Fulfillment of Storms Prophecy

Fulfillment of Storms Prophecy

As shown in Raymond Aguilera's Prophecies
at http://prophecy.org
As Interpreted by Rev. Jack Barr


It must be stated that there has never been, nor will there ever be, any Prophecy that will, or can, replace any part of the Word of God as given to us in God's Holy Bible. The Prophecies are a supplement, an additional word from God, that will, if from God, reinforce the message that God has given us in His Bible and by which the Bible itself will be the key to understanding any and all prophecies. Any Prophecy, from any source, that is in conflict with God's Word in the Bible, is not of God.

Rev. Jack Barr

In prophecy 361, September 20, 1993, God tells us that He will hit the United States with storms.

"Storm, Storm, The storm is coming. Hurry right now! Get up and put down everything I tell you, for here comes the storm in the manner or God. For I am going to hit the United States with storms. Yes, I am going to hit them. For the things of the United States are the things of the devil. Yes, My son. The day of the storm is here. ......."

This prophecy is being fulfilled right now.

Floods: In the 5 years since this prophecy, there has been 7 major floods in the United States. There were only 17 major floods in the previous 94 years. An increase of more than 7 times the average.

1994, July Georgia, Alabama 32 dead
1995, March California 15 dead
1996, January Northeastern US 15+ dead
1996, December -
            1997 January Northwestern US 29 dead
1997 March Ohio River Valley 35 dead
1998 February California to Tijuana 30+ dead
1998 August South Texas to Mexico 16 dead

In the previous 10 years, 1984-94 there were 4 major floods.
In the previous 10 years, 1974-84 there were 4 major floods.
In the previous 10 years, 1964-74 there were 3 major floods.
In the previous 10 years, 1954-64 there were 0 major floods.
In the previous 54 years, 1900-54 there were only 6 major floods.

Storms: In the 5 years since this prophecy, there has been 9 major storms in the United States. There were only 29 major storms in the previous 93 years. An increase of 6 times the average. This category includes blizzards, ice, hurricanes.

1994 November, South Florida, storm Gordon, 839 dead.
1995 October, Florida, Alabama, hurricane Opal, 59 dead
1996 January, Northeastern United States, Blizzard, 100 dead
1996 July, Eastern United States, hurricane Bertha, 15 dead
1996 August/September, N. Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, hurricane Fran, 28 dead.
1996 November, Texas to Missouri, ice, 26 dead.
1997 July, Southeastern Michigan, Storms, 16 dead.
1998 February, Kentucky, West Virginia, blizzard, 10+ dead
1998 September, Florida Keys-Gulf Coast, hurricane Georges, 600+ dead

In the previous 10 years, 1984-94, 2 major storms.
In the previous 10 years, 1974-84, 3 major storms.
In the previous 10 years, 1964-74, 6 major storms.
In the previous 10 years, 1954-64, 8 major storms.
In the previous 10 years, 1944-54, 2 major storms.
In the previous 10 years, 1934-44, 3 major storms.
In the previous 34 years, 1900-34, 5 major storms.

Tornadoes: In the 5 years since this prophecy, there has been 10 major tornadoes in the United States. There were only 38 major tornadoes in the previous 60 years. An increase of 3 times the average.

1994 March, AL, TN, GA, NC, SC (series), 52 dead.
1995 May, Southern Oklahoma, Northern Texas, 23 dead.
1997 March, Central Arizona, 26 dead.
1997 May, Jarrell, Texas, 27 dead.
1998 February, Central Florida, 42 dead.
1998 March, Northeast Georgia, 12 dead.
1998 March, Eastern Indiana, 145 dead.
1998 April, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, 39 dead
1998 April, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, 10 dead.
1998 May, Spencer South Dakota, 6 dead.

In the previous 10 years, 1984-94, 7 major tornadoes.
In the previous 10 years, 1974-84, 3 major tornadoes.
In the previous 10 years, 1964-74, 8 major tornadoes.
In the previous 10 years, 1954-64, 5 major tornadoes.
In the previous 10 years, 1944-54, 10 major tornadoes.
In the previous 10 years, 1934-44, 5 major tornadoes.

There you have it, a dramatic increase in all types of storms immediately after God gave Ray prophecy 361. While there are prophecies about storms in general and storms around the world, this is the only prophecy about storms in the United States out of 1200 prophecies. The figures above do not include any from the last ice storms and blizzards that just happened across out nation. All of God's prophecies happen just as God said it would.

Rev. Jack Barr

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