Selected Sermons

Last update - 4/30/2005


There are two ways to hear the following sermons.
1. Click on name of sermon to download to your computer for listening.
2. Copy and paste - into your media player such as "Real One Player". This will bring up this page into your media player where you can then select The name of the mp3 sermon here - into your media player to hear it as it downloads.

Note: There are no spaces between words of the file names, there are underlines where the apparent spaces are in the file names. Because each file name is a link, the link underline hides these underlines in the file names.

The following selected sermons are by Pastor Nixon Miller, at the Sand Hills Assembly of God Church at Sand Hills, Florida.

Get-out-of-the-Boat.mp3 - 36 minutes

Un-fallen_walls.mp3 - 35 minutes

are_your_eyes_open.mp3 - 19 minutes

stir_your_heart.mp3 - 33 minutes

It_all_works_for_good.mp3 - 24 minutes

The_Battle_is_yet_before_you.mp3 - 28 minutes

Grazing_or_Praising.mp3 - 23 minutes

Good_Intentions.mp3 - 19 minutes

Predestination.mp3 - 19 minutes

Another_Spirit.mp3 - 28 minutes

Roots.mp3 - 26 minutes

Dip_in_the_Jordan.mp3 - 26 minutes

Stuff.mp3 - 24 minutes

What_do_you_hear.mp3 - 23 minutes

Assurance.mp3 - 26 minutes

Are_you_Captive.mp3 - 37 minutes


The follwing are by a missionary to Guatemala, about Guatemala.

Evangelist_to_Guatemala_side1.mp3 - 37 minutes

Evangelist_to_Guatemala_side2.mp3 - 21 minutes


The following is by Rev. Jack Barr

by_jack_1991_are_you_too_good_to_be_saved.mp3 - 32 minutes