As shown in Raymond Aguilera's Prophecies
As Interpreted by Rev. Jack Barr
53. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 17 May 1992, Sunday at 1:19 AM. in Tongues, English.
For the Ritual will be Blasphemous to your Holy Father , to your King of Kings, Lord of Lords. For the Ritual will be an abomination to all the Heavenly things that are Pure and Good , and Righteous , but it must happen . I must allow it, to bring a close, to bring to end, what must be , what must be, for the scenario of the War will be complete . And the Prince of Peace and the Heavenly Angels will finally be in the place that I chose in the hour , and in the place that I chose thousands of years ago. For the coming of the end will be exactly as I said it would be . Everything will be done in the order and in the manner that I so Destined it .
The parrot and the sword will come to an end on that day. For the parrot is a Blasphemous thing that I will not allow . Watch for the parrot , the parrot, that repeats and repeats the blasphemy . The parrot will be the end of the end . Watch for the parrot . So I said it, so it will be done, for Russia is the hog, for Russia is the hog. Come to Heaven My Saints . Come to Heaven where there is Peace, Tranquillity forever . So saith, Jehovah . So saith Jehovah, for it will be complete when My Son slays the dragon, once and for all .
55. Watch for the parrot , the parrot, that repeats and repeats the blasphemy .
55. And the Prince of Peace and the Heavenly Angels will finally be in the place that I chose in the hour , and in the place that I chose thousands of years ago. The parrot and the sword will come to an end on that day
55. The parrot will be the end of the end
by Rev. Jack Barr
The parrot is the Antichrist. This prophecy shows that on the day that Jesus return to Earth to set up his kingdom, Which is the end of the end, that it will be the end of the Parrot. He is called the parrot because he will be repeating everything that Satan tells him to say. Every blasphemy that Satan tells him he will repeat to the world. That he will blaspheme everything. Revelation 13:5-6 tells of his blasphemies.
Revelation 13:5-6 "And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven."
And Revelation 19:20 shows us what happens at the end, when Christ returns.
Revelation 19:20 " And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone."
The Beast here being the antichrist.
Rev. Jack Barr
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