As shown in Raymond Aguilera's Prophecies
As Interpreted by Rev. Jack Barr
It must be stated that there has never been, nor will there ever be, any Prophecy that will, or can, replace any part of the Word of God as given to us in God's Holy Bible. The Prophecies are a supplement, an additional word from God, that will, if from God, reinforce the message that God has given us in His Bible and by which the Bible itself will be the key to understanding any and all prophecies. Any Prophecy, from any source, that is in conflict with God's Word in the Bible, is not of God.
Rev. Jack Barr
The Prophecies
35. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 29 January 1991.
I saw a snow white Mountain Peak with a white Eagle on top . Then the Eagle flew off carrying a large Book . The Eagle had a dome of protection around it , of some kind. There were Evil things trying to knock it out of the sky , but it just kept on flying at a steady speed . As it flew, it collected names of the Christians that were being saved . It just kept flying around the World, and as it flew the Book got bigger or it seemed to fill up with names . Then the vision just stopped.
146. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 7 July 1992 at 1:21 PM.
I seean emblem of a black eagle. I have seen it before. It reminds me of the eagle on a brand of beer that is presently being marketed. It's of an eagle with its wings spread out. The feathers are separated. Maybe it's a family crest or an emblem of a country. I sense something about Germany, but I am not really sure. All I can see is its wings and its head pointing to the right. It's a profile of an eagle, or bird of some sort. While I am seeing this I am seeing a flying vulture with his head looking for something to eat.
147. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 7 July 1992 at 1:27 PM.
An alligator catching a bird, a large bird. It looks like an Eagle. He catches it in his jaws, and is chewing it.
234. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 26 November 1992 at 10:33 AM.
I see the image of an eagle, standing on top of a hill, but it doesn't have wings. It has human
arms and hands. The eagle is holding its arms and hands behind him. They are not tied. The eagle is just
looking down this hill, and below the hill, I see the Eiffel Tower of Paris. It's a very dark brown eagle.
I am having a vision of someone signing a paper and they're using a golden pen. I don't know
what they're signing, but I think it's political. I believe it has to do with power.
I see people standing around this desk watching him sign. I am having a vision of a star and a second vision of a star with a circle. Two stars, one is overlaid, over the other. I am seeing things, but I am not receiving them. Something is blocking My comprehension of what they are. It's hard to explain.
There is a big window behind this desk. It has squares
(Non-understandable tongues) Vision: I see the center of a single eye deep into the pupil. A piercing looking eye. I keep sensing the name of Israel, Israel, Israel, Israel. Now an emblem which looks similar to the one doctor's use. I don't know if it's the same emblem, but it has a snake wrapped around a staff. I see someone holding an umbrella and the wind is blowing them horizontally.
I hear and I see sirens like you would hear in an air raid. I see an enormous, enormous nuclear blast. I see the ground shaking. I see buildings and roofs flying all over the place. There is this enormous flash, the sound is incredible. My God it's enormous!
Back to the Vision
There is another nuclear blast, I see the eye of a Lion. I see people terrified with fear, they're
running and hiding. They're confused and don't know what to do. They're crying. They're screaming.
There is total chaos. They don't know where to run or hide. I can see this steady marching of this
army and they are marching without a wasted movement, approaching this town. The people are going
crazy. They're screaming and praying to their God.
Back to the Vision:
These people know they are going to die. I see them praying. I see them crying. Women with
their kids and husbands with their wives in each others arms totally and completely terrified. There is
rubble all over and all kinds of noises, sounds, and bewilderment.
(My God, do I need to see any more, please release me!) (Non-understandable tongues)
Back to the Vision:
I see another nuclear blast, I can see it from the sky looking down. Its enormous, but I mean it's
enormous! I don't know where it went off.
Remember My Words My Children. Remember My Words. This is your Father Jehovah with the
Son and the Holy Spirit. Read the Bible, and Study. Look for your brothers and sisters in the
streets. Repent of your sins. For you will see. For you will live through what My Prophet has
seen. Make yourselves strong. Be wise! Read the Bible. Look for My Son Jesus Christ of
Nazareth. For We will protect you through the trials, through the tribulations. No matter what happens,
never forget your God, Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. For I am bringing to a close this little
Planet with its evil ways. Remember My Words. "When the Leaves of the Fig Tree change," " Like a
thief in the Night," so say it, Jehovah.
330. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 11 June 1993 at 10:10 PM. in Spanish.
During prayer I saw an image of an eagle like a drawing or emblem with a snake in the shape
of a stretched spring. It was a snake above the head of the eagle image.
342. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 29 August 1993 at 10:15 AM. in English.
Then I had a vision of a large eagle flying through the air carrying a piece of Communion
bread in its mouth.
I see an eagle from behind and it is looking at a round ball of white light. Then the white ball of light starts to grow. Then it gets bigger and bigger and the eagle just stands there watching it grow.
I see a vision of a shield that has the colors of the United States flag. I saw an eagle earlier, but I can't tell if there is an eagle on top of the shield, but I can see the stars and stripes.
I had a vision of an eagle carrying a brief case.
I had a vision of a white horse galloping with a dark eagle of some sort. It was picking at the horse's ear or speaking into it, I don't know which. The eagle was flying as the horse was running.
632. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 5 November 1994 at 3:30 PM.
I saw a black bird that looked like an eagle standing on a branch with its beak cut off. It looked like someone took a pair of cutters and cleanly cut 95% of the beak off.
633. Vision:
Then I saw a vision of another bird that looked similar to an eagle with one third of the right side of it's face burned. Most of the burned area was around the right eye.
766. Vision:
I saw an eagle flying with a missile of some sort coming from behind and shooting over the eagle's head in-between it's wings. As I am speaking into the tape recorder and watching it in the spirit, this missile seemed to separate and go in different directions after it was over the eagle's head. (over)
857. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 24 January 1996 at 8:00 PM.
A vision of a large missile flying horizontally with and eagle standing toward the tail end, with it's wings out trying to hold it's balance. It reminded me of a surfer balancing himself on a surfboard.
912. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 27 May 1996.
I saw a vision of an American eagle with it's head turned and looking down at something. Then the next vision was the same eagle with it's beak and neck tied with some string. The American eagle was in total bondage.
1035. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 25 April 1997 at 5:00 PM.
I saw a clear glass mug with an emblem of an eagle on the surface, but on the inside of this clear mug there was some sort of whirlwind. (over)
1177.Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 9 June 1998 at 4:30 PM.
During prayer the Lord gave me a vision of an Eagle flying and casting a WHITE SHADOW! (over)
146. I see an emblem of a black eagle.
234. I see the image of an eagle, standing on top of a hill, but it doesn't have wings. It has human arms and
hands. The eagle is holding its arms and hands behind him. They are not tied. The eagle is just looking
down this hill, and below the hill, I see the Eiffel Tower of Paris. It's a very dark brown eagle.
1035. I saw a clear glass mug with an emblem of an eagle on the surface, but on the inside of this clear mug there was some sort of whirlwind. (over)
by Rev. Jack Barr
The Prophecies about Eagles seem to be showing us three different Eagles. An Eagle which represents God's servant or angel, An Eagle which represents Germany, and an Eagle which represents the United States of America..
Prophecy 35, 342, 1177
The prophecies show us a White Eagle sitting on top of God's mountain. Then the Eagle flies around the
earth with the Book of Life, which is being filled with the names of the saved of the Lord. It flies around
and around the earth. It will continue this flight until the Book of Life has been filled, until the last name
has been entered. Who the Eagle is does not matter. We are shown in the Bible that some of God's living
creatures have the face of the Eagle. (Ezekiel 1:10, 10:14, Revelation 4:7) Revelation speaks of one of the
living creatures as a flying Eagle.
Ezekiel 1:10 As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side; and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle.
Ezekiel 10:14 And every one had four faces; the first face was the face of a cherub, and the second face was the face of a man, and the third, the face of a lion, and the fourth, the face of an eagle.
Revelation 4:7 And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face like a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.
A large Eagle flying while carrying a piece of communion bread in its mouth, and a flying Eagle that cast a white shadow. The prophecies have repeatedly stressed the importance of having communion every day, to remember what Jesus did for us. The Eagle brings communion with God to anyone who will accept it. To Talk with God. To worship God. To REMEMBER EVERY DAY how much God loves us by what Jesus did for us on the cross. This is having communion with God. The bread and wine is only to help us to remember what Jesus did for us. The kind of bread used is not important. The kind of wine or grape juice or any kind of drink used is not important. For even if you have no food at all, you can have communion with God without it. God sees your heart and accepts whatever you have to offer. Remember the widdow who put in her two mites, all that she had. Remember how God (Jesus) took notice of this gift from her heart. (Mark 12:41-44)
Mark 12:41-44 And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury; and many that were rich cast in much. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I sway unto you, This poor widow hath cast more in than all they who have cast into the treasury; For all they did cast in of their abundance, but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.
When you offer whatever you have to God, in rememberance, be assured that God Will Accept it in the spirit in which you offer it. Anyone who tells you that you can only take of communion in a church, lies. Anyone who tells you that only an ordained priest can give you communion, lies. For the Bible says different, and the Bible IS THE WORD OF GOD. The act of communion is santified by what is in your heart, and not by what is in his heart.
And of course, God's Eagle would cast a white shadow because there is no darkness with God.
Prophecy 146, 330, 448
Here is another Eagle. This Eagle is Germany. The Black Eagle has been a symbol of Germany since the
1400's. It is pictured on their flags and emblems exactly as described in this prophecy, with the wings
outspread, feathers separated and the head facing to it's right as a profile of the Eagle.. And yes, there is a
brand of German beer that uses this same basic symbol on their bottles. There is also the "Order of the
Black Eagle" which started in Prussia. This is a hereditary prerogative of a Sovereign or head of a Royal
Dynasty in Europe since the 1800's. Only the rulers and their families are allowed to wear the badge which
has four Eagles of the above description separated by four blue ribbons, forming a circle. This brings us to
understand that the Black Eagle in this prophecy represents the German rulers and not the German people
The snake of prophecy 330 is Satan and the Eagle is Germany. Satan is controlling Germany for it is one of the ten nations of the anti-christ.
The dark Eagle of prophecy 448 is Germany. This Eagle is attacking the horse and the horse is trying to escape. The Eagle is not doing much damage but the horse is afraid.
Prophecy 147
The alligator is Mexico, and when the United States (Eagle) is involved with war, they will attack or help
someone attack the United States. When you look at the prophecies on the Alligator, you will see that the
alligator will be destroyed (killed) by the Beast after this attack on the United States.
Prophecy 234, 632
The Eagle without wings is the Eagle of Germany. This Eagle will be free to act, but will choose to stand
and watch it's long time historic enemy, France, being destroyed. This Eagle is very calm for it believes that
it will not be hurt. But they too will be taken down by the anti-christ after they have served his purpose.
While it did not instigate this attack, it knew that it was coming but would not warn France.
Prophecy 912, 254, 362, 428, 766, 857, 633
The prophecy 912 shows us that the United States will come under total bondage to the anti-christ and
Then prophecy 254 gives a description of the "Oval Office" of the United States White House, as it will look AFTER being remodeled almost one year after this prophecy was given. The White House is the home and offices of the President of the United States. The view of the remodled room was shown in Life Magazine after it was remodled.
The circle with the U.S. Eagle with the stars around the circle is located in the center of the room. This emblem represents the United States of America. That it changes into a Satanic pentagram shows that on the signing of this paper that the Government of the United States will be Completely controlled by Satan.
The paper being signed by the president of the United States is shown to be a Satanic command by the seeing again of the five pointed star (pentagram). The sudden view of the six pointed star and the name Israel, shows us that this paper is a guarantee that the United States will not interfere with the attack that will happen on Israel.
The United States leaders do not realize that they are also signing their own death call for the United States of America. The war that starts there quickly spreads all across the world and the United States will come under nuclear attack that has been instigated by the Antichrist.
This Eagle of Prophecy 362 is the United States. It stands there watching the start of wars after signing the papers of prophecy 254. It sees them starting and expanding to include more nations but still does nothing because it thinks they will not be touched. They have the promise of Satan who is a lier.
The Eagle (U.S.) will be taken by supprise (prophecy 766) when the missles come at him for he believed himself safe. Then he will launch it's own missles. We see by the prophecy 857 that the U.S. is trying to do a ballencing act, trying to protect itself from it's attacker while still trying to stay out of the world war that is approaching.
A vision of an Eagle carrying a brief case in prophecy 428. The briefcase represents business. The Eagle (United States) will be trying to carry on business as usual, unaware or refusing to acknowledge that everything is collapsing around it. (Babylon has fallen Revelation 18:9-11)
Revelation 18:9-11 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning, Stranding afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city, Babylon, that mighty city! For in one hour is thy judgment come. And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more:
They will fail in this attempt and in turn will be attacked by at least six nations with both nuclear wepons and ground troops.
The United States will be severly hurt by these attacks and will be brought down as a super power. It will not be totally destroyed but will never again rise to power.
During this war against the United States, the burning of the cross make of tree branches tells us that the non-Christians in the United States will be led to believe that the war is the fault of the Christians and they will attack and persecute all Christians during this war.
Prophecy 373
The shield is the United States and the hammer and sickle is Russia. The candle is God who will bring these
two nations against each other for judgement on both nations.
Prophecy 1035
This is showing the United States. It looks calm, strong, prosperous, and at peace on the surface, but inside
the nation is being torn apart with the whirlwind of Satan.
Rev. Jack Barr
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