Fulfillment of Prophecys

South America Anointing

As shown in Raymond Aguilera's Prophecies
As Interpreted by Rev. Jack Barr

It must be stated that there has never been, nor will there ever be, any Prophecy that will, or can, replace any part of the Word of God as given to us in God's Holy Bible. The Prophecies are a supplement, an additional word from God, that will, if from God, reinforce the message that God has given us in His Bible and by which the Bible itself will be the key to understanding any and all prophecies. Any Prophecy, from any source, that is in conflict with God's Word in the Bible, is not of God.

Rev. Jack Barr

Most prophecies from Raymond Aguilera have multiple prophecies or parts within each numbered prophecy. Therefore, the part fulfilled does not include everything in the numbered prophecy, but only the one part listed here.

Prophecies Fulfilled: #1454; 1464; 1505; 1507; 1508; 1511; 1514; 1519; 1522; 1526.

Prophecy #1464 19 Feb. 2000 The Lord said, "Bogota". It is a name of a place somewhere. [fulfilled when Raymond received the locations of cities South America to be anointed.]

Prophecy # 1505 23 May 2000 The Lord placed the burden on me to go to South America. ..... Below are the locations that the Lord has given me AS OF TODAY that need to be Anointed. [fulfilled when Raymond actualy anointed each place on the list.]

South American Mission Trip:
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
#1519 30 June 2000 The Anointing of Rio de Janeiro was finished.

Brasilia, Brazil
#1526 5 July 2000 The Anointing of Brasilia

San Paulo, Brazil
#1522 3 July 2000 The Anointing of a school in San Paulo finished.

Santiago, Chile
Lima, Peru
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Caracas, Venezuela
Bogota, Columbia

#1454 See above - One of the sites that was anointed in South America.

The prophecies #1527 - 1542 were numbered but not posted - I believe that these are the compleation of the anointing with oil of South America. For each place listed above was confirmed anointed by Raymond Aguilera who did the anointing..

Prophecy #1511 15 June 2000 That is why I want you to go to South America. [fulfilled when Raymond went to South America.]

Prophecy #1507 3 June 2000 Vision -- Then I saw this figure of a man (I believe it was me), and this large dragon sprang-up and its whole mouth came down around this figure of a man and tried to swallow the man without success. ... Vision .... Then I saw this bird looking creature trying to chew this figure of a man without success. The bird chewed and chewed, but it did not effect this man.

[Satan was not able to stop the anointing of South America, which did take place.]

Prophecy #1508 6 June 2000 Carl asked (God) when whould we go on the Mission trip? Prophecy ....The Lord said, "Yesterday!"

Prophecy #1514 28 June 2000 When we got on the airplane. [Fulfilled #1508 by leaving on this flight. The first flight that could be arranged after 6 June 2000.]

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