As shown in Raymond Aguilera's Prophecies
As Interpreted by Rev. Jack Barr
It must be stated that there has never been, nor will there ever be, any Prophecy that will, or can, replace any part of the Word of God as given to us in God's Holy Bible. The Prophecies are a supplement, an additional word from God, that will, if from God, reinforce the message that God has given us in His Bible and by which the Bible itself will be the key to understanding any and all prophecies. Any Prophecy, from any source, that is in conflict with God's Word in the Bible, is not of God.
Rev. Jack Barr
The Prophecies
280. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 28 January 1993 at 1:13 AM. in Spanish.
Look at the rabbits, the rabbits that run in the field. They run fast! That's the way of the Hand of your God, it's going to run fast. It's going to clean up everything that is filthy. Look at the rabbits that run in the field. Yes, My Son already knows what to do, for I have already told him.
330. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 11 June 1993 at 10:10 PM. in Spanish.
Arm yourself with the Word of God My Little Son. It has arrived, all that I have told you, all that's going to happen with the Fever of everything that is Good, all that is of God, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This is your Father with the Word of Heaven. It has arrived, the pig, the rabbit, the dog, the elephant, the coyote, the tiger, and the Match. DON'T FORGET THE MATCH! For I am going to burn everything that is evil, all that is of the devil. Put everything down, write it with the Mind of God, with the Mind of everything that is Good. It has arrived. For it is Mine. For it is Mine. For it is Mine. Non-understandable tongues.
534. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 18 August 1994 at 9:56 AM. in Spanish.
The time that I am going to give you in the coming months are going to be important. For you have to send the Word with your friends to all parts of the world rapidly and to the point, for time is running out. The time of peace, the time that you need to send the Word of God. Then I will give you what you need so you can save yourself from the pigs, from the rabbits, from the dogs. You and your family, and all of your friends, that are helping you. For the day is going to come that you're going to have to hide rapidly.
1083. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 26 July 1997 at 1:45 AM. in English.
Just because the rabbit can go in his hole and hide, does not mean I do not know where he is at! You sinners, you pagans, you idols worshippers, you Satan worshippers, your time has come! The day of vengeance is here! So saith Jehovah! You were warned, and you were warned, and you closed your eyes and your ears and you denied My Presence! You denied My Word. So by that Word, you will be Judged without mercy.
1181. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 16 July 1998 at 5:30 PM.
The Lord gave me a vision of the ground and all I could see was dirt. As I looked at the ground, eyes and a face formed on the surface of the ground and it looked up. Then the Lord gave me a vision of a small rabbit moving on the ground. Then this ground face opened up and swallowed the rabbit. (over)
by Rev. Jack Barr
Prophecy 330, 534
In these prophecies, God is giving us a final warning and a promise to
His True Believers.
The Warning! The time has arrived which was spoken of in the Bible. The time of the end. The time when His Children in the United States will be attacked by the combined efforts of the "the Pig" (Russia and it's allies), "the Tiger" (North Korea), "the Elephant" (The republican political party what will be in office at that time.), "The Coyote" (False Christians), "the Rabbits" (see below), and "the Dogs" (yet unknown).
The Promise! That God will give all of His True Children everything they will need to survive every attack. Is this prophecy saying that He will not take any of His Children Home during this time? No it does not. Does it say that they will not be hurt? No it does not. God is saying here that He will tell us when to run, where to hide, how to get food, who to trust, and if caught, what to do and say. If there is any hesitation on our part when god tells us these things, then we will be caught, when we should not have been. We will have God's protection during this time, but note the wording: "so you can save yourself". When we try to help ourselves, Then will God move to protect us. We can not sit still, thumbing our nose at them, and expect God to do it all.
Prophecy 280, 1083, 1181
The Rabbits, the Rabbits are fast, but not as fast as God. When God
brings judgement on the Earth, it will happen faster than a rabbit can
run. The Rabbit thinks that he can hide in his hole. He has always been
safe there, but God knows where he is, and how to reach him. There is no
safety for the Rabbit. The ground itself will open up and swallow the
Rabbit all the way down to hell. There will be roasted Rabbit when the
lord is finished.
Who are the Rabbits? God tells us in his prophecy, The Rabbits are all of the sinners who will not repent, for they are rejecting God, and all of the pagans who worship false gods.
All those who pray to their idols of statues, and pictures, they build churches to them, they dedicate altars to them. for they are worshiping them when I have told them not to. They will not listen to My Word. They burn candles before them, they kiss them, they go on their knees before them. They have made gods out of them. They are following their leaders straight into hell. So Saith The Lord God Jehovah!!
And, All those who worship Satan, for they have made their choice.
For these are the Rabbits of the World.
Rev. Jack Barr
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