Comparison of prophecy to the bible
The Judgement of America

By Rev. Jack Barr
2nd Part, 1-28-2001
Additional prophecies will be referenced to the Bible soon.

Comparison of the first 1466 prophecies given to Raymond Aguilera by God.

In view of the many who claim that these prophecies are not Biblical and therefore not of God, I have compiled a list of which of the prophecies are directly saying the same as God's Word in the Bible says. This is a partial comparison of the prophecies to the King James Bible.

Note: All of the pertinent Prophecies about America are listed in the chart below, but it would be impractical to list all of the verses that apply in the bible, as they would take up many pages. The number of verses that had to do with the that prophecy, is given where the verses could be counted with a degree of accuracy. Some verses have a direct bearing on the prophecy and some have an indirect bearing on the prophecy.

The Bible shows a clear pattern of what happens to a nation that served God and then turned away from God. God does not change! What happened to Israel will happen to the United States, Unless, this nation turns back to God as did Nineveh. (Jonah 3:5-10)

The book of Judges shows us that there were 12 times that the Nation of Israel turned away from God and had judgements brought upon them which resulted on them being invaded by other nations, 12 times, as God gave them over to the hands of their enemies. Other books show the same pattern, explaining why these judgements were brought upon Israel. The book of Amos in chapter 4 tells us that God warns Israel that He is sending another nation to invade them, and that that nation will lead them into captivity, dragging them off with hooks through their flesh. (Amos 4:2) (Which they actually did) Then God tells them why. In Amos 4:6-12, God tells them that he sent what looked like natural disasters upon them and then says "yet have ye not returned unto me". Like Israel, this nation will have to be brought low, with the nation destroyed, most of the people killed, before the remnant will cry out to God for mercy, only then will God lift this burden off of this nation. So the Bible tells us.

If we look at the United States, we see that this nation served God for 200 years. God protected this nation, just as God protected Israel when Israel served God. Our wars were fought on other lands, not on ours, and we won those wars. Then in the last 50 years, This nation turned away from God to Idolatry. When there is sin in the land, we loose God's protection (Joshua 7:10-12). We had won every war, that is, until 50 years ago when we started loosing every war. Then, In the last 6 years this nation has had more killer storms, major droughts, fires, floods, Tornadoes, earthquakes, pestilence and disease, than this nation had in the 100 years previous. There can be no doubt that This is God's Judgement on The United States, trying to turn us, as a nation, back to serving Him. But just like the Israelites, this nation is not returning to God, therefore, the next step, according to the Bible, is to send invading armies and destruction upon us, with war on this land.

Rev. Jack Barr

What the prophecies are saying

Prophecy Numbers

# of verses

Sample verses that relate to the prophecies

The People of the United States have not suffered for God protected them




Why? Because This nation has followed and served God for 200 years, from it's start until about 50 years ago. It has never been invaded, does not have wars on it's own soil. Has won every war until 50 years ago.



2Sa 7:29 ; Pr 10:22 ; Deut 23:5 ; Ps 5:11, 32:2, 105:14 ; Nu 10:9 ; Isa 35:5

Why no protection from God now



Ezek 25:17 ; Mic 5:10 ; Nahum 1:2 ; Jud 10:31

 About 50 years ago, this nation started turning away from God, and turned to serving Satan. We will see in the following why God has withdrawn His protection, and is bringing judgements upon the U.S. Nation.



Amos 1:3,6,9,11,13 ; 2chr 36:16 ; Ezek 5:10 ; Ex 12:12 ; Job 19:29 ; Mal 3:5 ; Ps 1:5, 7:6, 76:8, 119:84 ; Jer 9:24, 51:52

They do not read the Bible, will not hear the Word of God

#108, 900, 1071, 1185


Pr 28:9 ; Mk 12:10 ; Jn 10:9 ; Josh 24:10 ; 2Chr 36:16 : Isa 30:19

They are Killing babies, and each other

#108, 923


Deut 12:31 ; Lam 4:3

They Mistreat children



Ezek 18:12 ; Amos 5:11-12 ; Deut 24:7

People are filthy minded

#108, 268, 547


Ezek 38:10 ; Job 10:16 ; Ps 14:3 ; Col 3:8 ; 2Pe 2:7 ; Jude 1:8 ; Rev 22:11

Churches are doing nothing, the Pastors are bad and deaf

#108, 297, 746


Jer 2:8, 10:21, 12:10, 22:22, 23:1-2 ; 2Ch 36:14 ; 2Ki 23:5

Missionaries are being sent to U.S. from other countries



Mt 28:19 ; Mk 16:10

Many Church teachings are false - what is not of God

#108, 410


1Sa 43:27 ; Hab 2:18 ; Acts 13:1 ; Rom 2:10 ; 1Tim 1:7 ; 2Tim 4:3 ; 2Pe 2:1

They are doing Idolatry - of false Word, of false prophecies, of things of this world

#68, 445, 777, 934


Lev 19:4 ; Deut 7:10, 19:17 ; 1Sa 10:23 ; 2Ki 17:12, 23:5 ; 2Chr 24:18

The people are Evil

#185, 108, 304, 777, 868, 900, 1185, 1191


Ge 3:5, 8:21 ; Nu 14:27, 32:13 ; Deut 4:25 ; Jer 7:18

They do all kinds of Abominations, They practice Homosexuality

#185, 410, 810, 923, 938, 944, 1037, 1191, 1226


Lev 10:13 ; 1Ki 14:24 ; Jer 32:34 ; Deut 22:5, 29:17 ; Pr 16:5 ; Ezek 22:11,18:12 ; Pr 16:12, 28:9 ; Mal 2:17

They turn right into wrong, and wrong into right

#162, 1185, 1191, 1108


Ge 44:4 ; Isa 25:21 ; Rom 3:8 ; Mal 2:17

They believe in New Age doctrines



2Pe 2:1

Judgements on the Nation to turn people back to God



Ezek 7:3, 7:8, 11:21 ; Amos 4:6-11

 God will not spare evil doers



Ezek 5:11, 7:4, 7:9, 8:18, 9:10 ; Deut 29:10 ; Pr 6:34 ; Obad 1:10

 God is shaking America



Isa 14:16 ; Hag 2:7 ; Dan 4:25,32 ; Isa 23:11 ; Lk 21:11

With strange natural disasters at unusual times and places



Amos 4:6-11

With Earthquakes

#131, 132, 101, 105, 211, 288, 301, 900


Isa 29:6 ; Ezek 38:10 ; Mt 27:54, 28:2 ; Acts 16:26, Rev 6:12

With Droughts



Jer 50:38 ; Hag 1:11 ; Amos 4:7-8

With Tornadoes



1Ki 19:11 ; Job 1:19 ; Ps 107:25

With Storms, Floods, Fire

#361, 390, 700, 900, 938


1Ki 18:45 ;

With the Whirlwind, and wind of the north

#297, 299, 301, 304


Job 38:1 ; Pr 1:27, 10:25 ; Isa 10:24, 66:10 ; Jer 23:19, 30:23 ; Nahum 1:3

With an approaching Money Crash



Ge 47:10,18 ; Rev 6:5-6

With Climate changes

#900, 1300


Job 9:6 ; Isa 13:13, 24:10, 10:24 ; Mk 13:24-25 : Rev 16:21

The U.S. Government will fall because

#746, 770, 812, 856, 900, 977, 999, 1192


Jer 25:27

They break their promises

#176, 234, 254


Ps 5:9

The Democratic party made the U.S. dirty



Ps 52:3 ; Isa 1:4, 12:25

The Republican party will make itself filthy and will be in power when the war starts

#104, 293, 311, 260, 347, 557, 917


Isa 66:4 ; Ps 7:16

Note: George W. Bush, of the Republican party, became president of the United States, Jan. 2001, He had been Governor of Texas - warning prophecies

#231, 859



The U.S. government is controlled by Satan

#330, 510, 733, 814, 849, 868, 900, 912, 917, 999, 1071, 1191


Rev 2:13 ; 1Tim 5:10

The government is crippled

#798, 1031, 1192



What is yet to come




Nuclear War




in the U.S. against World

#262, 254, 299, 301



Nuclear Bombs falling in U.S

#610, 832, 899, 900, 957, 1424, 1426



Nuclear Bombs at San Francisco - Golden Gate Bridge

#44, 85, 121, 167, 185, 261, 346



Cities & States destroyed




 Pentagon, Washington, DC; Texas, San Francisco - Golden Gate Bridge ;

#2, 44, 85, 121, 167, 185, 261, 346


Ge 19:14 ; 1Sa 23:10 ; Jer 46:8 ; Dan 9:26

Invasion by foreign Armies

#254, 262, 324, 390, 509, 541, 619, 812, 901, 962, 965, 1108, 1243


Jer 11:22, 14:16, 16:4 ; Ezek 5:12 ; Amos 4:2, 6:14 ; Hab 1:3 ; Deut 28:49 ; Jud 3:8-9,12-14, 4:1-2, 6:1-2, 13:1 ; 1Sa 23:27, 30:1 ; 2Ki 13:10

 What the soldiers will do to the people




Kill all in path, and old, sick, insane, blind crippled

#254, 541, 509, 923, 1289


2Chr 36:17 ; 1Sa 22:19 ; Deut 3:6 ; Ezek 9:6

Concentration camps, Persecution

578, 901, 1466


Ps 69:4 ; Jud 6:2, 13:1 ; Jn 10:23


619, 962, 1234


Eze 38:4 ; Amos 4:2 ; De 28:49-52

Hunt down Christians

509, 543, 901, 923, 962, 995, 1246, 1429


Ps 69:4, 27:12

  Results of bombs and invasion




 Riots, suffering, famine, no water, weather changes, fear, will hide

#92, 210, 262, 512, 541, 509, 619, 710, 899, 900, 935, 959, 975, 1048, 1246, 1429, 1466


2Ki 6:25, 6:28-29 ; Deut 28:53,57 ; Jer 42:16 ; Ge 43:1 ; 1Ki 8:37 ; 2Ki 8:1 ; Jer 11:22, 14:16 ; Ezek 5:12 ; Rev 6:5-6

 Mt Shasta in northern California Blows up - releasing the force of God

#108, 163, 165, 790, 777, 1113,


Rev. 6:12 Opening of 6th seal

 Mt Shasta is the mouth of the Devil



Isa 5:14

Everything on the West Coast will be destroyed

#778, 1042, 777,


Ps 101:8

1/3 of western United States will be Destroyed - cleans up the filthy

#943, 268, 430, 431, 393, 711, 776, 778, 935, 1042,


California sinks into the sea

#108, 424, 426, 682, 883


Jer 51:42 ; Ezek 26:19

Earthquake will shake down cities around the world



Rev 6:12 Earthquake

Dust will cover the world - choking people - no place to hide from it



Rev 6:12 Sun blackened, blood moon

  Those who survive




Children band together

#104, 619


Lam 2:11,19, 4:4

People will starve, thirst

#541, 899, 900, 957, 959, 1048, 1429


2Ki 6:25, 6:28-29 ; Jer 42:16 ; Deut 28:53,57

Christians must hide

#509, 543, 901, 935, 962, 995, 1246, 1429


Jud 6:2 ; Isa 13:6

Rev. Jack Barr

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