As shown in Raymond Aguilera's Prophecies
As Interpreted by Rev. Jack Barr
It must be stated that there has never been, nor will there ever be, any Prophecy that will, or can, replace any part of the Word of God as given to us in God's Holy Bible. The Prophecies are a supplement, an additional word from God, that will, if from God, reinforce the message that God has given us in His Bible and by which the Bible itself will be the key to understanding any and all prophecies. Any Prophecy, from any source, that is in conflict with God's Word in the Bible, is not of God.
Rev. Jack Barr
47. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera 7 May 1992, 2 AM. in tongues, English, Spanish, Non-understandable tongues.
The Orange Bowl will be delivered , at high noon, on the day that the Cat
climbs in the basket with the Mouse . (Non-understandable tongues?)
54. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 17 May 1992 at 9:45 Sunday during Church service.
The Lord says: "The Cat and the mouse will live together. Russia ."
55. Prophecy and Visions given to Raymond Aguilera on 18 May 1992 in tongues, English, Spanish, and Non-understandable tongues.
Look at the sky for the Red Turtle is flying as fast as it can to defeat the
Jaguar . For the Sphinxes of Egypt are in Red Blood for their Idols are an
abomination to the living God .
669. Occurrence, Prophecy, and Vision on 7 January 1995 at 9:15 AM.
The Lord says: "The Cat and the mouse will live together. Russia the Beast."
890. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 3 April 1996 at 8:30 PM.
Then I saw what looked like a metal medallion or broach with a figure of a cat on it. What was so unusual; it reminded me of the Ford Mercury Cat Logo that you see on their cars. It was around someone's neck with a gold chain. What I sensed in the spirit was - that whoever was wearing this medallion had something to do with this war or it was this company, but I am not really sure. But there was some kind of association with this cat and this war, I was seeing.
1257 The cat will be cut loose. The owl will shriek. Remember the Bear. Remember the owl. Remember the cat.
Rev. Jack Barr
It appears that the Cat and the Jaguar are the same.
Prophecy 47, 54
The prophecies tell us that the cat and the mouse will live together, or join together, and
that they will be associated with Russia and controlled by Russia.
What is interesting here is the reference to the Orange Bowl which is held in Miami Florida each year, usually in January of a year. There will be plans by the Mouse to attack the Orange Bowl with a bomb. But this plan will be stopped when the Cat joins with the mouse because the cat will control the mouse. But the Beast will set the cat apart as nothing, of no worth to the Beast, so there will be no help from the Beast when the Red Turtle comes to destroy the Jaguar. The Mouse is quiet, the Mouse is timid, the Mouse is Cuba. The Cat / Jaguar is Egypt. Egypt tries to pass itself off as a harmless pussycat but the cat is as viscous as the Jaguar and deadly. Egypt will be brought down by the Red Turtle because of Egypt's idolatry. (prophecy 55) This will take place when the Bear is at war with the Owl in the land of Egypt.
Rev. Jack Barr
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