As shown in Raymond Aguilera's Prophecies
As Interpreted by Rev. Jack Barr
It must be stated that there has never been, nor will there ever be, any Prophecy that will, or can, replace any part of the Word of God as given to us in God's Holy Bible. The Prophecies are a supplement, an additional word from God, that will, if from God, reinforce the message that God has given us in His Bible and by which the Bible itself will be the key to understanding any and all prophecies. Any Prophecy, from any source, that is in conflict with God's Word in the Bible, is not of God.
Rev. Jack Barr
53. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 17 May 1992, Sunday at 1:19 AM. in Tongues, English.
Russia will eat the hog. The internal organization will eat the hog. For the Power and the Glory is Jesus Christ; For the Power and the Glory is Jehovah; For the Power and the Glory is the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Trinity, is the God of all. The hog will be eaten by the Russians. The day between the hog, the Lamb, and the coming of the Ritual will light up the sky.
For the Ritual will be Blasphemous to your Holy Father, to your King of Kings, Lord of Lords. For the Ritual will be an abomination to all the Heavenly things that are Pure and Good, and Righteous, but it must happen. I must allow it, to bring a close, to bring to end, what must be, what must be, for the scenario of the War will be complete. And the Prince of Peace and the Heavenly Angels will finally be in the place that I chose in the hour, and in the place that I chose thousands of years ago. For the coming of the end will be exactly as I said it would be. Everything will be done in the order and in the manner that I so Destined it.
55. Prophecy and Visions given to Raymond Aguilera on 18 May 1992 in tongues, English, Spanish, and Non-understandable tongues.
For the Lamb will conquer the Goats, for the hour of day and night will be completely covered with blood. For the blood of Abel will be spilled to the end of the time, of the sword in the Valley.
56. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 19 May 1992 at 1:15 PM Tuesday in tongues, English, Non-understandable tongues.
There is going to be a three-piece army which will invade the Holy Land from the East, from the North, and from the South. The invasion will take place in the time of the wolf, for the wolf is a cunning Animal. Arm yourselves, arm yourselves: Be prepared, for the wolf and the Lamb will meet at the appointed time.
69. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 29 May 1992 at 11:11 AM Friday in Tongues, English.
You will get trials and tribulations, but We are at war. But the war is coming to an end. But if you are One of My Sons, the Lambs, you have already won. All I want you to do is tell your other Brothers and Sisters, the Ones that don't know the truth yet. Share it, spread the Word, for the more and more you strengthen the Body of Jesus Christ the more support you get from each other. The stronger you become, the less pain and suffering you'll endure in those times of trouble. For this last war will affect everyone in ways that you cannot conceive, and the time has begun.
So listen to your loving Father. You will be getting messages from the Prophets. If you get into the Bible and if you really study from your heart, I'll talk to you Myself. And you won't have to struggle so hard when you hear a Prophecy. Because if you're really a good Lamb, and a good Sheep, I might speak directly to you, but I only want those with a clean heart, clean mind, clean attitude. Sometimes it is hard to get into that type of mentality, but once you work on it, get yourself trained, it's not really that bad.
Peace and Glory be to the Father, Peace and Glory be to the Father, Peace and Glory be to the Father, so saith, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, with the Power of the Holy Spirit. For We Love You Children, Listen to My Father, for he has nothing but Love. And He has given Me the Power and the Authority to carry out his Law. So remember what He has told you. Peace be with you My Lambs My Sheep for I will be there at the appointed time to pick you up and take you to Heaven, be courageous, be strong. Praise and Glory be to the Father. Praise and Glory be to the Father.
72. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 2 June 1992 at 10:47 AM. in English.
Trust Me, Ray! For when the Lord Jehovah speaks there is never an error. So be patient, be strong and listen to the Holy Spirit. Listen to that voice that tells you which letters to capitalize, which ones not to, what to emphasize. You are My Servant. You are My Friend. You are My Lamb, just relax. Don't worry! For I will let you know how and when to distribute the Prophecies and Visions. For there will be many more, so pace yourself. Don't worry about money. Don't worry, just be patient, be strong. For I am going to protect you.
115. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 26 June 1992 at 9:46 AM. and 9:53 AM. in English.
Vision: 9:46 AM.
I saw a white Lamb's face.
Prophecy: 9:53 AM.
Listen Ray. I know the future. I know that you're going to get up and you're going to type
just as I know what the leaders are going to do. For this Body of Christ has to wake up, it
has been so complacent. It's in a total shambles. My Sheep, My Lambs have to be
warned, have to be educated.
My Word has to be planted so the seed can grow. So it can multiply a hundred, a thousand fold, for if you only knew how close the end was you wouldn't even sleep. So be strong, be brave, put the Armor of God on, take a deep breath and get up. Get up right now! Jehovah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and the Holy Spirit are going to Shake this little Planet. For I am bringing My Lambs, My Sheep home.
116. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 26 June 1992 at 9:58 AM.
I had a vision of a puzzle. It didn't have a picture on it but all the pieces were interlocked. I have no meaning for it. Right now while I am talking, I am seeing a white Dove and a face of a Lamb. I don't have any meaning for it either.
174. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 25 July 1992 at 9:30 AM.
I see the head and neck of a Lamb coming out from a bowl. It's like a butterfly coming out of a cocoon. It's coming up, up, and up until the whole body is outside of the bowl. It started out from the neck.
182. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 August 1992 at 8:51 AM. in English and Non-understandable tongues.
So the Body of Christ must UNITE AS A STRONG FORCE. You must swallow your Pride. You must swallow your Ego. You have to look for your brothers and sisters wherever they might be. For the mad dog is loose and he is hungry. He has the hunger for My Lambs, My Sheep. You have to make the Body of Christ strong. The Power of the Holy Spirit is there. The Holy Spirit will help you, but you have to swallow the pride, the ego. Everything that belongs to Satan has to be cast off. For the times ahead will be the testing ground and the final end of Satan, Lucifer in the pit, in Gehenna. (Non- understandable tongues?)
Come ye O faithful People. Come ye O faithful people. Listen to My Father Jehovah. Listen to My Father Jehovah. He is telling you what is right. He is showing you the narrow Path, the correct Path to Heaven. Listen to My Heavenly Father. I plead with you, My Lambs, My Sheep. The Holy Spirit is there, will guide you, will direct you. You have to swallow the Pride, the Ego, the Vanity.
I, Jesus Christ will return at the appointed time, for We will not abandon My Sheep, My Lambs. For what belongs to the Father belongs to Me. What belongs to Me belongs to the Father. What the Father loves, I love. The Power of the Holy Spirit will bind it. Bring it together, through knowledge, through wisdom, through the Power of God.
Open your eyes. Open your ears We are there. We Three are One. We three are One. This is Jesus Christ of Nazareth giving you a Loving message, be strong, be brave. I will be at the Place, at the Hour that My Father wants Me to be. Never forget that! We will never abandon a single Sheep, a single Lamb, at any Time, at any Place, for any Reason. Remember that My Sheep, My Lambs. No matter what happens. No matter what happens you ALWAYS have the love of God on your side with love and affection. I tell you these things. (Non-understandable tongues)
218. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 1 October 1992 at 9:26 AM. in Spanish.
I will protect you. I will protect you as you were My Baby, My Lamb, as My Seed. For I will protect you, for I am your Father and you're My son. You're small, but you have the Force of your God. For in your hands, you have the Word of your God. You have all the Force of My Angels because they are protecting you with the Force of your God. For the Word has the Force of everything there is, of all that is, and going to be.
243. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 4 December 1992 at 10:33 PM. in English and Non-understandable tongues.
Turn to Jesus Christ of Nazareth TODAY! NOW! Don't make any excuses. "Now, this minute!" For you will see the end in your lifetime, so saith Jehovah, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit. "Like a thief in the night!" "Like a thief in the night!" You poor Sheep, you poor Lambs just make an effort, and We will guide you, and We will show you. "The Faith of a muster seed, remember that in the Bible. The Faith of a muster Seed!" That's all you need.
Trust in God, Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. We will guide you, but We read the heart, not the lip. Save yourselves, My Children. For the end is in front of your nose. We only want those who want Us, who come freely with open arms, and with an open heart, seeking the love of God, Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. We will protect you from the great war, from the blood bath, from the mad dogs that are hungry for the blood of My Lambs, My Sheep.
You have a choice. Read the Bible. Read the Word that was given to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Implant that in your heart, implant that in your mind, implant that in your spirit. Remember My Son. Remember His Blood. Remember his Tears. Remember His Love for the Sheep, the Lambs. The Ones that are lost. The Ones that have no one. He died for you. He suffered for you. You have a new beginning, but you have forgotten the Blood, the Stripes, the Blows, the Thorns. You have forgotten salvation. (Non- understandable tongues?)
My Father. My Blessed Father, I willingly died. I willingly suffered because I Love you. I Love My Sheep, My Lambs, protect My Sheep, protect My Lambs. Heavenly Father protect My Sheep, protect My Lambs. Help them, guide them. The enemy is strong. The Lambs are weak. They're good Sheep. They're good Lambs, My Father. Guide them. My Heavenly Father guide them to the Rock. Guide them to the Rock. Guide them to the cornerstone. Guide them to the cornerstone. I will not lose one. I will not lose one for My Flock know My Name. For My Flock know Me. They follow their God. Their sacrificial Lamb, their High Priest, their King of Kings, their Lord of Lords. I will not lose one. Guide them to the Rock, My Father. Guide them to our Arms. (Non-understandable tongues?)
Fast and pray, fast and pray, fast and pray, My Sheep, My Lambs. Fast and pray, for the Body of Christ, for your brothers and sisters. The hour of Judgment is close. Make yourselves strong, fast and pray. (Non-understandable tongues?)
255. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 20 December 1992 at 3 PM.
During Communion I had a vision of a grave stone. Then the ground in front of the grave opened up. What came out was a male lion. As I watched the Lion, it changed into a white Lamb. Then the Lamb was sacrificed on an altar. Then My prayer language changed into Spanish and said, "Woman doctor, Woman doctor." Then I had a vision of a thin woman with short black hair laying down. Don't know if she was the doctor or the patient.
270. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 23 January 1993 at 1:29 PM.
Vision of a man with his tongue sticking out. Then the tongue changed into a serpent's tongue. The tongue was split down the middle and was thin.
A vision of a dog, a wild dog, like the kind you see in the jungle.
Then a vision of a Lamb's face.
298. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 26 February 1993 at 5:06 PM. in English.
A vision of a Fox. The Fox changes into a Lamb.
Yes, yes, My Children. We will have to Stick together, the Clean, the Pure, the
Righteous. We have to stay together. Make ourselves strong. For the ways of the devil are
here, the ways of everything that is evil. Pray, Pray, Pray, and Pray, and help each other,
guide each other, for the day of the devil is here. Look at the ways of the devil, and do
what is Clean what is Righteous, what is of God, Jehovah, what is of Jesus Christ of
Nazareth, what is of the Holy Spirit, and Pray, and Pray, and Pray. Stay away from evil
My Children, My Lambs, My Sheep.
597. Vision:
A tree with a lamb sleeping on top of it. This was a full size tree, but the lamb was just as large as the tree. Then the lamb changed into a pig chewing on an apple.
704. Vision and Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 18 March 1995 at 7:30 PM.
During the worship the Lord showed me in the Bible where the lamb had fallen into a hole and the Shepherd leaves the other 99 sheep to find the lost lamb. As I listened to the Lord, He showed me in my mind something that happened many, many years ago, when I was a child of three or four. During this period of my life my parents were California migrant farm workers that lived and moved from one farm camp to another.
My parents used to cook on a coal burning stove and used to send my older brother and sister out to look for coal that had fallen off coal trucks that used to drive through the camp. On this one particular day I went with them as they carried these two metal buckets to hold the coal in our search. I remember seeing these boards in the center of the street in different places in the camp and decided to check underneath one of boards to see if there was some coal there. What I found was some kind of hole or well under the board. Somehow in my moving the board I fell in this hole or pit. I can still remember to this day falling in. I didn't hurt myself and as I looked up I could see all these people around the rim of the hole seeking a way to pull me out. They pulled me out of the hole and my brother, sister, and I went home a little shaken. Then this vision stopped.
Jesus Christ was speaking and showing me that I was like that lamb of the Bible that fell into the hole.
He said, "You know the Lord, the Father, sent Me out as a sacrificial Lamb. I didn't choose you, Reymundo. Like Myself, the Father chose you also." (over)
816. Vision:
Then the image stopped and another image appeared. I saw many black figures carrying spears and five or six of these figures were carrying a lamb levitated ten or twelve feet in the air has they walked. There must of begin fifty or sixty figures in the group has they walked carrying this pierced lamb.
1330. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 13 May 1999 at 6:45 AM
The churches of today are telling you half truths. They are telling you half of the Bible. Only the parts that tickles their ears, only the parts that fills their pockets, only the things that benefits the leadership. What a shame! What a shame! What a shame! For My Sheep, My Lambs are going to suffer for this kind of leadership, but the Lambs and the Sheep have My Word. Remember Lazarus. Remember the cavern. Remember the things that I have told you through the years. My Love is there! My Hand is there! My Protection is there! What you do with what I have given you is going to determine what you will be, where you will be, and how you will get there!
Remember the Words of Jehovah. Remember the Words of Jesus Christ. Remember the Words of the Holy Spirit. Through the Power of the Holy Spirit, I am implementing the things that are going to happen in the next few days, in the next few years, but all is in My Hands. Listen to My prophets. Listen to the Power of My Word. For if you are My Sheep, and you are My Lamb, this message is going to touch your spirit. For your God Jehovah does not play games. He is direct! He is to the point! And He is the Power of Power! He is the Love of Love! Remember My Words - All will be - All will be done - According to My Will! The Will of Jehovah, the Will of Jesus Christ, the Will of the Holy Spirit. (over)
1332. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 13 May 1999 at 3:55 PM. in English.
The purity of the Body still remains with those who read the Bible from the beginning to the end with the Power of the Holy Spirit working in union with the spirit of each little sheep, each little lamb. The Truth will manifest itself through this union, through the connection with God. Teachers are fine, but most are corrupt. You have to learn to pray, to pray and to pray. Trust in the Holy Spirit to direct you, to point you to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. In that way you will find the Father, Me.
Prophecy Number - What it says
I, Jesus Christ will return at the appointed time, for We will not abandon My
Sheep, My Lambs.
182. We will never abandon a single Sheep, a single Lamb, at any Time,
at any Place, for any Reason. Remember that My Sheep, My Lambs. No matter
what happens. No matter what happens you ALWAYS have the love of God on
your side with love and affection
69. Peace be with you My Lambs My Sheep for I will be there at the
appointed time to pick you up and take you to Heaven, be courageous, be strong.
Praise and Glory be to the Father. Praise and Glory be to the Father.
You have a choice. Read the Bible. Read the Word that was given to Jesus Christ
of Nazareth. Implant that in your heart, implant that in your mind, implant that in
your spirit.
1332. The purity of the Body still remains with those who read the
Bible from the beginning to the end with the Power of the Holy Spirit working in
union with the spirit of each little sheep, each little lamb. The Truth will manifest
itself through this union, through the connection with God. Teachers are fine, but
most are corrupt.
1330. What a shame! For My Sheep, My Lambs are going to suffer for
this kind of leadership, but the Lambs and the Sheep have My Word. Remember
Lazarus. Remember the cavern. Remember the things that I have told you through
the years. My Love is there! My Hand is there! My Protection is there!
He said, "You know the Lord, the Father, sent Me out as a sacrificial Lamb. I didn't choose you, Reymundo. Like Myself, the Father chose you also." (over)
For the Ritual will be Blasphemous to your Holy Father, to your King of Kings, Lord of
Lords. For the Ritual will be an abomination to all the Heavenly things that are Pure and
Good, and Righteous, but it must happen. I must allow it, to bring a close, to bring to end,
115. I saw a white Lamb's face.
270. Vision of a man with his tongue sticking out. Then the tongue changed into a serpent's tongue. The tongue was split down the middle and was thin.
A vision of a dog, a wild dog, like the kind you see in the jungle.
Then a vision of a Lamb's face.
298. A vision of a Fox. The Fox changes into a Lamb.
597. A tree with a lamb sleeping on top of it. This was a full size tree, but the lamb was just as large as the tree. Then the lamb changed into a pig chewing on an apple.
816. Then the image stopped and another image appeared. I saw many black figures carrying spears and five or six of these figures were carrying a lamb levitated ten or twelve feet in the air has they walked. There must of begin fifty or sixty figures in the group has they walked carrying this pierced lamb.
By Rev. Jack Barr
In Prophecy 255, the vision during communion, the Male Lion and the Lamb are the same. They are both Jesus Christ of Nazareth who was sacrificed on the cross as a Lamb and rose from the dead, the grave as a lion.
From this point on, read under "Prophecy Number - What it Says", read down the list as you would read a story, for that is the way and order that My Lord had me place these exerts from the prophecies. To make it easier, I will write them below as a story instead of any interpretation for where an interpretation is needed, or a point clarified, I will make a note as we go.
Prophecy 243, 243, 243, 243, 243, 298, 72, 115, 69, 69, 182, 182, 182, 69, 115, 1330, 218, 243, 1332, 1330 (In Order Down The List)
Turn to Jesus Christ of Nazareth TODAY! NOW! Don't make any excuses. "Now, this minute!" For you will see the end in your lifetime, so saith Jehovah, with the Son, and the Holy Spirit. "Like a thief in the night!" "Like a thief in the night!" You poor Sheep, you poor Lambs just make an effort, and We will guide you, and We will show you. "The Faith of a muster seed, remember that in the Bible. The Faith of a muster Seed!" That's all you need. Remember His Love for the Sheep, the Lambs. The Ones that are lost. The Ones that have no one.
I willingly died. I willingly suffered because I Love you. I Love My Sheep, My Lambs, protect My Sheep, protect My Lambs. Heavenly Father protect My Sheep, protect My Lambs. Help them, guide them. The enemy is strong. The Lambs are weak. They're good Sheep. They're good Lambs, I will not lose one, for My Flock know My Name. For My Flock know Me. They follow their God. Their sacrificial Lamb, their High Priest, their King of Kings, their Lord of Lords. My Sheep, My Lambs. Fast and pray, for the Body of Christ, for your brothers and sisters. Pray, and Pray, and Pray. Stay away from evil My Children, My Lambs, My Sheep.
Trust Me, Ray! (The Prophet of God who received these prophecies) For when the Lord Jehovah speaks there is never an error. So be patient, be strong and listen to the Holy Spirit. Listen to that voice that tells you which letters to capitalize, which ones not to, what to emphasize. You are My Servant. You are My Friend. You are My Lamb, just relax. Don't worry! For I will let you know how and when. My Sheep, My Lambs have to be warned, have to be educated.
You will get trials and tribulations, (Not only Ray, but all of us Lambs) but We are at war. But the war is coming to an end. But if you are One of My Sons, the Lambs, you have already won. All I want you to do is tell your other Brothers and Sisters, the Ones that don't know the truth yet. Share it, You will be getting messages from the Prophets. If you get into the Bible and if you really study from your heart, I'll talk to you Myself. And you won't have to struggle so hard when you hear a Prophecy. Because if you're really a good Lamb, and a good Sheep, I might speak directly to you, but I only want those with a clean heart, clean mind, clean attitude.
So the Body of Christ must UNITE AS A STRONG FORCE. You must swallow your Pride. You must swallow your Ego. You have to look for your brothers and sisters wherever they might be. For the mad dog is loose and he is hungry. He has the hunger for My Lambs, My Sheep. You have to make the Body of Christ strong. Listen to My Father Jehovah. He is telling you what is right. He is showing you the narrow Path, the correct Path to Heaven. Listen to My Heavenly Father. I plead with you, My Lambs, My Sheep. The Holy Spirit is there, will guide you, will direct you. You have to swallow the Pride, the Ego, the Vanity.
I, Jesus Christ will return at the appointed time, for We will not abandon My Sheep, My Lambs. We will never abandon a single Sheep, a single Lamb, at any Time, at any Place, for any Reason. Remember that My Sheep, My Lambs. No matter what happens. No matter what happens you ALWAYS have the love of God on your side with love and affection. Peace be with you My Lambs My Sheep for I will be there at the appointed time to pick you up and take you to Heaven, be courageous, be strong. Praise and Glory be to the Father. Praise and Glory be to the Father.
Jehovah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and the Holy Spirit are going to Shake this little Planet. For I am bringing My Lambs, My Sheep home. Through the Power of the Holy Spirit, I am implementing the things that are going to happen in the next few days, in the next few years, but all is in My Hands. Listen to My prophets. Listen to the Power of My Word. For if you are My Sheep, and you are My Lamb, this message is going to touch your spirit. I will protect you. I will protect you as you were My Baby, My Lamb, as My Seed. For I will protect you, for I am your Father and you're My son. You're small, but you have the Force of your God. For in your hands, you have the Word of your God. You have all the Force of My Angels because they are protecting you with the Force of your God. For the Word has the Force of everything there is, of all that is, and going to be. We will protect you from the great war, from the blood bath, from the mad dogs that are hungry for the blood of My Lambs, My Sheep.
You have a choice. Read the Bible. Read the Word that was given to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Implant that in your heart, implant that in your mind, implant that in your spirit. The purity of the Body still remains with those who read the Bible from the beginning to the end with the Power of the Holy Spirit working in union with the spirit of each little sheep, each little lamb. The Truth will manifest itself through this union, through the connection with God. Teachers are fine, but most are corrupt. What a shame! For My Sheep, My Lambs are going to suffer for this kind of leadership, but the Lambs and the Sheep have My Word. Remember Lazarus. Remember the cavern. Remember the things that I have told you through the years. My Love is there! My Hand is there! My Protection is there!
For the following Prophecies, I will give the interpretations that My Lord God has given to me.
Prophecy 704
This is a reminder to Raymond Aguilera, God's Prophet, how Jesus was watching over
him as a child. And Jesus is pointing out to Raymond, and us, that it is not He, Jesus, who
chooses the prophets, but rather it is Jehovah God who chooses the Prophets, and the jobs
of everyone else who will follow God.
Prophecy 53, 55, 56
These prophecies are speaking of the end. The Hog (Russia) will take part in the
Blasphemous Ritual of the crowning of the Antichrist as god. This is so totally against
God that The Hog (Russia) will be marked by God for total destruction for it's part in the
The Goats will be conquered by the Lamb at the day and hour that will be completely covered with blood. That will be the day of Armageddon in the Valley outside of Jerusalem, when Jesus Christ returns to claim His kingdom, destroying those who try to stop Him. Jesus will use the sword of His mouth.
The invasion that results in Armageddon will happen when the Wolf (One particular high placed priest, name unknown) has come to be known. A warning is given to arm yourself against the Wolf. This arming of yourself will be with the sword of God's Word.
Prophecy 116, 174, 115, 270, 298, 597, 816
Each of these are visions where a Lamb is part of the vision.
116 - The Dove is peace and the Lamb is Jesus Christ who will give all who follow him peace.
174 - the Lamb here is the Body of Christ that will grow from just a small part that we are now to the whole and complete Body of Christ by the time that Jesus comes for His Bride.
270 - The man who will be the False Prophet who will speak as Satan tells him to speak This man and his dogs will try to pass themselves off as Lambs, the harmless servants of God. But the True Lambs will know the difference.
298 - The Fox (Unknown person) will pass portray himself in the guise of a harmless Lamb, while he does his dirty work.
597 - The large Lamb that changes into a Pig. This is Russia that is right now making itself look harmless as a lamb, but will suddenly in the near future show itself for what it is.
816 - The pierced Lamb is Jesus Christ. These evil ones think that they have defeated Jesus Christ and are trying to carry him home as a trophy.
Rev. Jack Barr
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