What does it Represent?

As shown in Raymond Aguilera's Prophecies
As Interpreted by Rev. Jack Barr

It must be stated that there has never been, nor will there ever be, any Prophecy that will, or can, replace any part of the Word of God as given to us in God's Holy Bible. The Prophecies are a supplement, an additional word from God, that will, if from God, reinforce the message that God has given us in His Bible and by which the Bible itself will be the key to understanding any and all prophecies. Any Prophecy, from any source, that is in conflict with God's Word in the Bible, is not of God.

Rev. Jack Barr


37. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 9 February 1991.

I saw a large white winged Horse flying through the sky. When it came down it crashed through a large window . The glass went in all directions. Then the white Horse walked around in the room . Then from the outside of the broken window a Lion with two heads walked in behind the winged Horse . One of the heads was of a male. I could not see if the other was a male or female .

39. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera the fall of 1991 in tongues, English.

You'll see the White Winged Horse,
but remember
the Red Horse ,
the Black Horse ,
the Pale Horse ,
the two headed Lion .

Keep those ears open, My Children,
for the rocket in the sky
coming out of the east ,
coming out of the east,
but the White Horse, the White Horse.
The White Winged Horse will protect you ,
with the Two Headed Lion ,
with the Two Headed Lion.

56. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 19 May 1992 at 1:15 PM Tuesday in tongues, English, Non-understandable tongues.

Beware of the three-piece army. Each piece can sting like a Scorpion , each piece can devour like a Lion , each piece can destroy with such destruction that the world has never known. Be strong, be faithful, reach for Jesus, for He's invincible , for at any time, for at any place, He will be at the Place and the Hour that I chose , for the refuge that you have begun looking for in Christ Jesus .

108. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 24 June 1992 at 1:27 AM. in Spanish and non-understandable tongues.

I saw a head of a Lion with a green mane. Now, I see a head of a bull

. 111. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 25 June 1992 at 12:11 PM. in Spanish.

Everything that I told you is the truth. Yes, it is. My Word about the Lion with two heads, I know that you don't believe it, but it is the truth . You can write it down. Don't get scared because the Prophecy of the Lion with two heads did not hit you right. For what I said is the truth.

166. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 23 July 1992 at 12:15 PM. in English.

Beware of Africa, for it will explode with violence and tribulations . For the fears of the Black Nations will become true and evident that the devil is strong . The devil will roam like a wild lion trying to eat and devour anything and everything that moves , that's righteous , that is clean, that is pure, that is of God.

So beware My Saints, My Sheep, My Lambs, that are in Africa . The missionaries, the people who live in the middle of no where , that are surrounded by the enemy, the devils , the demons, make yourselves strong , be brave . For the hour has come that the roaring lion will devour and maim anything that moves, that is righteous , that is pure , that is clean, from the North, from the South, from the East, from the West .

187. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 15 August 1992 at 11:27 AM.

I see a lion with a vulture's head. I see a drawing image of a man . He has his head on his arms and then he raises his head . He only has one eye , for the other is missing . I see a round ball with a band around it . Looks like a rubber band .

254. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 17 December 1992 at 9:59 AM. in English and Non-understandable Tongues.

Back to the Vision
There is another nuclear blast, I see the eye of a Lion. I see people terrified with fear, they're running and hiding. They're confused and don't know what to do. They're crying. They're screaming. There is total chaos. They don't know where to run or hide. I can see this steady marching of this army and they are marching without a wasted movement, approaching this town. The people are going crazy. They're screaming and praying to their God.

255. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 20 December 1992 at 3 PM.

During Communion I had a vision of a grave stone. Then the ground in front of the grave opened up. What came out was a male lion. As I watched the Lion, it changed into a white Lamb. Then the Lamb was sacrificed on an altar. Then My prayer language changed into Spanish and said, "Woman doctor, Woman doctor." Then I had a vision of a thin woman with short black hair laying down. Don't know if she was the doctor or the patient.

391. Occurrence, Vision, given to Raymond Aguilera on 23 December 1993 at 8:25 PM.

Then a vision of a large tongue appeared in the spirit. The next thing I see is the tail of a Lion sweeping this large tongue. Then the image stopped. 403. Occurrence and Visions given to Raymond Aguilera 6 February 1994 at noon.

Now I knew the importance of what we were doing, and if I had to die here I would go down praying in tongues for whatever reason or plan the Lord had. I felt that might be a possibility. I could feel the goose bumps on my skin and I was starting to perspire as I prayed and felt this sense of possibly dying. I knew that the Lord said that I would be protected, but I felt like I was blindfolded and inside a cage with many man-eating lions. I have to be truthful, I was a little afraid, but I knew the Lord was with me and if I went down the Lord would pick me up somehow. This was a very strange sensation for I could sense the Power flowing through the prayer language.

510. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 27 July 1994 at 8:40 AM in Spanish.

There are the lions, the lions of the devil. They are going to want to eat you, the lions of the devil. But all will go well, all will go in the manner of God. I know that the things that I say are hard, but they are clear and to the point. I want you to gather your mind, your spirit, and pray, and pray, and pray, and pray.

535. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 18 August 1994 at 6:07 PM.

A vision of a Lion lying on the grass facing a black raven. They were facing each other about two feet apart.

756. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 29 June 1995 at 8:30 PM.

A vision of a beautiful head of a Lion with a beautiful mane. I was viewing it from the front, but as my view changed to the side. The rest of the Lion's body was thin and skinny. It was just skin and bones with a beautiful head. Then the vision stopped. (over)

813. Vision:

Then the next image that I saw was of a lion , of a pig , and of a ram . The lion had red eyes.

976. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 10 October 1996 at 12 AM.

You have to read the Bible in the manner of God. You believe that the brothers and sisters (the disciples) that found Christ had parties and parties after I took Him up. Do you believe that they sought money? Do you believe they were playing a game? They killed them (the disciples) with the Lions; and they didn't eat because they were praying until tears came out of their eyes. And when they gathered, they prayed with the HEART of God. They didn't seek anything - ONLY the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. They weren't perfect, but they knew Me.

Prophecy Number - What it Says

37. Then from the outside of the broken window a Lion with two heads walked in behind the winged Horse . One of the heads was of a male. I could not see if the other was a male or female .
39. The White Winged Horse will protect you , with the Two Headed Lion , with the Two Headed Lion.
111. My Word about the Lion with two heads, I know that you don't believe it, but it is the truth .
111. Don't get scared because the Prophecy of the Lion with two heads did not hit you right. For what I said is the truth.

403. I knew that the Lord said that I would be protected, but I felt like I was blindfolded and inside a cage with many man-eating lions.
976. They killed them (the disciples) with the Lions; and they didn't eat because they were praying until tears came out of their eyes. And when they gathered, they prayed with the HEART of God. They didn't seek anything - ONLY the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. They weren't perfect, but they knew Me.

255. During Communion I had a vision of a grave stone. Then the ground in front of the grave opened up. What came out was a male lion. As I watched the Lion, it changed into a white Lamb. Then the Lamb was sacrificed on an altar.
756. A vision of a beautiful head of a Lion with a beautiful mane. I was viewing it from the front, but as my view changed to the side. The rest of the Lion's body was thin and skinny. It was just skin and bones with a beautiful head.

108. I saw a head of a Lion with a green mane.
166. (Africa)The devil will roam like a wild lion trying to eat and devour anything and everything that moves , that's righteous , that is clean, that is pure, that is of God.
166. (Africa)For the hour has come that the roaring lion will devour and maim anything that moves, that is righteous , that is pure , that is clean, from the North, from the South, from the East, from the West .

187. I see a lion with a vulture's head.
510. There are the lions, the lions of the devil. They are going to want to eat you, the lions of the devil
813. Then the next image that I saw was of a lion , of a pig , and of a ram . The lion had red eyes.

56. Beware of the three-piece army. Each piece can sting like a Scorpion , each piece can devour like a Lion , each piece can destroy with such destruction that the world has never known.
254. There is another nuclear blast, I see the eye of a Lion. I see people terrified with fear, they're running and hiding. They're confused and don't know what to do. They're crying. They're screaming. There is total chaos. They don't know where to run or hide. I can see this steady marching of this army and they are marching without a wasted movement, approaching this town. The people are going crazy. They're screaming and praying to their God.

391. Then a vision of a large tongue appeared in the spirit. The next thing I see is the tail of a Lion sweeping this large tongue.

535. A vision of a Lion lying on the grass facing a black raven.

by Rev. Jack Barr

It is clear from the prophecies that there are more than one kind of lion. One of the lions is Jesus, but it shows another lion, one of Satan, Satan is a copier. If Jesus is portrayed as a lion then Satan will be a counterfeit lion. This will fool many, for Satan's lion will destroy many before they know that they have been tricked.

Prophecy 37, 39, 111
Prophecy 37 is interesting in its portrayal of a white winged horse and a two headed lion. Prophecy 39 tells us who the white winged horse is. It tells us that the Son of Man will come as a White Horse Galloping through the sky. While prophecy 37 shows us a White Winged Horse flying through the sky. They are the same, The White Winged Horse is Jesus Christ. For In the bible, Jesus always referred to Himself as the "Son of Man". As example see Matthew 8:20.

Matthew 8:20 And Jesus saith unto him, the foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the son of man hath not where to lay his head.

The prophecy 39, tells us that the White Winged Horse will protect us with the two headed Lion, who follows the white winged horse. Jesus is also portrayed as a Lion.

Revelation 5:5 And one of the elders saith unto me, weep not: behold, the lion of the tribe of Juda, the root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals.

The two headed Lion is Jesus. The two headed Lion is Jesus, for Jesus is the Lion of Juda. His protective hand is, and will be, over His Children. Jesus as the lamb was submissive, but Jesus as the Lion will be aggressive, will be attacking the enemies of God. The Lion will rip these enemies apart as does a lion with it's prey.

Prophecy 111 repeats that we are to believe in the two headed lion, it is not just a symbol, but it is real and does exist. This lion will protect the real Christians like a lion will protect it's cubs. If you belong to Jesus, do not be afraid when you see the two headed lion, for he is your protector.

Prophecy 403, 976
Faith! These prophecies have to do with faith. Do not trust to appearances or feelings, trust only in Jesus Christ with the trust and faith of a little child. When Jesus says that you are protected then you ARE protected. A terrible creature may have your head in its mouth and you may feel it's teeth grinding on you, but if Jesus said that you are protected and that it can not hurt you, then believe Jesus and not what you are feeling. If while that thing is chewing away on you, that you are praising and thanking Jesus for protecting you, then you WILL walk away from it.

Feeling are deceiving. Daniel didn't just feel like he was in a cage of lions, he was in a cage of lions. He saw them, he smelt them, he felt them, still he trusted to the will of God and prayed all of the time that he, Daniel, was in that cage, but then Daniel never stopped praying to God even when he was outside of the cage of lions. It was his habit to pray always. Daniel was willing to submit to whatever God's will was.

That many of the Deciples of Jesus Christ were thrown to the lions in the arena, is well documented. God could have saved them just as He saved Daniel, but it was not His will to do so. It was through the deaths of these Deciples by them being ripped apart by lions brought so very many to become Deciples of Jesus Christ. There were many who watched the deaths of these Deciples that later went home and wondered what it was about their beliefs that they were ready and willing to die for their belief. Yes, these Deciples knew that they would die this horrible way, and they prayed and glorified Jesus right to the end.

The prophecy tells us that we don't have to be perfect, as long as we worship God with all that we have.

Prophecy 255, 756
The Lion that rose from the dead, the lamb that was sacrificed on the altar of the cross. They are the same, they are Jesus Christ.

The vision, the beautiful head of a Lion, with a beautiful mane, is Jesus, who is the head of the body of Christ. And the body of Christ? It is shown as a pathetic thin and skinny body. Of all those who profess themselves to be Christian, to be in the body of Christ, this vision shows us that there are very few who are actually in the body of Christ. That is why the body is so very thin. The Body is made up of real believers, the ones who place God first in everything that they do. The ones who will do whatever God asks them to do, even to death and torture, if He wills it. The ones who are praying to God constantly. Anyone can say that they are Christian but God knows the difference.

When Emperor Constantine, in about 300 AD marched his armies through a shallow stream and pronounced them as baptized as Christian, do you really believe that they magically became Christian? Do you really believe that by going to the altar once in your life makes you a Christian? No! You become a Christian when you give your heart to Jesus Christ, and then continue to OBEY and GLORIFY Jesus Christ, the Father and the Holy Spirit for the rest of your life.

The Body of Christ is only skin and bones. Won't you fatten it up a little by joining the Body of Christ, by placing God absolutely first in your life.

Prophecy 108, 166
A lion with a green mane. A green mane? Green represents sickness and fear. This is the Lion of the Devil. Prophecy 166, although applying to the whole world, is also specifically speaking of Africa in this prophecy. Yes, the devil will roam like a wild lion trying to eat and devour (destroy) everything that is of God. The time has come that we see these prophecies being fulfilled in Africa today. The sickness, the starvation, the wars, the killing, the fear of not knowing from hour to hour. The fear for the welfare of their children, the fear of not knowing if they will ever eat again, the fear of the sickness that is killing them. Human life means nothing to the leaders who are acting as Satan leads them.

Those who still remain Christians through out all of this will yet be attacked from all directions just because they are Christians.

Prophecy 187
A Lion with a vulture's head. This Lion kills the spirit, and the spirit will be killed in many. The demon vultures will work with the Lion. The Lion will work to kill the Christian's spirit so that the demon Vultures can rip the spirit apart. The Lion will be able to turn many Christians away from Jesus by twisting and distorting the Words of God. We see this happening right now. The market place is flooded with twisted and distorted bible versions. They all tell you how much better they are than the true Word of God in the true bible. Those who use these twisted versions are having their faith cut down like a tree is cut down, by one chop of the axe at a time. The Christians, like the tree, will not realize that they are dead until they have dried up and withered. Too late then. Remember, the tree that has been cut down still thinks it is alive and will remain green for a time.

These Lions are the translators who twist the word of God. They are the publishers who publish the counterfeit bibles for money, for prophet. They are the ministers who push their congregations to believe that God's word is not really God's word, by quoting from everything in the market place, and calling it all the word of God, when it is not.

Prophecy 56, 254
From the placement in prophecy 254, one might jump to the conclusion that the war shown in this prophecy would be in the United States, but it is not. The three piece army. The army from the north, the army from the east, the army from the south, all converging on Jerusalem. Each is a mighty army, each is capable of doing mass destruction. For it says that each of them can sting like a Scorpion, each can devour like a Lion, each army will be able to cause such destruction that the world has never seen before in all of it's history. They come together, joining in a common mission to totally destroy every living soul in Israel and Jerusalem, to level the city, because they want what Israel has. This is not Armageddon, this is the war that will come on the entire world. This is the war from which the Anti-christ will emerge. This is the war from which the peace treaty with Israel will be signed. The war before the tribulation.

A atomic bomb goes off, those using it do not care if it kills their own people, life means nothing to them. The people in Israel and Jerusalem are terrified with fear. They run back and forth, looking for a hiding place and not finding any. They are screaming because they see the armies marching toward them and they know that they will die, for the armies will have no mercy. The people are falling to their knees, crying out to their God. This god is not Jesus. The ones who stayed all rejected Jesus. They all cry out to a God who will not help them. For it is only through Jesus that they can be saved. When they rejected Jesus, they also rejected the God of their fathers. The God who told them that if they rejected His Son Jesus Christ, then they were also rejecting Him. They think that they are crying out to this God, but they have changed their knowledge of God for a god of their choice, a god of their own imagination.

John 5:23 That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.

1 John 2:23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeththe Son hath the Father also.

John 12:44-45 Jesus cried out, and said, He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him that sent me. And he that seeth me seeth him that sent me.

John 12:48 He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him; the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.

And yet God has planned for this and there will not be total destruction at this time. For there will yet be some in Israel who will accept Jesus Christ as their savior in the next three years. And God has promised the Israel nation that they would be a nation for all of eternity, for the Israelite nation is the wife of God the Father.

Isaiah 66:22 For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain.

Hosea 3:16 And it shall be at that day, saith the Lord that thou shalt call me Ishi (husband), and shall call me no more Baali (My Lord).

Hosea 3:19 And I will betroth thee unto me forever; yea, I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness, and in judgment, and in loving-kindness, and in mercies.

1 Kings 2:45 And king Solomon shall be blessed, and the throne of David shall be established before the LORD for ever.

Prophecy 391
This prophecy has to do with a minister who was preaching on tithing in a way that was displeasing to God. The vision showed a lion's tail (Jesus) cleaning his spiritual tongue, meaning that Jesus was going to clean and correct him.

Prophecy 535
A Lion facing a black raven. They were very close together, watching each other. The Lion will use the raven to clean up after battles by armies and will use the raven after the battle of Armageddon. The only other place in the prophecies that the raven is mentioned is in 1036 where a white raven gives food to a black raven.

The raven is a very large crow and has a voracious appetite. It will devour the dead bodies fast and greedily, and finally will be one of the birds or animals to live in the desolated area of Idumea and the city of Bozrah which will remain desolate after the battle of Armageddon for ever.

The land of Idumea is just below the land of Judea, and like the city of Bozrah in Edom, will be made desolate after the battle of Armageddon. See Isaiah 34:6-16

Isaiah 34:6-16 The sword of the LORD is filled with blood, it is made fat with fatness, and with the blood of lambs and goats, with the fat of the kidneys of rams: for the LORD hath a sacrifice in Bozrah, and a great slaughter in the land of Idumea. And the unicorns shall come down with them, and the bullocks with the bulls; and their land shall be soaked with blood, and their dust made fat with fatness. For it is the day of the LORD'S vengeance, and the year of recompences for the controversy of Zion. And the streams thereof shall be turned into pitch, and the dust thereof into brimstone, and the land thereof shall become burning pitch. It shall not be quenched night nor day; the smoke thereof shall go up for ever: from generation to generation it shall lie waste; none shall pass through it for ever and ever. But the cormorant and the bittern shall possess it; the owl also and the raven shall dwell in it: and he shall stretch out upon it the line of confusion, and the stones of emptiness. They shall call the nobles thereof to the kingdom, but none shall be there, and all her princes shall be nothing. And thorns shall come up in her palaces, nettles and brambles in the fortresses thereof: and it shall be an habitation of dragons, and a court for owls. The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl also shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest. There shall the great owl make her nest, and lay, and hatch, and gather under her shadow: there shall the vultures also be gathered, every one with her mate. Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them.

Rev. Jack Barr

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