What does it Represent?

As shown in Raymond Aguilera's Prophecies
As Interpreted by Rev. Jack Barr

It must be stated that there has never been, nor will there ever be, any Prophecy that will, or can, replace any part of the Word of God as given to us in God's Holy Bible. The Prophecies are a supplement, an additional word from God, that will, if from God, reinforce the message that God has given us in His Bible and by which the Bible itself will be the key to understanding any and all prophecies. Any Prophecy, from any source, that is in conflict with God's Word in the Bible, is not of God.

Rev. Jack Barr


47. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera 7 May 1992, 2 AM. in tongues, English, Spanish, Non-understandable tongues.

The French Doors will open at the sound of the Bell. And the Bell will ring when the Cross in the sky will show you. Paris will not be Paris . The sign of the Hog and the Saber tooth Tiger will cling to the Hornet Woe be to the world . Woe be to the world, to the blind , to the deaf .

69. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 29 May 1992 at 11:11 AM Friday in Tongues, English.

. The day of this coronation will begin , when the Hornet and the Beetle clash . The outcome of that Battle will establish the authority and power of the Beast , which will begin the beginning of the end . Many are going to be confused for it will happen very fast. The ones who will be saved are the ones who will listen to the Prophets, and to the Just and Righteous Word, of Jesus Christ , Jehovah, and the Holy Spirit .

75. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on the 6 June 1992 at 12:50 AM Saturday, in tongues Spanish, English and unknown language.

The Hornet will increase in strength in Japan, when it develops Nuclear Weapons . For the righteous will encounter resistance on the day that the False Prophet bewitches the Japanese , for the Power of Satan is god , the False Prophet , for all of the World will be dominated by .

Thank you. My Father. Thank you. My Father. All Praise and Glory goes to the Father . All Praise and Glory goes to the Father, My Only Father. I love you. I love you. Peace and love goes to the People of the World forthe watch is about to strike, the hammer of the gun that blew the Hornet's Tail .

103. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 22 June 1992 at 1:27 AM. Monday in English.

I love you Ray. The Owl will come to its tree in mid-November . The Owl will fall fast. The Owl will meet the Hornet . The Hornet will execute the Owl for the Beast only wants those who are obedient to him . For the kingdom of the devil is Death . For the kingdom of the Beast is at hand . For the kingdom of the Beast will fall as it is stated in the Bible . The points of reference are Joel, Maccabees, John, chapter six in Revelations .

75 The Hornet will increase in strength in Japan, when it develops Nuclear Weapons
47 the sign of the Hog (Russia) and the Saber tooth Tiger (North Korea)will cling to the Hornet (Japan).

69 The day of this coronation will begin , when the Hornet and the Beetle (South Korea)clash .
75 the watch is about to strike, the hammer of the gun that blew the Hornet's Tail .

75 the righteous will encounter resistance on the day that the False Prophet bewitches the Japanese ,

103 The Owl will meet the Hornet .

103 The Hornet will execute the Owl for the Beast only wants those who are obedient to him .

by Rev. Jack Barr

Prophecy 75, 47
The prophecy tells us that the Hornet is, or will be, a ruler of Japan. And that Japan will develop Nuclear Weapons which will give great power to the Hornet in his rule of Japan. But he will do this with the help of Russia (the Hog) through the North Koreans (Saber tooth Tiger). Both of these nations will have some say in what the Hornet does.

Prophecy 69, 75
There will be a war between North Korea and South Korea which will lead to South Korea (the Beetle) attacking Japan for it's alliance with North Korea. When the Beetle attacks Japan, it will lead to the third world war which will be atomic in nature as well as with ground troops. When the bear attacks the United States from the east, Japan, which is one of the ten kingdoms of the antichrist, will obey the antichrist and will also attack the United States from the west with atomic weapons. While the Hornet (Japan ) will be hurt by its clash with the Beetle (South Korea) it is the Beetle (South Korea) that will be severely damaged or wounded and will fall.

It is the outcome of this battle that will establish the power and authority of the Beast (antichrist) thus his coronation. It will be years later when the Beast (antichrist) will bring about a false peace in the world at the start of the tribulation period. Right after the ark leaves.

Prophecy 75
The prophecy warns that the False Prophet will trick the Japanese into following Islam, the religion of the antichrist (prophecy 287). When this happens, the nation and the people there will turn against all Christians.

Prophecy 103
After the Owl flies east from the United States he will try to escape the Bear by flying north (prophecy 1329) and will run into the agents of the Hornet who will execute the Owl on the orders of the Beast because the Owl will not take orders from the Beast.

Rev. Jack Barr

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