Brown Family
History and Documentation
All three volume books of the Samuel Brown Family, and this
DVD of the Samuel Brown Family, are Copyrighted 1996 – 2010 by Jack and Shirley
Barr, of Fountain
These Printed books of the Samuel Brown Family, Ancestors, Descendants, history, documents and pictures, being in three volumes, Spiral bound, are updated in 2010 from a two volume book set, that we printed, and sold in 1996. The total number of pages is 900+ pages of data and documentation.
Vol. 1, Samuel
Brown of Walsingham Massachusetts, Ancestors &
Descendants = 213 pages;
Vol. 2, Samuel
Brown of Longpoint Settlement
Associated Familes = 370
Vol. 3, Samuel
Brown of Longpoint Settlement
Pictures & Documents = 318 pages
The additional publishing of the three volume set is now also available on a single DVD at a reduced price. (see below)
All files on the DVD is in MS Word .doc file format.
The books on the DVD may be printed out by you, if you so desire, to have your own hard copy, To this purpose the cover for each volume is a separate file so that it is easy to print out on card stock for a heavy duty cover. The Binding would then be whatever type of binding that you can arrange.
You may make One copy of the DVD
for archival purposes. Any additional
copies of the DVD, and / or the Contents of the DVD, you are required to purchase from Jack and
Shirley Barr,
Our Family Website
All sales are cash with order. All checks will be cashed, and cleared, before start of printing.
The cost of printed copies is $30 for each volume, or $75 for the complete 3 volume set. Books will be printed, and spiral Bound, when ordered. Allow a minimum of two to three weeks from the time your order is received for the books to be printed, bound, and mailed.
The cost of the DVD containing all three volumes is $20. Allow one week after check clears for the DVD to be made and mailed.