Questions About Kneeling while Praying

Questions About Kneeling while Praying

By Rev. Jack Barr

Subject: To Kneel or not to Kneel
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 20:29:27 -1000
From XXXXXX@xxxxxxxx
To: "Jack Barr"

There was a question that one of my friends ask me that I really can't answer. He asked me

Do we have to kneel when we pray or do we not?


Is there a certin way to pray?


Is it ok if we stand up praying?"


Well I really didn't know how to answer him or what to say so I told him "Just pray from your heart. God will know if you say what you mean or not." But that still didn't answer his question.

Sure it did, Praying is no more that talking to God, telling Him what you like or don't like. Telling Him when you need something, when you want something, asking God to act on behalf of someone else. Telling God how great He is, praising Him, Glorifying Him. You would talk to God just as you would with any friend, and just as you talk to a friend, you also stop talking once in a while and Listen to the friend talk. Just sitting there quietly with God is a great prayer. Praying is Not just repeating a set of printed words over and over again. Those who say the rosary over and over again (or any other repetition of this order) think that they are praying but they are not, they are just using vain words.

As for me, when I pray, it all depends. I figured, if your praying for repentence you should get on your knees.

Whatever way that you think is right, I repent and ask forgiveness in any position that I happen to be in when I realize that I have sinned. I do not wait even one second to get into a position.

When I'm about ready to go to sleep and I remembered about some thing I should of prayed for I would sit up and say a short prayer to God about it. Other times I would just pray while I'm still laying down. When I'm sitting on a my chair and I want to say a prayer I would just pray while sitting there. When I'm walking down a road or driving and either my soul rejoice and want to thank God for the beautiful day (tends to be a lot of them in Hawaii :) or I have a few things to pray to him about I would just pray right then and there. So when I pray I'm either standing, sitting, kneeling, or laying down. There are some rare moments when I would make a note to pray about something before bed and I forget. I would go to sleep and wake up in the spirit praying about what I forgot to pray about.

You got it, that IS praying just the way that you are doing it.

Now the question arises if you should close your eyes when you pray.

Only if you want to -

Well for me I usually would close my eyes EXCEPT while I drive or walk.

closing eyes can shut out distractions but is not always possible, or desirable. There are times you may be Glorifying God, Thanking Him for a beautiful thing, or place, that you are looking at, or seeing.

Also what about the hands?

Do what ever with them that you feel is right.

Well, for me it all depends. When I'm behind the wheel of a car, my hands are on the wheel all the time. When I'm walking and praising him I would either clasp my hands together or I would just walk normally and praise him. When I'm sitting my hands are either on my lap or clasp in a praying position. Also at times while I'm sitting my hands would be up in the air and I would look toward heaven and praise him. When I pray for a length of time (around 30 min to an hour or so) I would sit down because being on my knees would be to long doesn't feel comfortable to me. But there are times when the Holy Spirit tells me to kneel. I always thought it wierd that I would bless God. I thought since God is the source of all blessings why would I bless him? But my heart and soul would always rejoice as I bless the Lord, so I kept doing it because it felt good to bless the Lord. Then someone brought to my attention that you exalt him, lift up his name, and bless his name. Blessed be the name of the Lord forever and ever.

I would like to know what you do when you pray.

Like you, I have prayed in every possible position, standing, sitting, kneeling, laying in bed, laying face down on the floor, walking, running, Hands in the air, at my side, straight out from my body, in front of me, behind me, arms folded, hands together, hands apart, hands clasped, fingers interlaced, holding steering wheels, carrying objects, hoeing garden, raking leaves and grass, shoveling dirt, repairing anything, boating, dancing to the Lord, etc.

With the Love of Jesus

Rev. Jack Barr

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