Who Is The Real Santa Claus?

The Real Santa Claus

By Rev. Jack Barr


The Real Santa Claus gives the most wonderful gifts. He brings us only the best. There are some who believe in Him. There are many who don't. We know that Santa gives gifts to only those who believe in Him. Gifts to only those who are good, for goodness sake.

It is at this time of the year that we rejoice because of the gifts that He has given us.

Do you know who Santa Claus is? I Do, for He is the Almighty God. He gave us the greatest gift there ever was. He gave us His Son Jesus who in turn gave us Salvation. How can any gift be any better than that?

But He didn't stop there. He also filled our hearts with love and peace. He fills our bellies with food, puts clothes on our backs, and shelters us in many ways. He showers us with love and grace. He promises that we too can have fellowship with Him, that He will never be too busy, too tired, too high and mighty, or too far away to talk to us when ever we desire to talk to Him.

God truly is Santa Claus, Let us rejoice in all the gifts He gives each of us all through the years and celebrate at this time the birth of His Son, Jesus, the Christ.

May God Bless all of you and your families.

Rev. Jack Barr ......... godsword@barr-family.com

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