Jack's Dream about Churches

By Rev. Jack Barr

Jack's Dream 6-26-2006


Last night I had a dream. Waking up several times, then having the same dream again and again, I think at least 7 or 8 times. It is now evening of the 27th and I am still remembering the dream, therefore, I am holding the belief that the dream was from the Holy Lord God Jesus. And was given for a reason and purpose, of which I have yet to find out. Perhaps the Lord will give either myself, or one of you, the true interpretation of this dream.

The only thing that I have on it right now is my own thoughts, the perversion of the churches, the worship of wrong things..

I pass on this dream, because I feel that I am suppose to pass it on. May the Holy Lord God guide you ever closer to Him.


My dream of the night of 6/26/2006

By Jack Barr

There was a church that the Lord was showing me. It seems like I had gone into that church and was watching their service. They had a very big Bible , almost like a small suitcase, and it was hollowed out inside so that it looked like a big bible on the outside, but was empty on the inside and was used to carry things.

As I was watching they took the bible down to some other country, and then brought it back and put it on the altar. During the Sunday morning service, the bible was opened and it contained a lot of plastic wrapped packages of Cocaine. Then each of the people in the church came up and each took a package, it looked like about 30 people. Then I watched as each one of them took the package of Cocaine out of the church and brought it to someone else some ways away from the church. Each person going in a different direction. Then after they gave the package to the other person, they came back at the Sunday evening service, The bible was again opened and each one there brought the money they received for the package and put it into the opening in the bible. Then when full, the bible was closed.

During the week, the pastor carried the bible past customs to another country, like he was going on a mission trip with his bible. Later in the week the pastor returned from the other country, again passing through customs with no trouble. And Again the next Sunday they all did the same things again. I was led to believe that this happened every week, had been going on for some time, and looked like it would continue.

The interpretation has not been given me by the Lord yet.

With the Love of Jesus
Rev. Jack Barr


Interpretations given by other people, of Jack's dream.

From Del

The hollowed out bible to me represents the doctrines being taught that are not scriptural. Although it came out of the bible, it was hollow and without true substance. The cocaine coming out of the bible to me is a deceiving spirit that makes the people feel very good. They were taking the doctrine out to others and returning with money. This sounds very much to me like the false and deceiving doctrine of prosperity that seems so prevalent in many churches today.

As you saw, not only was this false doctrine securing money for their church in their country, but it was going out to other countries as well for profit.


All I could think of as I read the details of your dream was "Opiate of the masses," the term used by Marx and Engles to describe the effect of Christianity. To some degree they were right, for even in the 19th Century the most prominent Christian pulpits in world power bases were populated by those who preached a people-pleasing perverted gospel;. Isn't that how the scriptures are being perverted and sold by the churches to calm the fears and concerns of those who are being challenged by those who are preaching the true Gospel now? Those leaving with the opiates are merely distributing what they have received. The world rewards them for circulating this false feel-good gospel. They return and support the false church that provides them with the opiates to begin with. The true Church is not rewarded by the world for proclaiming Gospel truth; it is persecuted.


Jack, the Lord wants you to warn the people, that most of our churches are putting on a show, that is the big Bible. They will preach out of the Word but the interpretation of His Word by them are empty, nothing to let the people in the congregation grow. The empty Bible is that they make their own rules, rules and packages they themselves are not prepare to carry.

The people in the church that took the Cocaine, is message carriers, they carry the Message made by the church, but these messages is infected by the enemy to confuse the people on the outside. With this infected messages they pull more and more people to them. These people need to know the Truth about God's Word, they need to be warned and we must tell them to repent.

The head of the churches are also taking this corrupted Word to the outside world and to other countries, making serpent seeds, confusing people, and pull them away from God the Father. We also need to tell those people to repent. The way of the churches are getting more and more corrupted by this "Cocaine infected Word". They must repent and come back to the Word of God as it is written in the Bible. That is the only Truth.


The hollowed out bible means there is no longer the "honoring of the spirit" which isn't being taught or practiced in these churches. The packages symbolize "mammon" which unfortunately they have foolishly chosen rather than depend on "Our Lord and Savior Jesus" for their supply.


The hollowed out Bible is the guise of Biblically/Christianity. The size of the Bible seems to me to be in correlation to the size and clout of the church - I'm thinking along the lines of Joel Osteen type mega churches, not denominations.

The cocaine is incorrect doctrines and using the Bible to make money. They can be sweet sounding and addictive, like cocaine, but they are just as deadly.

The coming and going is like this - the people receive their cocaine ("feel-good doctrine"), and pass it on to their neighbors. Their neighbors are impressed, and give the churches money and support, and buy into the false doctrines, and it's keep continuing. And all the time they are continuing for whatever reason to support and follow this false Christianity, and don't realize or don't care what is going on.

And the preacher who is peddling all this is a traveler, so that he can be long gone with the money and get more money spreading more of the "cocaine" around, all around the world. it also just occurred to me that this could be the Episcopal Church, or at least someone/a group in it - and that would seem to me to fit more into the dream.


When I first read this my thought was this: Cocaine is a very habit forming drug. Today's churches...the bible's they use (man's bibles) the lessons they teach that have been altered by their own minds and not the Holy Spirit...they are as drugs to the congregation. One person hears it at church, and goes and tells it to hundreds and spreads the word all while the evilness of the church is gaining.

The second thought is that it could be a literal interpretation that maybe bibles would be used to smuggle drugs in...it could be a way for the country to begin banning personal bibles?


Jack, I was thinking about your dream. The word used for drugs (cocaine) in the bible is Pharmekia (spelling?) and means witchcraft or sorcery. Perhaps God was showing you that God's people are inundated with witchcraft and spreading it abroad? Definitely something to think about.


It seems to me that the Lord is showing the corruption of the organized churches. The cocaine is representing the evil of the devil being spread by the people of the churches, then the people are paying the cost of serving their master Satan.

The Lord is showing us what has happened to the organized church of man. The organized churches are not the church of God any more THEY BELONG TO SATAN. There are still churches out there at this time that are teaching the word of God but they are the minority and the Lord is pulling his children out of them.


As much as I remember what he told me. And the notes I tried to write as he was telling me on the phone.

The Bible with the center cut out is the word of God has been taken out of the church, The preachers going outside the church are bringing back poison doctrines (represented by Cocaine which is poison) which the people accept because it looks like it is coming out of the bible.


What is being said about the key elements of the Dream

The Empty Bible

1. The hollowed out bible to me represents the doctrines being taught that are not scriptural

2. The fact that it was hollowed out tells me that what they are taking out of it has no substance of truth.

3. They will preach out of the Word but the interpretation of His Word by them are empty,

4. The empty Bible is that they make their own rules, rules and packages they themselves are not prepare to carry.

5. The hollowed out bible means there is no longer the "honoring of the spirit" which isn't being taught or practiced in these churches.

6. The hollowed out Bible is the guise of Biblicality/Christianity.

7. the bible's they use (man's bibles) the lessons they teach that have been altered by their own minds and not the Holy Spirit.

8. The Bible with the center cut out is the word of God has been taken out of the church,

Bible Size

1. most of our churches are putting on a show, that is the big Bible.

2. The size of the Bible seems to me to be in correlation to the size and clout of the church


1. The cocaine coming out of the bible to me is a deceiving spirit that makes the people feel very good.

2. those who preached a people-pleasing perverted gospel;.

3. The packages symbolize "mammon" which unfortunately they have foolishly chosen rather than depend on "Our Lord and Savior Jesus" for their supply.

4. The cocaine is incorrect doctrines and using the Bible to make money. They can be sweet sounding and addictive, like cocaine, but they are just as deadly.

5. Cocaine is a very habit forming drug. Today's churches... the bible's they use (man's bibles) the lessons they teach that have been altered by their own minds and not the Holy Spirit...they are as drugs to the congregation

6. The word used for drugs (cocaine) in the bible is Pharmekia (spelling?) and means withcraft or sorcery.

7. The cocaine is representing the evil of the devil being spread by the people of the churchs

8. poison doctrines (represented by Cocaine which is poison) which the people accept because it looks like it is coming out of the bible.

What the people do with what comes out of the Bible.

1. They were taking the doctrine out to others and returning with money. This sounds very much to me like the false and deceiving doctrine of prosperity that seems so prevalent in many churches today.

2. Those leaving with the opiates are merely distributing what they have received. The world rewards them for circulating this false feel-good gospel. They return and support the false church that provides them with the opiates to begin with.

3. The people in the church that took the Cocaine, is message carriers, they carry the Message made by the church, but these messages is infected by the enemy to confuse the people on the outside. With this infected messages they pull more and more people to them.

4. the people receive their cocaine ("feel-good doctrine"), and pass it on to their neighbors.

5. One person hears it at church, and goes and tells it to hundreds and spreads the word all while the evilness of the church is gaining.

6. Perhaps God was showing you that God's people are inundated with witchcraft and spreading it abroad?

7. The cocaine is representing the evil of the devil being spread by the people of the churches,

The people bring back money

1. this false doctrine securing money for their church in their country,

2. They return and [u]support the false church that provides them with the opiates to begin with.

3. Their neighbors are impressed, and give the churches money and support, and buy into the false doctrines,

4. then the people are paying the cost of serving their master Satan.

The minister going to other country and back

1. not only was this false doctrine securing money for their church in their country, but it was going out to other countries as well for profit.

2. The head of the churches are also taking this corrupted Word to the outside world and to other countries, making serpent seeds, confusing people, and pull them away from God the Father.

3. And the preacher who is peddling all this is a traveler, so that he can be long gone with the money and get more money spreading more of the "cocaine" around, all around the world.

4. God's people are inundated with witchcraft and spreading it abroad?

Passing through Customs

1. The Government is aware of what is happening and is in support of what is happening in the churches.


These are the interpretations of my dream which the Holy Lord God has sent back to me, for this is the way the Lord has chosen to make known to me the true interpretation of the dream.

This dream was to be released to the public, which it was. For many, the Lord Will give them an interpretation, for all the others this is for them.

All of the Organized Churches today is what is being spoken about in this dream. While it is true that within those Organized Churches, there are a few, very few, churches which are still following the Lord God. These are virtually very small churches, with very small congregations. But to be noted is that there are pastors who are leaving, pastors who are being forced out, because they refuse to conform to the kind of church that is in the dream.

The Dream is a Warning to everyone who are attending these churches of any denomination and even the non denominational churches, for them to check the doctrines being taught by their pastors, to compare them back to the True Word of God in the Bible, to see just what they are being taught, and to respond and act accordingly.

The Warning has been given, now spread the word of this warning.

With the Love of Jesus
Rev. Jack Barr

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