As shown in Raymond Aguilera's Prophecies
As Interpreted by Rev. Jack Barr
It must be stated that there has never been, nor will there ever be, any Prophecy that will, or can, replace any part of the Word of God as given to us in God's Holy Bible. The Prophecies are a supplement, an additional word from God, that will, if from God, reinforce the message that God has given us in His Bible and by which the Bible itself will be the key to understanding any and all prophecies. Any Prophecy, from any source, that is in conflict with God's Word in the Bible, is not of God.
Rev. Jack Barr
56. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 19 May 1992 at 1:15 PM Tuesday in tongues, English, Non-understandable tongues.
There is going to be a three-piece army which will invade the Holy Land from the East , from the North, and from the South . The invasion will take place in the time of the wolf, for the wolf is a cunning Animal. Arm yourselves , arm yourselves: Be prepared , for the wolf and the Lamb will meet at the appointed time . When and how, only I know, for Jehovah knows all, for Jehovah will warn before the sound of the Bugle Blasts on Heaven , on Earth. For you are My Children , and I love you.
149. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 8 July 1992 at 7:34 PM.
The next thing I see is an airplane, and the airplane is flying toward Japan. The Lord said it was the Wolf flying to Japan for a Conference of sorts.
154. Prophecy, Vision, and Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 12 July 1992 at 5:37 PM.
I see a face of a wolf with an angry and scary looking face staring at me .
He doesn't look very happy.
169. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 23 July 1992 at 11:49 AM.
Just before prayer, I keep seeing this face of a Fox and a face of a Wolf. The Wolf has Yellow eyes . The Fox has Red eyes, piercing looking eyes .
840. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera 23 December 1995 at 8:40 AM.
The point has arrived where the wolves will enter the flock. The wolves will try to scatter. The wolves will eat the weak, the lame, the young. The wolves that come with the clothes of sheep, do not worry; for the Lord Jehovah is in charge, for the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth is in charge, for the Holy Spirit is in charge. The day of the wolf is here. I will use the clothes of the sheep, to strangle, to destroy the wolf. Wolves come in many shapes, many colors, many sizes. Their words sound pretty. Their words sound great. Do not worry! For the Lord knows His sheep, and the sheep know His VOICE, and the sheep will follow.
Remember the day of the wolf ; make yourself strong, get into the Bible. Read, read, and read with your whole heart. For the wolf knows the Bible. For the wolf likes to twist and turn the Words of God. Make yourself strong for the wolves will enter through the back, to destroy, and to eat what is weak. It does not matter the craftiness, strength of the wolf. For My Words will NEVER come back VOID.
For theTRUTH is the Word what comes from the Mouth of Jehovah; not the words that come from the wolf. You have always had wolves, every time Jehovah has done the righteous Word. The wolves have always been behind to scatter, to destroy, to twist the things of God, but there is a place for the wolves, but that's between Me and them. Do you hear My Words, My Sheep, My Lambs? I will be there at the proper time and the proper place. (over)
1115. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 7 October 1997at 3:36 PM.
The Lord said, "The wolf and the bear will clash in the month of November."
1319. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 19 April on 8:25 PM.
The Lord gave me a vision of a wolf with a patch over his right eye.
Prophecy Number - What it says.
840. the wolves will enter the flock. The wolves will try to scatter. The wolves will eat the weak, the lame, the young. The wolves that come with the clothes of sheep,
840. Wolves come in many shapes, many colors, many sizes. Their words
sound pretty. Their words sound great.
by Rev. Jack Barr
Prophecy 169, 149, 154, 1319
There is a distinction here between "The Wolf", meaning one particular Wolf, and the
"Wolves", who are many.
"The Wolf" is a very high ranking priest who pretends to serve God while he is serving Satan. This is Not the Pope! But this priest will be very well known to the people.
The prophecy shows us that "the Wolf" has yellow eyes, this is a symbol of cunning like a cat hunting. He has patience to wait until he believes that the time is right before springing his plans to destroy Christians. But even now, he has been leading and training many to act as he tells them.
He is shown flying to Japan for a Conference, this will be the same Conference that the Beetles will attend. We are then shown the Wolf after the Conference. He is not happy with the results of the Conference, it showed him that he did not have as much power as he thought he had.
A patch over his right eye. With only one eye, one can not judge distance very well. This will be the case with the Wolf, for he will misjudge events and timing so that he will later clash with Satan. (The Bear)
Prophecy 56
The three piece army that will come against the Holy Land, against Israel. This is not
Armageddon, this is before the start of the tribulation. They will be looking for oil, for
Israel is blocking them from obtaining all of the oil that they need. For the nations
surrounding Israel will not part with their oil as long as Israel is in existence. It will be
from this war that the entire world will war with each other. It is from this war that the
Antichrist will be made known by bringing about peace, signing a peace treaty with Israel
which he will break three and a half years later. It will be at this time that the Wolf will put
his plans into action because he thinks that the confusion of war will keep him hidden, and
will use the Rams to try to totally destroy all of the true Christians. The "Word of God"
will be completely turned and twisted to turn everyone against the true Christians. They
will not succeed, for the Word of God will never be destroyed and will reemerge toward
the end of the world wars to bring about a revival like the world has never seen with
millions upon millions of people coming to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord an God.
Prophecy 840
This part of the prophecy now speaks of many wolves. This is not "The Wolf", but these
are many who think just the same as The Wolf. We have always had Wolfs in among the
flock. The Wolfs, like Satan, knows the Bible very well, and they look for ways to turn
and twist the Word of God. They can and do deceive so very many. For the many who are
deceived do not read the bible, they do not know the Word of God, and so they will
accept whatever a minister or priest or friend tells them. And woe to anyone who tries to
tell them the true word, for Their Minister / priest / friend is a man of God (???) who tells
them that anyone who tells them different than what He says is twisting the truth. Their
minister / priest / friend many times, is fond of quoting 1 John 2:19. But this is not the
only sign, and some may not use it at all.
1 John 2:19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us; but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
These Wolves come in all sizes and shapes, in all colors. They will come dressed as the sheep and their words sound so very good to those who do not know the word of God themselves. These Wolves will eat (Destroy) the weak who will not stand up for God, and the lame who have been blown every which way by different winds of doctrines, these have their heads so filled with conflicting doctrines from many of the cults and doctrines of different religions that they do not know what to believe, and the young who have not yet been taught how to test the spirits.
It is only by knowing the Word of God, as is in the True Bible, that you can identify who the wolves are, and there by, be able to defend yourself against them, and in all likelihood, to snatch some sheep right out of their mouth. Read the Bible every day, read it, read it, read the Bible. I have heard some of these wolves. They are Good. They will convince by the way that they quote from the bible to prove a lie, if you do not know the word. If you listen to them long enough, they will get you. There have always been Wolves among the flocks.
Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
Luke 10:3 Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves.
Acts 20:29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.
But God has a place for the Wolves. The prophecy tells us that God will strangle (choke) the Wolves with the clothing of the sheep. What is the clothing of the sheep? It is the Word of God as given to us in the True Bible. The Word of God, spoken by the True Christians, will destroy the Wolves who will be shown to be the liars that they are. There will be a time in the very near future when only the True Word of God will Prevail, and then will be such a great revival.
Prophecy 56, 115
Then we are told that "The Wolf" will meet the "Lamb" who is Jesus Christ at the time
appointed by God the Father. Then we are given a clue. "The Wolf and the Bear will clash
in the month of November." The Wolf, who is yet to be revealed, will be destroyed by the
Bear, who is Satan, in the month of November. Another pointer to things happening in the
late fall or winter.
Rev. Jack Barr
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