On solo tour, to do an act based on a sacred factor.
The audience for this special tour (decidely exclusive)
He knew the faithful of the church would flock to this recital...
And, sure enough, each place he went, the people came to hear him.
His baritone voice boomed loud and clear from pulpits 'cross the nation,
His "readings" were, in fact, by heart, (by this, I mean by memory).
The scriptures were drama in his hands, an undisputed master....
The papers hailed him everywhere with headlines such as "Stirring!"
Then, near the end of this rave tour, appearing in a small town,
At his finale on this eve, their silence told the story.
At last there stood, from near the back, an old and wrinkled fellow.
And then the man said something else that startled all the people...
Before the crowd had realized what was about to happen,
"The poor old man has surely flipped, or maybe he's just senile....
It was too late to stop him now, he calmly was proceeding.
Then slowly it revealed itself, they heard a item present...
It didn't have the resonance and strict enunciation,
But, here was a man who truly felt the words he spoke were holy.
He read with simple faith the words, sincerely trusting in them,
The tears in eyes of many there attested their emotion,
Reporters waited just outside to ask the guest a question:
The actor paused and scratched his chin, and thought for just a
"I knew my lines, and spoke them well...My reverence was proper....
By Henry Matthew Ward (c)1991
Please Email Your Comments To: Henry Matthew Ward
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