As shown in Raymond Aguilera's Last Days Prophecies
There are approximately 40 different names of major characters thatplay a part in the first 1200 Prophecies as given by God to Ray Aguilera.The following is the list of names.
Alligator |
Anti-Christ |
Atmadillo |
Bear |
Satan / Devil / Lucifer / The Evil One |
I feel that I am being led by God to give an interpretation of eachof these characters for those who do not have either the time or searchcapabilities to do it for themselves.
As I finish studying each character, I will send a copy to Ray for hisconsideration for posting to his email list and/or on his web site as hedesires or as he is lead by God.
I will place each one on my own web page for those who wish to obtaincopies.
Some have few prophecies with their names in them, however some havevery, very many prophecies. For the really long ones, Such as "Satan",it will have to be sent out to Ray in very small parts so as not to exceedthe limits of everyone's email systems, or as an attatchment to email.However, on my own web page, each will be complete for your reading orcopying to your computer.
Look for them from Ray or on my page, "God's Word Bible Studies"
Rev. Jack Barr ---