The following is my interpretation of all of the different statements about Satan, the Devil, Lucifer, and The Evil One, that appear in Part 1 and the first 1200 Prophecies from Raymond Aguilera, as was given to him by God.
These are in alphabetical order and not in the order as was given in the prophecies. Each line listed below is my interpretation of what one of statements about Satan, in one of the prophecies, was saying. Over all, they represent everything that the prophecies had to say about Satan. I do not claim Divine revelation. However I do believe that God is helping me. I do believe that the original Prophecies are from God, and are given to HIS PEOPLE in these last days before Jesus Christ returns.
In additional postings, I will further break these down into catagories and then intepret those. May God Help you in your Studies of God's Prophecies about these Last Days.
Please pray for me, that I may not lead anyone astray, and that I may do these only by the will of God, and not by my will.
Rev. Jack Barr
Prophecy Statement -- Prophecy Number
All that is black (evil) is of the devil - 259
Satan always attacks - 12
Satan and all his demons will fall shaking , screaming and wailing when you pray in
tongues and say the name of Jesus Christ - 343
Satan, with his saints are ready to chew this world - 162
Satan's armor is directed at the throat of th body of Christ - 525
Satan's armor is strong - 525
Satan attacks individuals - part 1
Satan attacks while you sleep - part 1
Satan attacks you from behind - 12
Satan attacks you in your dreams - part 1
Satan attacks you with anxiety - part 1
Satan Attacks your mind - part 1
Satan attacks your physical body - 27
Satan believes he is so slick - 1158
Satan blanks your mind - part 1
Satan blinds you to his presence - part 1
Satan can be broken by your prayers - 95, 148
Satan can control a man in ways you can't understand - 136
Satan can not destroy those who belong to God - 173
Satan can not do a thing - 242
Satan can not stop the word of the Truth - 8
Satan can not touch what God protects - 242
Satan can not touch what's God's - 173
Satan can't protect you from God - 252
Satan carries on an intimate battle with you - part 1
Satan caused men to use the word of God in the manner of satan - 541
Satan causes many to believe in him - 158, 162
Satan causes men to control, and manipulate with selfish attitudes. To dominate - 104
Satan causes men to have the mind of the devil - 144
Satan causes you to not know wnat to do - 99, 160, 268
Satan causes your head to become mixed up - 268
Satan changed everything good into something filthy - 162
Satan changed the mood of the world to be totally and compleatly out of control - 60
Satan changed the mood of the world to cynical, - 60
Satan comes at you like a speeding bullet - part 1
Satan confuses you - 148
Satan controls many devils (demons)(men) - 11
Satan controls many higher-upes of the church - 11, 12
Satan controls millions, millions, millions of devils - 12, 13
Satan controls people - 104
Satan controls Thailand - 552
Satan controls the country of North Korea - 546
Satan controls the demons - 514
Satan controls the United States - 361
Satan corrupted the seed - 69
Satan created all evil - 919
Satan crushes your body - part 1
Satan dark spirits bring all that is bad - 267
Satan defecated on the whole world with the word of the devil - 972
Satan's demons stir up many to be angry at the prophets - 297
Satan despises everything that is of God - 201
Satan devils live in the town of Mt. Shasta, USA - 1042
Satan did his job very well - 541
Satan does atrocious things to people - 12
Satan doesn't care - 266, 540
Satan doesn't care who falls - 263
Satan doesn't care who's head he steps on - 136
Satan doesn't have a chance - 70, 155
Satan doesn't have a chance if you study the bible - 267
Satan doesn't know righteousness - 13
Satan doesn't like sound of clapping hands - part 1
Satan doesn't like the truth - 264
Satan doesn't need a reason to kill you - 150
Satan doesn't want you to believe God - 160
Satan doesn't want you to know the truth - 97
Satan doesn't want you to look for God - 196
Satan doesn't want you to study the bible - 267
Satan doesn't want your nose in the bible - 302
Satan eats your soul - part 1
Satan entered into the United States slowly at first - 162
Satan enters into people - 93
Satan everything evil will be shaken by God - 400
Satan fears God's prophets - 719
Satan fed those who attended the conference the beast went to - 269
Satan fell because he thinks he is so great - 999
Satan fell because he wanted to be God - 997
Satan fights with your spirit - part 1
Satan fingers are filthy - 364
Satan fools you so you won't know who is talking - 160
Satan gave job sores - 12
Satan gets bigger as the church gets smaller - 85
Satan gives people hard hearts - 93
Satan gives you a plumb line to follow just as God did - 919
Satan gives you filthy gifts - 514
Satan gives you filthy money - 514
God is using satan as He wants to use him. - 503
Satan had 9 places on the earth that was his to use to run his opperations from - part 1
Satan harmed job - 12
Satan has a bed - 144
Satan has a body - 548
Satan has a counterfeit Mary - 774
Satan has a determination to eat you - 173
Satan has a fever to get you - 349
Satan has a flame - 17
Satan has a force of everything that is evil - 263
Satan has a hammer - 358
Satan has a hanging tongue - 208
Satan has a hunger for the blood of Jesus - 167, 245
Satan has a hunger for the blood of the body of God - 226
Satan has a hunger for the meat of God - 152
Satan has a hunger for the things that is sweet, the meat of the body of God - 267
Satan has a hunger for you - 155
Satan has a mark for you - 100
Satan has a match to light a fire - 17
Satan has a mouth that stinks - 46
Satan has a place set aside for him by God - 125
Satan has a road - 152
Satan has a seal - 100
Satan has a union with the beast - 269
Satan has a wet mouth - 354
Satan has a wife - 750
Satan has already lost - 70, 160
Satan has already lost the war with God - 160
Satan has already won many people - 901
Satan has altars - 220
Satan has an empire - 95
Satan has an immense appetite for the blood of Jesus - 288
Satan has been turned into a god by his followers - 117
Satan has blinded the positive thinkers (New Age) - 68
Satan has bombs and guns - 263
Satan has brains - 934
Satan has brought sickness to saints - 69
Satan has brought the flames to the United States - 746
Satan has brought tribulation to saints from every conceivable source - 69
Satan has brought tribulation to saints from government - 69
Satan has brought tribulation to saints from their neighbors - 69
Satan has colors - part 1 (Eph. 6:12)
Satan has corrupted the whole planet - 198
Satan has dirty feet - 575
Satan has disrupted the harmony and unity in heaven - 117
Satan has disrupted the harmony and unity on earth - 117
Satan has done his job well - 70
Satan has entered the church of Jesus - 282
Satan has evil ways - 229
Satan has eyes - 548
Satan has force - 114
Satan has given a plan to the beast - 269
Satan has great fury and anger - 371
Satan has hands - 104
Satan has his angels - 158
Satan has his devils in the church - 11
Satan has his fangs around your throat - 1174
Satan has his mark - 46
Satan has his own church (New Age) - 68
Satan has his own law - 90
Satan has his own saints - 70, 77
Satan has his own sheep - 303
Satan has his own word - 92
Satan has his tongue hanging out - 208
Satan has jaws of power - 182
Satan has laughter - 717
Satan has led many as New Agers - 68
Satan has lips - 548
Satan has made california very filthy - 158
Satan has made many promises - 450
Satan has made the city of San Francisco the city of iniquity - 440
Satan has made the sheep suffer - 358
Satan has many church elders speak for him - 11
Satan has many church elders speak with a forked tongue - 11
Satan has many in his stomach - 721
Satan has many schemes - 773
Satan has many spirits - 267
Satan has marked people - 172
Satan has messangers - 981 (2 Cor. 12:7-9)
Satan has mixed up everything - 98
Satan has nerve - 525
Satan has no place to hide - 155
Satan has no place to lay his head now - 8, 12
Satan has people looking for you to chew your neck with the teeth of the devil - 165
Satan has people who will have sex with you for satan - 33, 889
Satan has placed the Bless me, Bless me doctrine into the churches where it has blinded them
to the reality of the wrath of God, the vengeance of God on the wicked - 899
Satan has plans to defile all that God made - 71
Satan has plans to defile the name of God - 71
Satan has pointed teeth - 178
Satan has power and control over governments - 868
Satan has power to deceive - 70
Satan has pride and ego - 182
Satan has put the church of Christ to sleep - 258
Satan has servants as witches (New Age) - 118
Satan has signs - 934
Satan has starved saints - 69
Satan has strong and straight teeth - 184
Satan has teeth of iron - 184
Satan has teeth of steel - 242
Satan has the hunger of a mad dog - 78
Satan has the love of the world - 178
Satan has the missionaries surrounded by devils, demons - 166
Satan has the ones who believe in him - 881
Satan has the patience of a mad dog - 208
Satan has the tongue of a snake - 11
Satan has the tongue of an animal that crawles on the ground - 11
Satan has the United States working hand and hand with him - 900
Satan has those who became mad at God - 901
Satan has tortured saints - 69
Satan has turned everything upside down - 98
Satan has vengeance - 204
Satan has won many people - 8, 11, 94
Satan has won many who wanted to be blind and deaf - 123
Satan has you as worshipers - 118
Satan hates you ministering to other people - part 1
Satan and his followers contaminated everything they could - 104
Satan can eat you if you don't believe - 97
he can't win all battles - 34
He has a star - 46
He has the time that is coming - 17
He is hungry for the blood of God - 124
He knows he has lost - 867
He owns the bear - 365
He wants you for dinner for his mad dogs - 198
He will frighten you when you see him - 137
Satan helps people do sinful things - part 1
His day has started - 349
His day is here now - 503
His door will open - 78
His final destination will be the abyss - 117
His finger is strong - 503
His finger will point the deaf and blind to the pit - 503
His force is very hard - 208
His hierarchy is hurt by your prayers - 148
His kingdom is death - 103
His lips are black - 548
His mad dogs have hunger with the teeth of the devil - 152
His mark is looking for you to eat you - 152
His power is small compaired to God's power - 210
His presence is very strong - part 1
His rebellion is coming to a close - 104
His saints made him a god - 117
His star is coming - 150
His star will hit people on the head and hand - 150
His star will send you to hell - 150
His time is complete - 19
His time is finished - 8
His time is here - 150
His vengeance will hit the earth without mercy - 370
His way is bloody - 166
His ways are revolting - 137
His ways are the pit - 210
If you believe in the devil instead of God then you will live with the devil - 162
If you rebell you will live with Satan - 50
Inner space is where the devil is - 1073
Satan is a fornicator - 867
Satan is a jerk - part 1
Satan is a liar - 867
Satan is a mad dog - part 1
Satan is a molester of children - 867
Satan is a molester of the mind and the soul - 867
Satan is a murderer - 867
Satan is a serpent - 938, 1074
Satan is a teacher of war - 981
Satan is about to be chained and thrown into hell - 68
Satan is afraid - 8
Satan is after my soul - part 1
Satan is all that is bad - 156
Satan is angry - 252
Satan is around you every minute of everyday - 162
Satan is at your throat - part 1
Satan is behind all sins - part 1
Satan is coming with the money - 450
Satan is coming with the things of the world - 450
Satan is coming with the women - 450
Satan is crying - 1051
Satan is determined - 604
Satan is difficult to drive off for more than a few seconds - part 1
Satan is distressed by you spreading God's word - part 1
Satan is eating everything in the United States - 943
Satan is eating the state of california - 158
Satan is even in the church - 12
Satan is even in the elders of the church - 12
Satan is everything that is filthy - 167
Satan is fat with all the Christians - 721
Satan is fighting Jesus in heaven now - 11, 13, 19
Satan is fighting with Christ and the angels in heaven - 13, 19
Satan is found by anyone who looks for him - 97
Satan is going to be chained - 68
Satan is going to be hit like a fly by God - 1013
Satan is going to become strong with the anti-christ (Man) - 923
Satan is going to cause war - 540
Satan is going to change the calendar - 549
Satan is going to die with his own match - 17
Satan is going to eat people head first - 184
Satan is going to eat the body of Christ - 78
Satan is going to eat you - 46
Satan is going to enter more into the body of Jesus Christ - 245
Satan is going to get you into a corral - 958
Satan is going to hit people - 150
Satan is going to hit you - 358
Satan is going to kill Christians like animals - 100
Satan is going to make war on those who are good - 1039
Satan is going to munch the body of Christ with all the force that he can - 78
Satan is going to munch the bones in the flesh of the church - 226
Satan is going to push down the White House with the force of devils - 900
Satan is going to set loose the wars with the nerve of everything evil - 420
Satan is going to the pit - 19, 20
Satan is having the tar beat out of him by God's angels - 868
Satan is hungry for the blood of God's sheep, lambs, seeds - 252, 370
Satan is hurt by speaking the words of God - part 1
Satan is in the air - 12
Satan is in the hands of God - 504
Satan is laughing at you - 942
Satan is looking for you like a dog looking for a bone - 46
Satan is looking for you like a mad dog - 196
Satan is looking for you with bare teeth - 46
Satan is loose like a dog that has hunger - 252
Satan is loose with his demons - 495
Satan is loose with his tongue sticking out - 302
Satan is losing the battle - 220
Satan is mad with anyone who prays - 190
Satan is mad with God's prophecies - 242
Satan is making many of you follow him - 919
Satan is making the White house fall with the force of the devil - 746
Satan is making you suffer this minute - 160
Satan is of everything that is filthy and bad - 245
Satan is of the air - 12
Satan is placing all the satanic force on the head of the president of the United States - 900
Satan is placing his force on your mind - 160
Satan is planing strategy this second with the beast and anti-christ - 124
Satan is planning his attacks on you - 1150
Satan is pure evil - part 1
Satan is putting on lots of pressure - 1154
Satan is putting pressure on you - 36
Satan is ready - 705
Satan is really concerned about those who are dedicated to serving God - 136
Satan is revolting - 249
Satan is running for his life - 198
Satan is scared of God - 154
Satan is sending ladies to tempt men - 889
Satan is sending men to tempt women - 889
Satan is slaughtering God's Lambs and Sheep now - 103
Satan is soon going to turn loose the anti-christ - 881
Satan is stopping you from understanding the word of God - 160
Satan is strong - 166
Satan is strong in Bolivia - 305
Satan is surrounding you and enclosing on you - 773
Satan is telling his saints what to do - 242
Satan is the boss of the United States - 900
Satan is the creator of space creatures - 868
Satan is the devil of the sky - 8
Satan is the god of many people - 103
Satan is the king of those who think a lot of themselves - 157
Satan is the she-bear of the sea (is Levathan of Job 41) - 934
Satan is there 24 hours a day - part 1
Satan is throwing bullets at you - 282
Satan is throwing everything at you - 136
Satan is throwing everything at your mind - 160
Satan is totally frightened as he hears this prophecy being spoken to my Prophet - 719
Satan is totaly frightened when he hears you pray in tongues - 343
Satan is totaly frightened when he hears you saying the name of Jesus Christ - 342
Satan is totaly terrified - 44
Satan is trying to hide - 11
Satan is uneasy when visions are given to you - 482
Satan is used by God - 3
Satan is very educated - 13
Satan is very hard - 21
Satan is very hard with God's saints - 21
Satan is very mean - 20, 21
Satan is waging a fierce war with his angles - 11
Satan is waring with God's angels - 154
Satan is with you when you read your bible - 13
Satan is your Arch enemy - 44
Satan it is dark in hell - 243
Satan it is the hour of satan - 182
Satan jumps into the air when mad - 242
Satan keeps many of God's sheep from knowing God - 196
Satan keeps you from thinking clearly - 160
Satan killed job's father, mother, wife, and kids - 12
Satan killed many - 17
Satan knows his day is coming but can't do a thing - 150
Satan knows his days are numbered - 198
Satan knows his fate - 44
Satan knows his time has arrived - 8, 19
Satan knows that God's word will stop him - 264
Satan knows that he is a doomed evil spirit - 868
Satan knows that the pit is ready for him - 155
Satan knows the bible very well - 13
Satan knows the truth - 264
Satan knows what is coming - 44
Satan Knows when you are vulnerable - part 1
Satan knows when you don't have the spiritual strength to resist him. - part 1
Satan knows where you are - part 1
Satan laughs at you - 717, 942
Satan leads some to blaspheme the communion - 281
Satan leads the churches to attack God's prophets - 297
Satan leads the churches to reject God's prophecies - 297
Satan leads the churches to say filthy things - 11
Satan leads you to believe that you know it all - 178
Satan leads you to blaspheme God's name - 220
Satan leads you to build altars to satan - 220
Satan leads you to fight your brothers in other churches - 252
Satan leads you to glorify satan - 220
Satan leads you to misuse the words of God - 901
Satan leads you to mock God - 220
Satan leads you to the abyss, the ever dark place - 243
Satan led many men to believe they can change the things God made in the old testament - 906
Satan led the bankers to believe that they are god - 512
Satan led the United states to be his - 778, 900
Satan likes it if you think that only throwing the name of Jesus at him will save you - 514
Satan likes it when you are fighting amoung yourselves - 252
Satan likes to take you to places that are not good - 889
Satan likes to talk down to people - 157
Satan loves abominations - 118
Satan loves it when you do the things that you know is wrong - 566
Satan loves it when you get mad - 297
Satan loves to have people worship him - 125
Satan made everything dirty - 175
Satan made the church elders plump and fat with the money of satan - 541
Satan made the things of the United states the things of satan - 361
Satan make France accept his word - 263
Satan makes everything unclear - 548
Satan makes many think that they are following God when then are reaily following satan - 919
Satan makes people believe that they can change the Bible - 93
Satan makes people believe that they can't do anything wrong - 93
Satan makes people fall - 268
Satan makes people stubborn - 180
Satan makes people think more of him than of God - 158
Satan makes promises - 450
Satan makes unclean everything he touches in any manner - 118
Satan makes you nervous - part 1
Satan makes you shake at his presence - part 1
Satan makes you think that you can talk to God any way that you want - 750
Satan's manner is very easy - 883
Satan Never sleeps - part 1
Satan nibbles at your soul - part 1
people want to hear from the devil - 883
Satan's post will become larger and more pointed - 552
Satan promotes drugs - 830
Satan pushes people down - 263
Satan protects what is his - 226
Satan receives great damage from your prayers - 95
Satan's road is very wide - 883
Satan and Lucifer is the same - 182
Satan and the beast will be one - 269
Satan attacks people (Individuals) - part 1
Satan had nine doors to hell shut by Jesus - 12
Satan had the door to hell taken away from him by Jesus - part 1
Satan is always there - part 1
Satan is in battle with you - part 1
Satan is loose - 41
Satan screams and yells when God's word goes out - 242
Satan shoots a bullet that hits your spirit - 99
Satan shoots arrows at you - 103
Space aliens are satanic beings - 868
Satan speaks to you and changes your mind - 566
Satan spoils everything he touches - 198
Satan started rebellion in heaven - 104
Stupid things are of the devil - 281
Satan takes you to places that are filthy - 889
Satan takes you to places where people drink - 889
Satan takes you to places where people seek men and women - 889
Satan takes you to places where people take drugs - 889
Satan tells you that you don't know a thing - 157
Satan tells you what is good - 584
The day of Satan is finished - 49
The devil and satan is the same - 182
The devil, the serpent, the dragon are all the same one - 1074
The followers of Satan will live with Satan forever - 210
The followers of Satan will suffer much - 78
The lions of the devil - 510
The manner of men is the same as the manner of Satan - 163
The planet will see the fruits of evil - 928
The saints of Satan will find the end of the end - 77
The ticket satan sells you will lead to the pit - 297
The time of Satan is finished - 8
Satan thinks a lot of himself - 157
Satan throws darts at you - 103
Satan throws his most powerful demonic force in `your direction - 114
Satan throws obstacles at you - 33
Satan trembles at the words of God - 919
Satan tries to corrupt everything - 282
Satan tries to deceive you - 68
Satan tries to keep you from knowing what to do - 160
Satan tries to kill you - 321
Satan tries to shatter God's sheep - 12
Satan tries to stop the churches from gathering - 302
Satan turned many of God's sheep away from God - 196
Satan turns beautiful things from God into filthy things - 1037
Satan uses all kinds of voices - 649
Satan uses his flame - 883
Satan wants church leaders to be pompous - 973
Satan wants church leaders to be self righteous - 973
Satan Wants church leaders to be the lovers of satan - 973
Satan wants church leaders to have the pride of the Pharisees which is the
pride of Satan - 973
Satan wants help in rebelling - 71
Satan wants people to follow him - 104
Satan wants people to treat the space aliens as gods - 868
Satan wants to burn your body - 534
Satan wants to burn your spirit - 534
Satan wants to choke you - 157
Satan wants to cut you - 184
Satan wants to cut your throat - 157, 268
Satan wants to cut your tongue - 157
Satan wants to eat all that is alive in Africa - 727
Satan wants to eat God's sheep - 164
Satan wants to eat the body of Jesus 208 -
Satan wants to eat the sheep of Jesus - 252
Satan wants to eat those who pray very strong - 190
Satan wants to eat you - 13
Satan wants to eat you with bare teeth - 78, 150
Satan wants to eat you with his bullets of his devil soldiers - 150
Satan wants to eat your flesh and the head too - 179
Satan wants to eat your spirit - 368
Satan wants to fight with you for praying - 740
Satan wants to fill his belly with the Christians - 167
Satan wants to fool you - 196
Satan wants to frighten you - 13
Satan wants to jump on top of you - 268
Satan wants to kill everything - 157
Satan wants to kill the body of christ - 12
Satan wants to kill the Pope - 495
Satan wants to kill you - 157
Satan wants to make you fall - 268
Satan wants to push you down - 268
Satan wants to scare you - 13
Satan wants to share his reward with you - 118
Satan wants to shoot you with his bullets - 99
Satan wants to snuff you out - 242
Satan wants to stop you - 264
Satan wants to stuff your pillow down your mouth - 162
Satan wants to take out your eyes - 321
Satan wants to take you to a place that you don't want to go - 415
Satan wants to take you to hell - 198
Satan wants to take you with him - 198
Satan wants to tear you - 184
Satan wants you to be dumb - 358
Satan wants you to become coal for burning - 265
Satan wants you to believe everything that his demons say - 12
Satan wants you to believe that he can protect you - 226
Satan wants you to believe that you can live in the world of God and
in the world of satan also - 901
Satan wants you to believe that you can tell God what He can say or do - 750
Satan wants you to call him god -103
Satan wants you to choose him - 50, 65
Satan wants you to dance with his words - 523
Satan wants you to desire money - 881
Satan wants you to do everything he tells you - 617
Satan wants you to fill your stomach with the money of the devil - 252
Satan wants you to have a hard head - 157, 510
Satan wants you to have a hard heart - 157, 510
Satan wants you to have a mind of stone - 514
Satan wants you to have the hunger of the pit - 548
Satan wants you to have the hunger of the world - 548
Satan wants you to have your ears stopped up - 881
Satan wants you to have your eyes closed - 881
Satan wants you to hug him - 514
Satan wants you to keep your ears closed - 208
Satan wants you to keep your eyes closed - 208
Satan wants you to learn the things of satan - 349
Satan wants you to lie - 264
Satan wants you to live with him - 65, 97
Satan wants you to make yourself deaf - 267
Satan wants you to make yourself dumb - 358
Satan wants you to place your hands over your ears - 282
Satan wants you to play with him - 534
Satan wants you to run after everything that is easy - 517
Satan wants you to run after everything that is filthy - 517
Satan wants you to seek man instead of God - 719
Satan wants you to serve the god of self - 210
Satan wants you to sleep with him - 165
Satan wants you to stick out your chest - 514
Satan wants you to think of him with joy - 514
Satan wants you to walk hand in hand with him - 604
Satan wants you to worship him - 125
Satan wants you to worship idols - 1083
Satan wants your house to be full of filthy things - 591
Satan was evicted from Mt. Diablo in 1992 - part 1
Satan was in the land of Kuwait - 967
Satan was pushed out of heaven - 249
Satan was seen on top of a rock on Mt. Diablo - part 1
Satan watches you fight his demons like it was in a sports arena - 343
Satan's ways are evil - 229
Satan's ways are wicked - 229
Satan went against the Almighty Powerful God - 104
Satan will always return after you command him to leave - part 1
Satan will attack you when you pray to, or praise God - part 1
Satan will be bound - 68, 70
Satan will be locked up in the pit - 68
Satan will be placed in the Valley of Eternal Death - 64
Satan will be released like a whirlwind - 162
Satan will be sent to the pit of hell - 70
Satan will be shut up in the pit - 167
Satan will be thrown into hell head first - 233
Satan will be thrown into the pit - 198
Satan will be turned loose now - 182
Satan will be used by God to do what satan wants, to clean everything that is satans - 503
Satan will beat you down to nothing - part 1
Satan will begin to run Costa Rica - 568
Satan will bow down to Jesus - 70
Satan will bring about a storm on the earth - 679
Satan will bring on dark days - 549
Satan will bring on the days of the dead bodies - 549
Satan will bring peace to an end - 999
Satan will bring the world to war - 540, 747
Satan will burn in the pit - 20
Satan will cause Africa to break out in violence. - 166
Satan will cause the church of the United States to be hit by God - 297
Satan will cause the fall of peace and tranquillity - 101
Satan will cause the United states to be hit by the wirlwind of satan - 304
Satan will choke you until your eyes pop out - 137
Satan will choke you with your own tongue - 137
Satan will clean up the world for God after God's saints leave - 503
Satan will come like a whirlwind - 701
Satan will control the beast - 70, 74
Satan will create miracles - 70
Satan will cut your throat - 162
Satan will destroy you - 243
Satan will do everything he wants with you after God gives you to him - 354
Satan will do his best to get you - 33
Satan will drag you on the floor until you scream - 180
Satan will drag you to the pit screaming - 226
Satan will eat all that he wants of you - 8
Satan will eat all that you have inside of you - 934
Satan will eat you if you fall asleep (don't watch for him) - 83
Satan will eat you with pointed teeth - 78
Satan will eat your head - 604
Satan will eat your tongue - 934
Satan will fan the flames of evil in people - 604
Satan will find you where ever you try to hide - part 1, 160
Satan will frighten you - 540
Satan will gang up on you with millions of demons - 12
Satan will get you if you don't wear your armor - 28
Satan will get you if you have a hard head - 28
Satan will give the elders a head of stone - 503
Satan will give the false prophet false words to defame and to blaspheme against the
Almighty Jehovah - 114
Satan will give you a fright - 711
Satan will harass you when you refuse to follow him - 1006
Satan will have a coronation - 229
Satan will have a great battle with the saints - 117
Satan will have a party - 124
Satan will have Islam as his religion - 287
Satan will have the force of all that is evil - 263
Satan will have the trap closed on him at the end - 110
Satan will help the beast - 70
Satan will hit the body of Christ very fast - 157
Satan will hit the governments that follow him - 540
Satan will hug you - 934
Satan Will kill anything around you if he can't kill you - 909
Satan will kill the Christians that don't know anything - 589
Satan will kiss you on the lips - 934
Satan will lead the blind and deaf to the pit of the abyss - 243
Satan will let the beast use his tongue - 92
Satan will make a dinner out of Christians - 198
Satan will make a police force - 90
Satan will make France fall - 263
Satan will make himself the king of the world in the flesh - 509
Satan will make the White House of the United States fall - 746
Satan will make the world cry - 299
Satan will make the world fall with his force - 383
Satan will make those who will live with him suffer - 157
Satan will make you scream - 358
Satan will make you suffer - 178
Satan will make you think that you are not worth anything - 95
Satan will make your eyes pop out of your head - 137
Satan will make your heart hurt - 180
Satan will make your mind hurt - 180
Satan will make your teeth and your tongue chew all the flames of hell - 137
Satan will munch on the bones of the Christians - 78
Satan will not hit you if you hide in the Ark - 173
Satan will open the gates of hell - 123
Satan will push you down - 268
Satan will release a virus of some kind - 742
Satan will roam like a wild lion trying to eat and devour anything and everything - 166
Satan will send the bombs - 262
Satan will send the bullets - 262
Satan will send the guns - 263
Satan will send the soldiers to do his work - 495
Satan will show you miracles of evil - 196
Satan will speak to the elders and they will listen - 503
Satan will start a war - 540
Satan will start his evil in Nicaragua - 590
Satan will take charge of his army of demons and invade Israel - 229
Satan will take everything filthy and evil to the pit - 196
Satan will take his saints to the pit - 150
Satan will take the unclean to the pit with him - 173
Satan will tell you that everything bad is from God - 100
Satan will tell you to enter his kingdom - 934
Satan will throw obstacles on you - 33
Satan will throw sex in your face - 33
Satan will torture you forever - 243
Satan will try to break all that is good - 540
Satan will try to break up your family - 33
Satan will try to coerce you - 33
Satan will try to destroy all that is good - 204
Satan will try to destroy all that is righteous - 204
Satan will try to have you sleep with the devil for sex - 165
Satan will try to interfere with you receiving visions - 482
Satan will try to mislead you - 868
Satan will try to stop God in Argentina with bullets and his word - 552
Satan will try to take you down with him - 44
Satan will turn those you talk to to attack you - 136
Satan will turn your friends to attack you - 136
Satan will use a bomb of gas - 581
Satan will use a hatchet on you - 617
Satan will use animals to distract you from God's work - part 1
Satan will use electricity on you - 534
Satan will use gas on you - 534
Satan will use poison on you - 534
Satan will use some pastors to attack you - 157, 919
Satan Will use the antichrist to kill Christians - 100
Satan will use the bible to get you - 945
Satan will use the communications ot the world to amplify the word of Satan - 269
Satan will use the knife on you - 534
Satan will use the noose on you - 534
Satan will win if you do not believe God - 8, 11
Satan with force he changed the mind of the United States - 162
Satan would not remain in the place he was given - 104
You are surrounded by devils - 166