Subject: Re: Questions
In answer to your questions
I have noticed a gap between Ray's prophecies from the Lord #39 and #40 (21 Feb 1991 and 11
April 1992)
Do you know what happened during that period - it is almost a year!
Did Ray mention anything to you?
Although the index entry for prophecy 39 shows a date of 21 Feb. 91,
the actual prophecy shows a date of "the fall or 1991". Please be assured
that Ray and I do not discuss the prophecies that He Posts. I was led by The
Lord God Jehovah to Interpret Ray's prophecies from God, but have no more
contact or conversation with him than you do.
39. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera the fall of 1991 in tongues, English.
There can be typographical errors. They are not always worth the effort to correct when they are part of a web page. I believe that this is one of those cases. I will go by the date given on the prophecy itself as being correct. I must assume that the Index is in error, not the prophecy.
Rev. Jack Barr
God's Word Bible Studies