Date: Monday, July 19, 1999

The President of Proctor & Gamble appeared on the Sally Jesse Raphael Show on Monday, July 19, 1999. He announced that "due to the openness of our society", he was coming out of the closet about his association with the church of Satan. He stated that a large portion of his profits from Proctor & Gamble products goes to support this satanic church. When asked by Sally Jesse if stating this on TV would hurt his business, he replied: "There are not enough Christians in the United States to make a difference."

P&G Product list includes:

Cleaning Supplies - Bold, Cascade, Cheer, Joy, Comet, Dash, Spic = & Span, Tide, Top Job, Oxidol, Ivory, Dreft, Gain, Mr. Clean, Lest Oil & Bounty towels
Food - Duncan Hines, Fisher Nuts, Fisher Mints & Fisher Dehydrated Fruits Coffee - Folgers & High Point
Shortening & Oils - Crisco, Puritan & Fluffo
Deodorants - Secret & Sure
Diapers - Luvs & Pampers
Hair Care - Lilt, Head & Shoulders, Prell, Pert, Vidal Sassoon & Ivory Acne Products - Clearasil
Mouthwash & Toothpaste - Scope, Crest & Gleem
Peanut Butter - Jif
Personal Hygiene- Always & Attend undergarments
Lotions - Oil of Olay 7 Wondra
Soap - Camay, Coast, Ivory, Lava, Safeguard, Zest & Oil of Olay
Fabric Softener - Downy, Bounce
Citrus Punch - Sunny Delight
Medication - Aleve, Pepto-Bismol

If you are not sure about the product, look for "Proctor & Gamble" written on the products, or the symbol of a ram's horn, which will appear on each product beginning on January 1, 2000. The ram's horn will form the 666, which is known as Satan's number. Christians should remember that if they purchase any of these products, they will be contributing to the church of Satan. Inform other Christians about this and STOP buying Proctor & Gamble products. Let's show Proctor & Gamble that there are enough Christians to make a difference! On a previous Jenny Jones show, the owner of Proctor & Gamble said that if Satan would prosper he would give his heart and soul to him. Then he gave Satan credit for his riches.

Any one interested in seeing this tape, should send $3 to Sally Transcripts, 515 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019. We urge you to make copies of this and pass it on to as many people as possible.

Liz Claiborne also professes to worship Satan and recently openly admitted on the Oprah Winfrey show that half of her profits go towards the church of Satan. This needs to stop!


Here is the latest LIE. They make it sound good don't they. But compare with the article "Lies - About Proctor & and Gamble" on this web site. I wonder who really gets the money if you send in the $3 ?? In comparing the two letters we can see how someone deliberately changed and twisted the dates and shows just to keep this hate letter going for their agenda. I invite you to contact each of the shows listed in this letter and ask for their response, BUT do not trust the address listed in this letter. Phone or write to the shows directly, for their response and or transcript of these alleged shows. I believe that you will find as I did that they never happened.

Rev. Jack Barr

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