Questions on Evolution and the Bible

Questions on Evolution and the Bible

By Rev. Jack Barr

Subject: Evolution
Date:Tue, 01 May 2001 17:44:10 -0500
From: xxxxxxxxx@zzzzzzzzz

This is in regards to your response to a question about evolution.

I am very sorry to contradict you, sir, but evolution does not say that the Bible is a lie. In fact, it says absolutely nothing about the Bible. It is an explanation for an observed phenomenon. Without a degree in biology, or even a basic understanding of it, I feel that you are wrong to judge the life's work of thousands of people. You have some unsubstantiated claims on your website concerning fossils, dinosaurs, and scientists in general that could lead the uneducated to a whole lot of misconceptions. Is that really what you want?


Subject: Re: Evolution
Date: Tue, 01 May 2001 20:24:21 -0500
From: Jack Barr
To: xxxxxxxx@zzzzzzzzzz

Hi xxxxxxxxx,

Thank you for your letter. You made the following statements.

Evolution does not say that the Bible is a lie. Evolution says absolutely nothing about the Bible.

You see, while you believe in Man, and what Man teaches, I believe in what The Almighty God has told us in His Word, the Holy Bible, KJV 1611, and before!! That Word tells me that God created everything in 6 literal days, and that there was no death on the earth until Adam sinned, approximately 6000 years ago.

Now any teaching by man that says anything else is calling the bible a lie. I know that the teachings of evolution tries hard to ignore the Bible and all that it says. Just as the evolution believers refuse to acknowledge or to accept the physical proofs that is on this earth.

Yes, by the Evolutionist rejecting the Bible, they are saying something about the Bible, they are saying that it is not to be believed.

Without a degree in biology, or even a basic understanding of it, I feel that you are wrong to judge the life's work of thousands of people.

That is an interesting statement. However, I do not, and have not, passed judgement on anyone's life work. But I have in the past, and do now, pass judgement on their beliefs. Their beliefs are in error.

An example might be of a man who studied long and hard under another man who taught that the world is flat. On finishing his studies, the first man then wrote books and articles showing that the Earth really is flat. He taught more men this same error. But there were other men who could see the curve of the Earth, and thus knew that the Earth is round, not flat. But the first man refuses to accept anything that does not agree with what he was taught in school, even when he can see the physical proof. We can see that his beliefs are wrong, but he refuses to listen. We judge his beliefs.

We have only to go back and to read the books of science that were written hundreds of years ago to see how many honorable men held and taught beliefs that were later proven to be wrong.

Statement - Question:
You have some unsubstantiated claims on your website concerning fossils, dinosaurs, and scientists in general that could lead the uneducated to a whole lot of misconceptions. Is that really what you want?

In answer to your question; Yes, that is what I want them to believe, for it is the Truth. They are NOT unsubstantiated claims. There are physical proofs. You would have us to believe that all scientists accept and believe that Darwin was right, when the real truth is that Almost all scientists reject Darwin's ideas of evolution.

You see, while you believe in Man, and what Man teaches, I believe in what The Almighty God has told us in His Word, the Holy Bible, KJV 1611!! That Word tells me that God created everything in 6 literal days, and that there was no death on the earth until Adam sinned, approximately 6000 years ago. The physical proofs in stone, and the fossils themselves, shows the Bible to be correct. Now any teaching by man that says anything else is calling the bible a lie. I know that the teachings of evolution tries hard to ignore the Bible and all that it says.

I do not know what God, if any, that you worship. But the God that I worship has performed many miracles for me and for those around me. I have received Instant healings, One of my sons had such miraculous healings that at least one of his atheist doctors in a major hospital embraced My God and now worships My God, directly because of the healings that he saw happen to my son.

My God has sent his angels to help me directly, and others that I know has had God's angels help them also. To tell you of all that My God has done for me, since I embraced him at the age of 54, would take a book. My God takes care of His Own.

You do not have to believe in My God. You can believe in the god of Man right up to the judgment that you do not believe in. For it is impossible to believe in God and in Evolution. You can believe in one or the other, but not both.

I will not enter into an argument with you over this, but I will place you on my prayer list, for your eyes to be opened to the truth.

Again, I thank you for your letter and comments.

Rev. Jack Barr


Subject: Re: Evolution
Date: Tue, 01 May 2001 21:23:36 -0500
From: xxxxxxxxx@zzzzzzzz

Sir, I thank you for the honest and frank answer you gave me. While I consider you a stark raving lunatic (no offense), I am sure you feel the same about me. Luckily for both of us that people with your mentality no longer rule the world (research the Dark Ages), and freethinkers like me are too burdened running the world to dominate it. I wish you good health and a long life.



Rev. Jack Barr

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