgtop the killing of Babys
- the Church is asleep
- The Church only takes care of their money
- The Churches tickles your ear with their preaching.
- If you wait for the Church leadership to go out to the street, you will find the Pit.
- The Church leadership will never do it
- The hardened hearts of the leadership of the Church will send you in the wrong direction.
- The ones running the Church are not doing what My Son told them.
- The Churches are looking for money
- They have Pride with the mind of the devil, using the name of My Son, and that is a sin.
- The Church of God, all that it is now is fighting with their Brothers and Sisters of the Body of Christ.
- The Pastors too are the same.
- The devil is going to enter the Church
- The ones which stay there, fighting among themselves, about words, about ways, the devil will eat them.
- I want you to stop fighting
- I do not want you fighting in the Churches.
- All the Churches have the words of man.
- Churches do not have the word of God
- The Churches have to stop fighting
- The Church will be shot with the forse of bullets from the enemy
- the Enemy will penetrate the house of My Son
- A New Church will emerge
- I do not care what name goes on your Church
- For the Churches are of man.
- The Churches are not of Christ
- I send my prophecies to the Churches and they take them and burn them, throw them, jump on top with the force of the devil.
- The body of Christ is so regimented, so controled by the leadership
- If they do not understand it with their minds they think its a demon or the person is crazy.
- They have so much fear
- At times they lock out the presence of the Lord, yet they are seeking Him.
- You have a heart of stone and the stone is the same with your head.
- It does not see a thing, it hears nothing of God.
- It is the same with the Churches, they are deaf and blind.
- The elders who are running the Church
- How it is, the ones running the Churches, they have more money than the poor people
- They are not passing the word like My Son told them.
- They become plump and fat with the word of My Son.
- What does the elders of the Church do? They become plump and fat with the money, with all that is of the devil.
- Many will suffer because they did not seek the sheep.
- Look how they dress
- Look at their cars, their houses.
- Stop fighting with all the ones that are Christians.
- It is not important the name they go by.
- You seek your Churches and men that believe they know the Bible, all they know is the Pit.
- You have to break all that the Churches have taught you.
- You have to break your hard head.
- Churches cannot save you.
- I told you to eat the communion
- You eat the communion hardly ever.
- And in the Churches you eat it maybe once per month, sometimes never.
- But you do what you wanted to do, for you have the nerve of the devil.
- I will hit you with My Hand.
- Vision - A wall with a closed iron gate.
- The Lord said "the closed iron gates with the bars is the Christian Church.
- They are stopping My people from reaching me with their rules and regulations.
- The people of the Churches of the U.S. are deaf.
- They believe they know the way of God
- I am going to awaken you because you are asleep - you are not doing what I have told you.
- You have to change
- Open your ears, open your eyes before the White House falls, because you will begin to suffer.
- This complacent Church, this complacent body that has been asleep for so many years is going to shake, rattle, and roll, with the power of Jehovah.
- Not the Churches that have buildings, that are complacent, that are dead.
- I mean the hidden Body of My Son, the ones that are in closets, the ones that are in the homes, the ones that have My Power.
- My Church will be the doers, the shakers, the rattlers.
- But they are not going to listen to the denominination theologies of the Churches.
- They will listen to Jesus Christ.
- I am waking up My warriers, the ones that got abused, that got kicked out of the Churches for prophesying, the ones that have nothing but love of God in the spirit.
- For I am going to give them the power of the Spirit.
- Stop fighting about religious doctrine.
- The wolves will enter the flock.
- The wolves will try to scatter
- The wolves will eat the weak.
- The wolves come with the clothes of sheep.
- The wolf likes to turn and twist the words of God.
- The wolf knows the Bible.
- You are out of time, do not build Me any more Churches.
- You will see many who claim to be Christians, leaders, people of the congregations, people of parishes, fall away, renounce and denounce their faith, their God Jesus Christ.
- You will cry, for the ones who are deceving you for money, for power, for glory, will be exposed.
- The purification of the leadership will begin as the Churches separate.
- The Church or Churches you see all over the world will disappear.
- But the Lord will absorb the Church everyone sees, the Church of vanity, of sin, of pride, of man.
- You will have closet Churches, the Church of God, with the power of God.
- You must pull away from the world into the underground Church of the Lord, the humble, meek Church.
- The Church that reads the Bible with the eyes of Jesus.
- They think a lot of themselves, even the ones who run the Churches.
- They seek Me with the heart of money.
- They like the power.
- They like to tell people what to do.
- All the Churches have their words and they all use the same Word of God in the Bible.
- You christians who submit to your Church authorities, are going to face a problem, for I am strong against some Church leaders.
- You must make a decision to follow your Church leadership, or to follow Me.
- Most of the body of My Son are asleep.
- They are playing Church and believe they are in my hands.
- The day of playing Church has to end.
-they walk had in hand with dark spirits in the Churches.
- They believe they are great and can do no wrong.
- They look down on people like they are God.
- The Church of the world is going on the same road as the Jews that believed they knew it all.
- The Churches today are building their towers of Babel, trying to reach heaven with their doctrine, with words.
- I will stop their towers of Babel, so saith Jehovah.
- God said "If I walk into their Churches today, they wouldn't recognize Me."
- "They would try to force Me to submit to their covering, their doctrine."
- They do not know Jesus Christ.
- The leadership is so blind, so dumb.
- Speaking of a Church in Sacramento California where 80 pastors from different denominations from all around the U.S. gathered to celebrate the union of 2 women in an unlawful marriage.
- Promoting the Homosexual lifestyle.
- I am going to bury man's Church.
- The day of theology is finished.
- Here comes the upside down cross.
(The upside down cross is used in some of the satanic rituals - Some of the Catholic Churches have thrones and other objects that have the upside down cross built into them. I have pictures of the Pope sitting down in a throne In a Catholic Church, with such an upside down cross built into the back of it.)
- The Churches today are telling you half truths.
- Telling you half of the Bible, only what tickles their ears.
- Telling you only the parts that fill their pockets.
- Telling you only the things that benefits the leadership.
- My lambs will suffer for this kind of leadership.
- The Churches broke My house with their word, with their fighting, with all the things of man.
- But I am going to make a new house.
- The Churches are asleep.
- They believe they have the force of God, but they are asleep.
- They believe they know the Bible, but they only know the Word of God in the manner of man.
- They would not know Me if I walked into their Churches
- They would throw stones at Me too.
- They would not recognize the Word of God if it hit them on top of their heads.
- The harvest is ready, and look at man's Church. It can not even pull an enpty chariot.
- It hurts Me to see a dead Church on this planet, A Church My Son started an began with the fire of the Holy Spirit.
- The Church that is so busy playing games
- Trying to make money.
- trying to build up their own personal pride.
- The evil has reached the point of lies by religious leaders, and idolatrs.
- The Church that so proudly seeks itself in the authority of My Son is blind, is stupid, and is going to be wiped clean.
- The Christian Church will be cleaned from the top to bottom.
- The Churches are the same, what a shame.
- I tell them and tell them, and they tell me NO.
- They tell Me they do not want to hear for they know the manner to go to heaven and that they do not need Me. Because they already know that they are going to heaven, and they do not need Me, What a shame.
- The problem of the Church today is that most of the money I place into the people's hands goes to lead the blind astray.
- Then the blind shepherds and their blind flocks both fall into the Pit.
- Vision - A metal bucket and anvil
- The bucket was man's Church
- The anvil was the Word of God.
- The Lord said "I am going to cursh man's Church."
- The theologies of some of these Churches make Me wonder, How they could possibly believe in righteousness, believe in truth, through the use of the same Bible, their wicked ways, their evil ways twist the Word of God for their own purposes.
- Man's Church is so corrupt there is not one place I could send My children and feel at peace.
- The Churches of today are seeking funds.
- They are not seeking the love of God.
- They say they are, but their hearts are pointed to buildings, to the outward appearances of man, trying to look successful.
- These are Not the ways of God.
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